Disk Level Encryption Test Run Report

DateJul 22, 2024 9:24
Duration1h 39m
Framework TestFlows 2.0.240705.1133204


Test artifacts can be found at https://altinity-build-artifacts.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html#0/b6642564dbf296d6e55b907d7af6c8087470b672/regression/






Units Skip OK Fail Error XFail XError

Known Fails

Test NameResultMessage
/disk level encryption/wide access permission/wide permissionXFail 26s 995ms
not implemented
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/disk_level_encryption/regression.py", line 117, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/disk_level_encryption/../helpers/argparser.py", line 145, in capture_cluster_args
    return func(self, cluster_args=cluster_args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/disk_level_encryption/regression.py", line 87, in regression
    Feature(run=load("disk_level_encryption.tests.wide_access_permission", "feature"))
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/disk_level_encryption/../disk_level_encryption/tests/wide_access_permission.py", line 93, in feature
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/disk_level_encryption/../disk_level_encryption/tests/wide_access_permission.py", line 77, in wide_permission
    assert False, "Expected server not to start"
AssertionError: Expected server not to start
/disk level encryption/default path/default pathXError 1ms
/disk level encryption/encryption at rest/corner case checkXFail 10m 13s
ClickHouse server is not healthy


Test Name Result Duration
/disk level encryption OK 1h 39m
/disk level encryption/memory disk Skip 1ms
/disk level encryption/column ttl OK 57s 607ms
/disk level encryption/column ttl/column ttl delete OK 28s 202ms
/disk level encryption/column ttl/column ttl move OK 29s 402ms
/disk level encryption/encrypted disk OK 16s 73ms
/disk level encryption/encrypted disk/encrypted disk OK 16s 72ms
/disk level encryption/application of changes OK 17s 392ms
/disk level encryption/application of changes/application of changes OK 17s 391ms
/disk level encryption/wide access permission OK 26s 996ms
/disk level encryption/wide access permission/wide permission XFail 26s 995ms
/disk level encryption/no rights OK 2m 16s
/disk level encryption/no rights/changing rights many small inserts OK 1m 8s
/disk level encryption/no rights/changing rights one large insert OK 1m 5s
/disk level encryption/no rights/no rights OK 3s 152ms
/disk level encryption/new directories OK 15s 108ms
/disk level encryption/new directories/new directories OK 15s 106ms
/disk level encryption/invalid disk OK 39s 32ms
/disk level encryption/invalid disk/disk not exist OK 13s 23ms
/disk level encryption/invalid disk/parameter is empty OK 13s 4ms
/disk level encryption/invalid disk/parameter is missing OK 13s 2ms
/disk level encryption/distributed table OK 12m 18s
/disk level encryption/distributed table/distributed table replicated one encrypted replica OK 45s 822ms
/disk level encryption/distributed table/distributed table replicated one encrypted replica insert into unencrypted OK 45s 753ms
/disk level encryption/distributed table/distributed table replicated one key OK 45s 771ms
/disk level encryption/distributed table/distributed table replicated three different keys OK 45s 860ms
/disk level encryption/distributed table/distributed table replicated two encrypted replica two keys OK 45s 509ms
/disk level encryption/distributed table/distributed table sharded and replicated one encrypted replica OK 51s 791ms
/disk level encryption/distributed table/distributed table sharded and replicated one encrypted replica insert into unencrypted OK 47s 799ms
/disk level encryption/distributed table/distributed table sharded and replicated one key OK 47s 974ms
/disk level encryption/distributed table/distributed table sharded and replicated three different keys OK 52s 44ms
/disk level encryption/distributed table/distributed table sharded and replicated two encrypted replica two keys OK 49s 858ms
/disk level encryption/distributed table/distributed table sharded one encrypted replica OK 51s 874ms
/disk level encryption/distributed table/distributed table sharded one encrypted replica insert into unencrypted OK 52s 4ms
/disk level encryption/distributed table/distributed table sharded one key OK 52s 245ms
/disk level encryption/distributed table/distributed table sharded three different keys OK 52s 60ms
/disk level encryption/distributed table/distributed table sharded two encrypted replica two keys OK 52s 223ms
/disk level encryption/replicated table OK 5m 48s
/disk level encryption/replicated table/replicated table one encrypted replica OK 55s 242ms
/disk level encryption/replicated table/replicated table one encrypted replica insert into unencrypted OK 54s 682ms
/disk level encryption/replicated table/replicated table one key OK 1m 23s
/disk level encryption/replicated table/replicated table three different keys OK 1m 24s
/disk level encryption/replicated table/replicated table two encrypted replica two keys OK 1m 10s
/disk level encryption/invalid key size OK 1m 46s
/disk level encryption/invalid key size/check hex invalid key size AES 128 CTR OK 13s 728ms
/disk level encryption/invalid key size/check hex invalid key size AES 192 CTR OK 13s 623ms
/disk level encryption/invalid key size/check hex invalid key size AES 256 CTR OK 13s 180ms
/disk level encryption/invalid key size/check hex invalid key size default OK 13s 180ms
/disk level encryption/invalid key size/check invalid key size AES 128 CTR OK 13s 7ms
/disk level encryption/invalid key size/check invalid key size AES 192 CTR OK 12s 957ms
/disk level encryption/invalid key size/check invalid key size AES 256 CTR OK 13s 363ms
/disk level encryption/invalid key size/check invalid key size default OK 13s 93ms
/disk level encryption/encryption algorithms OK 7m 10s
/disk level encryption/encryption algorithms/check change AES 128 CTR to AES 192 CTR OK 35s 232ms
/disk level encryption/encryption algorithms/check change AES 256 CTR AES 192 CTR OK 36s 133ms
/disk level encryption/encryption algorithms/check change AES 256 CTR to default OK 35s 721ms
/disk level encryption/encryption algorithms/check default algorithm OK 34s 737ms
/disk level encryption/encryption algorithms/check encryption AES 128 CTR OK 29s 251ms
/disk level encryption/encryption algorithms/check encryption AES 192 CTR OK 29s 828ms
/disk level encryption/encryption algorithms/check encryption AES 256 CTR OK 29s 840ms
/disk level encryption/encryption algorithms/check hex change AES 128 CTR to AES 192 CTR OK 36s 674ms
/disk level encryption/encryption algorithms/check hex change AES 256 CTR to AES 192 CTR OK 35s 766ms
/disk level encryption/encryption algorithms/check hex change AES 256 CTR to default OK 37s 660ms
/disk level encryption/encryption algorithms/check hex encryption AES 128 CTR OK 30s 730ms
/disk level encryption/encryption algorithms/check hex encryption AES 192 CTR OK 29s 657ms
/disk level encryption/encryption algorithms/check hex encryption AES 256 CTR OK 29s 480ms
/disk level encryption/comparable performance OK 40s 258ms
/disk level encryption/comparable performance/check comparable performance OK 40s 256ms
/disk level encryption/comparable part sizes OK 1m 4s
/disk level encryption/comparable part sizes/check comparable part sizes for compact format OK 32s 304ms
/disk level encryption/comparable part sizes/check comparable part sizes for wide format OK 32s 545ms
/disk level encryption/wide and compact formats OK 1m 34s
/disk level encryption/wide and compact formats/check only compact format OK 31s 796ms
/disk level encryption/wide and compact formats/check only wide format OK 32s 171ms
/disk level encryption/wide and compact formats/check wide and compact format OK 30s 591ms
/disk level encryption/multi disk volume OK 4m 30s
/disk level encryption/multi disk volume/multi disk volume three disks one encrypted same key OK 29s 397ms
/disk level encryption/multi disk volume/multi disk volume three disks two encrypted same key OK 29s 293ms
/disk level encryption/multi disk volume/multi disk volume three disks two encrypted two keys OK 29s 403ms
/disk level encryption/multi disk volume/multi disk volume three encrypted disks same key OK 30s 571ms
/disk level encryption/multi disk volume/multi disk volume three encrypted disks three keys OK 29s 545ms
/disk level encryption/multi disk volume/multi disk volume three encrypted disks two keys OK 30s 613ms
/disk level encryption/multi disk volume/multi disk volume two disks one encrypted OK 29s 679ms
/disk level encryption/multi disk volume/multi disk volume two encrypted disks one key OK 31s 282ms
/disk level encryption/multi disk volume/multi disk volume two encrypted disks two keys OK 30s 748ms
/disk level encryption/multi volume policy OK 12m 33s
/disk level encryption/multi volume policy/multi volume policy four encrypted disks ttl OK 31s 58ms
/disk level encryption/multi volume policy/multi volume policy one encrypted disk ttl OK 30s 233ms
/disk level encryption/multi volume policy/multi volume policy three encrypted disks ttl OK 30s 863ms
/disk level encryption/multi volume policy/multi volume policy two encrypted disks in different policies ttl OK 31s 311ms
/disk level encryption/multi volume policy/multi volume policy two encrypted disks in one policy ttl OK 30s 512ms
/disk level encryption/multi volume policy/multi volume policy two volumes one encrypted disk in one two unencrypted in the other OK 37s 735ms
/disk level encryption/multi volume policy/multi volume policy two volumes one encrypted disk one not in each one key OK 38s 586ms
/disk level encryption/multi volume policy/multi volume policy two volumes one encrypted disk one not in each two keys OK 37s 689ms
/disk level encryption/multi volume policy/multi volume policy two volumes two encrypted disk in each four keys OK 39s 427ms
/disk level encryption/multi volume policy/multi volume policy two volumes two encrypted disk in each one key OK 39s 511ms
/disk level encryption/multi volume policy/multi volume policy two volumes two encrypted disk in each three keys same keys in different disks OK 37s 642ms
/disk level encryption/multi volume policy/multi volume policy two volumes two encrypted disk in each three keys same keys in one volume OK 37s 977ms
/disk level encryption/multi volume policy/multi volume policy two volumes two encrypted disk in each two keys in one volume OK 37s 944ms
/disk level encryption/multi volume policy/multi volume policy two volumes two encrypted disk in each two keys in two volumes OK 36s 780ms
/disk level encryption/multi volume policy/multi volume policy two volumes two encrypted disk in each two keys one key for one volume OK 36s 566ms
/disk level encryption/multi volume policy/multi volume policy two volumes two encrypted disk in one one encrypted in the other one key OK 36s 471ms
/disk level encryption/multi volume policy/multi volume policy two volumes two encrypted disk in one one encrypted in the other three keys OK 36s 501ms
/disk level encryption/multi volume policy/multi volume policy two volumes two encrypted disk in one one encrypted in the other two keys for each volume OK 36s 180ms
/disk level encryption/multi volume policy/multi volume policy two volumes two encrypted disk in one one encrypted in the other two keys in one volume OK 36s 953ms
/disk level encryption/multi volume policy/multi volume policy two volumes two encrypted disk in one two unencrypted in the other one key OK 36s 637ms
/disk level encryption/multi volume policy/multi volume policy two volumes two encrypted disk in one two unencrypted in the other two keys OK 36s 765ms
/disk level encryption/missing key OK 45s 724ms
/disk level encryption/missing key/changed key OK 22s 826ms
/disk level encryption/missing key/missing key OK 22s 896ms
/disk level encryption/merge parts OK 15m 52s
/disk level encryption/merge parts/merge parts with different encryption keys five keys OK 1m 20s
/disk level encryption/merge parts/optimize table a lot of keys OK 14m 31s
/disk level encryption/invalid current key id OK 26s 37ms
/disk level encryption/invalid current key id/current key id not refer OK 12s 995ms
/disk level encryption/invalid current key id/empty current key id OK 13s 40ms
/disk level encryption/multiple keys OK 2m 31s
/disk level encryption/multiple keys/default current key id OK 41s 918ms
/disk level encryption/multiple keys/hex key conflict OK 12s 981ms
/disk level encryption/multiple keys/hex key id conflict OK 13s 124ms
/disk level encryption/multiple keys/invalid key id OK 13s 106ms
/disk level encryption/multiple keys/mixed formats OK 34s 901ms
/disk level encryption/multiple keys/parts with different keys OK 35s 281ms
/disk level encryption/default path OK 2ms
/disk level encryption/default path/default path XError 1ms
/disk level encryption/valid path OK 48s 887ms
/disk level encryption/valid path/path ascii OK 16s 204ms
/disk level encryption/valid path/path nested OK 16s 188ms
/disk level encryption/valid path/path utf8 OK 16s 491ms
/disk level encryption/invalid path OK 26s 219ms
/disk level encryption/invalid path/invalid long path OK 13s 164ms
/disk level encryption/invalid path/invalid path without forward slash in the end OK 13s 53ms
/disk level encryption/operations OK 12m 6s
/disk level encryption/operations/alter move multi volume policy OK 3m 32s
/disk level encryption/operations/alter move multi volume policy/alter move part multi volume policy two volumes four encrypted disks OK 30s 694ms
/disk level encryption/operations/alter move multi volume policy/alter move part multi volume policy two volumes one encrypted disk OK 30s 767ms
/disk level encryption/operations/alter move multi volume policy/alter move part multi volume policy two volumes one encrypted disk one not in each one key OK 30s 434ms
/disk level encryption/operations/alter move multi volume policy/alter move partition multi volume policy two volumes four encrypted disks OK 30s 415ms
/disk level encryption/operations/alter move multi volume policy/alter move partition multi volume policy two volumes one encrypted disk OK 29s 815ms
/disk level encryption/operations/alter move multi volume policy/alter move partition multi volume policy two volumes one encrypted disk one not in each one key OK 30s 240ms
/disk level encryption/operations/alter move multi volume policy/alter move partition multi volume policy two volumes three encrypted disks OK 30s 245ms
/disk level encryption/operations/alter move multi disk volume OK 2m 1s
/disk level encryption/operations/alter move multi disk volume/alter move part multi disk volume encrypted and encrypted OK 30s 311ms
/disk level encryption/operations/alter move multi disk volume/alter move part multi disk volume local and encrypted OK 30s 370ms
/disk level encryption/operations/alter move multi disk volume/alter move partition multi disk volume encrypted and encrypted OK 30s 342ms
/disk level encryption/operations/alter move multi disk volume/alter move partition multi disk volume local and encrypted OK 30s 357ms
/disk level encryption/operations/insert and select OK 6m 32s
/disk level encryption/operations/insert and select/check insert and select one partition one block OK 26s 131ms
/disk level encryption/operations/insert and select/check insert and select one partition ten blocks OK 27s 165ms
/disk level encryption/operations/insert and select/check insert and select ten millions rows OK 7s 617ms
/disk level encryption/operations/insert and select/check insert and select ten partitions one block OK 26s 485ms
/disk level encryption/operations/insert and select/check insert and select three partitions three blocks OK 26s 662ms
/disk level encryption/operations/insert and select/check insert back to back OK 987ms
/disk level encryption/operations/insert and select/check insert incremental block size OK 6s 680ms
/disk level encryption/operations/insert and select/check insert parallel five concurrent hundred ids hundred values partition by id OK 35s 65ms
/disk level encryption/operations/insert and select/check insert parallel five inserts hundred ids hundred values OK 30s 620ms
/disk level encryption/operations/insert and select/check insert parallel five inserts one id two values OK 8s 973ms
/disk level encryption/operations/insert and select/check insert parallel five inserts one id two values partition by id OK 8s 752ms
/disk level encryption/operations/insert and select/check insert with large parts one partition one block OK 19s 56ms
/disk level encryption/operations/insert and select/check insert with large parts one partition ten blocks OK 51s 997ms
/disk level encryption/operations/insert and select/check insert with large parts ten partitions one block OK 52s 511ms
/disk level encryption/operations/insert and select/check insert with large parts three partitions three blocks OK 48s 302ms
/disk level encryption/key formats OK 1m 5s
/disk level encryption/key formats/ascii OK 16s 359ms
/disk level encryption/key formats/hexadecimal OK 16s 746ms
/disk level encryption/key formats/special xml symbols OK 16s 287ms
/disk level encryption/key formats/utf-8 OK 16s 265ms
/disk level encryption/encryption at rest OK 10m 13s
/disk level encryption/encryption at rest/corner case check XFail 10m 13s

Generated by TestFlows Open-Source Test Framework v2.0.240705.1133204