ClickHouse Stateless Tests (release) for master
run.log Commit check_status.tsv clickhouse-server.err.log.zst clickhouse-server.log.zst coordination.tar garbage.log query_log.tsv.zst run.log stderr.log stdout.log test_result.txt test_results.tsv trace-log-CPU-flamegraph.tsv.zst trace-log-Memory-flamegraph.tsv.zst trace-log-Real-flamegraph.tsv.zst trace_log.tsv.zst transactions_info_log.tsv.zst zookeeper_log.tsv.zst Task (github actions) Job (github actions)
Test name | Test status | Test time, sec. |
01680_date_time_add_ubsan | FAIL | 0.24 |
2023-07-14 17:25:46 The query succeeded but the server error '407' was expected (query: SELECT DISTINCT result FROM (SELECT toStartOfFifteenMinutes(toDateTime(toStartOfFifteenMinutes(toDateTime(1000.0001220703125) + (number * 65536))) + (number * 9223372036854775807)) AS result FROM system.numbers LIMIT 1048576) ORDER BY result DESC NULLS FIRST FORMAT Null; -- { serverError 407 }). 2023-07-14 17:25:46 2023-07-14 17:25:46 stdout: 2023-07-14 17:25:46 \N 2023-07-14 17:25:46 2023-07-14 17:25:46 Settings used in the test: --max_insert_threads=10 --group_by_two_level_threshold=501968 --group_by_two_level_threshold_bytes=6605032 --distributed_aggregation_memory_efficient=1 --fsync_metadata=0 --output_format_parallel_formatting=1 --input_format_parallel_parsing=0 --min_chunk_bytes_for_parallel_parsing=3929023 --max_read_buffer_size=653605 --prefer_localhost_replica=1 --max_block_size=81269 --max_threads=38 --optimize_or_like_chain=0 --optimize_read_in_order=0 --read_in_order_two_level_merge_threshold=18 --optimize_aggregation_in_order=0 --aggregation_in_order_max_block_bytes=7041507 --min_compress_block_size=1484905 --max_compress_block_size=2498167 --use_uncompressed_cache=1 --min_bytes_to_use_direct_io=10737418240 --min_bytes_to_use_mmap_io=1 --local_filesystem_read_method=mmap --remote_filesystem_read_method=read --local_filesystem_read_prefetch=1 --remote_filesystem_read_prefetch=0 --compile_expressions=1 --compile_aggregate_expressions=0 --compile_sort_description=0 --merge_tree_coarse_index_granularity=29 --optimize_distinct_in_order=0 --optimize_sorting_by_input_stream_properties=1 --http_response_buffer_size=6779096 --http_wait_end_of_query=False --enable_memory_bound_merging_of_aggregation_results=1 --min_count_to_compile_expression=0 --min_count_to_compile_aggregate_expression=0 --min_count_to_compile_sort_description=0 2023-07-14 17:25:46 2023-07-14 17:25:46 MergeTree settings used in test: --ratio_of_defaults_for_sparse_serialization=1.0 --prefer_fetch_merged_part_size_threshold=10737418240 --vertical_merge_algorithm_min_rows_to_activate=285769 --vertical_merge_algorithm_min_columns_to_activate=100 --min_merge_bytes_to_use_direct_io=10737418240 --index_granularity_bytes=8791451 --merge_max_block_size=7050 --index_granularity=28105 --min_bytes_for_wide_part=976741469 2023-07-14 17:25:46 2023-07-14 17:25:46 Database: test_f9qn7hlf | ||
02790_keyed_hash_bug | OK | 0.08 |
02807_math_unary_crash | OK | 0.11 |
02791_predicate_pushdown_different_types | OK | 0.11 |
02784_projections_read_in_order_bug | OK | 0.19 |
02809_prewhere_and_in | OK | 0.22 |
02785_global_join_too_many_columns | OK | 0.23 |
02782_inconsistent_formatting_and_constant_folding | OK | 0.24 |
02771_log_faminy_truncate_count | OK | 0.14 |
02763_jit_compare_functions_nan | OK | 0.14 |
02751_multiif_to_if_crash | OK | 0.08 |
02751_match_constant_needle | OK | 0.08 |
02746_index_analysis_binary_operator_with_null | OK | 0.09 |
02733_distinct | OK | 0.09 |
02731_in_operator_with_one_size_tuple | OK | 0.13 |
02713_ip4_uint_compare | OK | 0.08 |
02719_aggregate_with_empty_string_key | OK | 0.1 |
02724_mutliple_storage_join | OK | 0.13 |
02707_skip_index_with_in | OK | 0.12 |
02751_protobuf_ipv6 | OK | 0.36 |
02710_aggregation_nested_map_ip_uuid | OK | 0.17 |
02704_storage_merge_explain_graph_crash | OK | 0.11 |
02705_projection_and_ast_optimizations_bug | OK | 0.13 |
02703_explain_query_tree_is_forbidden_with_old_analyzer | OK | 0.1 |
02701_fail_on_invalid_having | OK | 0.09 |
02700_regexp_operator | OK | 0.08 |
02702_logical_optimizer_with_nulls | OK | 0.15 |
02696_inverted_idx_checksums | OK | 0.41 |
02698_marked_dropped_tables | OK | 0.46 |
02699_polygons_sym_difference_rollup | OK | 0.53 |
02702_allow_skip_errors_enum | OK | 0.78 |
02697_stop_reading_on_first_cancel | OK | 2.68 |
02693_multiple_joins_in | OK | 0.12 |
02695_logical_optimizer_alias_bug | OK | 2.6 |
02695_storage_join_insert_select_deadlock | OK | 3.08 |
02691_drop_column_with_projections_replicated | OK | 0.36 |
02692_multiple_joins_unicode | OK | 0.48 |
02689_meaningless_data_types | OK | 0.18 |
02690_subquery_identifiers | OK | 0.92 |
02694_wrong_identifier_shouldnt_be_accepted | OK | 3.98 |
02688_aggregate_states | OK | 0.33 |
02696_ignore_inacc_tables_mat_view_atttach | OK | 4.76 |
02688_long_aggregate_function_names | OK | 0.41 |
02686_bson3 | OK | 0.35 |
02704_keeper_map_zk_nodes | OK | 5.7 |
02687_native_fuzz | OK | 0.41 |
02685_bson2 | OK | 0.09 |
02683_native_too_large_size | OK | 0.12 |
02682_quantiles_too_large_size | OK | 0.14 |
02684_bson | OK | 0.18 |
02681_group_array_too_large_size | OK | 0.14 |
02685_decimal256_various | OK | 0.78 |
02681_comparsion_tuple_elimination_ast | OK | 1.3 |
02691_multiple_joins_backtick_identifiers | OK | 3.4 |
02680_mysql_ast_logical_err | OK | 0.16 |
02681_aggregation_by_partitions_bug | OK | 0.48 |
02680_instr_alias_for_position_case_insensitive | OK | 0.12 |
02680_datetime64_monotonic_check | OK | 0.37 |
02681_undrop_query_uuid | OK | 1.82 |
02680_default_star | OK | 0.13 |
02680_illegal_type_of_filter_projection | OK | 0.2 |
02680_lc_null_as_default | OK | 0.15 |
02679_explain_merge_tree_prewhere_row_policy | OK | 0.13 |
02679_query_parameters_dangling_pointer | OK | 0.17 |
02678_explain_pipeline_graph_with_projection | OK | 0.38 |
02677_grace_hash_limit_race | OK | 0.34 |
02681_final_excessive_reading_bug | OK | 2.36 |
02677_decode_url_component | OK | 0.52 |
02677_analyzer_compound_expressions | OK | 0.42 |
02677_analyzer_bitmap_has_any | OK | 0.2 |
02677_get_subcolumn_array_of_tuples | OK | 0.14 |
02676_distinct_reading_in_order_analyzer | OK | 0.16 |
02676_analyzer_limit_offset | OK | 0.34 |
02675_is_ipv6_function_fix | OK | 0.1 |
02676_to_decimal_string | OK | 0.38 |
02675_predicate_push_down_filled_join_fix | OK | 0.19 |
02675_grant_query_formatting | OK | 0.37 |
02674_date_int_string_json_inference | OK | 0.12 |
02674_and_consistency | OK | 0.14 |
02681_undrop_query | OK | 3.3 |
02675_replicated_merge_tree_insert_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.51 |
02674_null_default_structure | OK | 0.12 |
02670_constant_skip_index | OK | 0.32 |
02674_trivial_count_analyzer | OK | 0.56 |
02675_sparse_columns_clear_column | OK | 1.16 |
02668_logical_optimizer_removing_redundant_checks | OK | 0.21 |
02669_alter_modify_to_nullable | OK | 0.74 |
02668_ulid_decoding | OK | 0.49 |
02662_sparse_columns_mutations_2 | OK | 0.54 |
02662_sparse_columns_mutations_4 | OK | 0.33 |
02662_sparse_columns_mutations_5 | OK | 0.43 |
02668_parse_datetime | OK | 2.04 |
02675_profile_events_from_query_log_and_client | OK | 3.29 |
02662_sparse_columns_mutations_1 | OK | 0.93 |
02594_msgpack_more_types | OK | 0.5 |
02662_sparse_columns_mutations_3 | OK | 1.26 |
02591_bson_long_tuple | OK | 0.16 |
02592_avro_records_with_same_names | OK | 0.48 |
02592_avro_more_types | OK | 0.48 |
02590_bson_duplicate_column | OK | 0.16 |
02589_bson_invalid_document_size | OK | 0.09 |
02587_csv_big_numbers_inference | OK | 0.11 |
02591_protobuf_nested_arrays | OK | 0.45 |
02668_parse_datetime_in_joda_syntax | OK | 3.12 |
02584_range_ipv4 | OK | 0.17 |
02583_map_literal_cast | OK | 0.22 |
02588_parquet_bug | OK | 0.83 |
02588_avro_date32_and_decimals | OK | 0.9 |
02584_compressor_codecs | OK | 0.73 |
02582_analyzer_join_subquery_empty_column_list | OK | 0.21 |
02582_async_reading_with_small_limit | OK | 0.23 |
02580_like_substring_search_bug | OK | 0.15 |
02579_parameterized_replace | OK | 0.1 |
02579_fill_empty_chunk | OK | 0.15 |
02578_ipv4_codec_t64 | OK | 0.13 |
02581_width_bucket | OK | 0.49 |
02577_analyzer_array_join_calc_twice | OK | 0.16 |
02576_predicate_push_down_sorting_fix | OK | 0.14 |
02576_rewrite_array_exists_to_has | OK | 0.11 |
02577_keepermap_delete_update | OK | 0.33 |
02575_map_hashing_msan | OK | 0.2 |
02575_merge_prewhere_default_expression | OK | 0.32 |
02575_merge_prewhere_ephemeral | OK | 0.21 |
02575_merge_prewhere_different_default_kind | OK | 0.22 |
02575_merge_prewhere_materialized | OK | 0.31 |
02574_suspicious_low_cardinality_msan | OK | 0.23 |
02573_quantile_fuse_msan | OK | 0.11 |
02573_insert_null_as_default_null_as_empty_nested | OK | 0.16 |
02782_uniq_exact_parallel_merging_bug | OK | 15.57 |
02572_max_intersections | OK | 0.08 |
02569_order_by_aggregation_result | OK | 0.15 |
02568_array_map_const_low_cardinality | OK | 0.08 |
02572_materialized_views_ignore_errors | OK | 0.44 |
02568_json_array_length | OK | 0.12 |
02571_local_desc_abort_on_twitter_json | OK | 0.48 |
02567_and_consistency | OK | 0.19 |
02565_analyzer_limit_settings | OK | 0.16 |
02566_analyzer_limit_settings_distributed | OK | 0.37 |
02565_update_empty_nested | OK | 0.17 |
02581_parquet_arrow_orc_compressions | OK | 2.46 |
02564_date_format | OK | 0.11 |
02564_read_in_order_final_desc | OK | 0.09 |
02564_analyzer_cross_to_inner | OK | 0.13 |
02567_native_type_conversions | OK | 0.79 |
02564_query_id_header | OK | 0.45 |
02562_with_fill_nullable | OK | 0.08 |
02563_progress_when_no_rows_from_prewhere | OK | 0.35 |
02562_regexp_extract | OK | 0.22 |
02563_arrow_low_cardinality_bug | OK | 0.58 |
02561_with_fill_date_datetime_incompatible | OK | 0.09 |
02562_native_tskv_default_for_omitted_fields | OK | 1.17 |
02561_sorting_constants_and_distinct_crash | OK | 0.97 |
02560_null_as_default | OK | 0.11 |
02560_window_ntile | OK | 0.21 |
02560_with_fill_int256_int | OK | 0.1 |
02560_analyzer_materialized_view | OK | 0.18 |
02560_tuple_format | OK | 0.31 |
02561_temporary_table_grants | OK | 1.16 |
02560_quantile_min_max | OK | 0.11 |
02560_agg_state_deserialization_hash_table_crash | OK | 0.08 |
02560_count_digits | OK | 0.1 |
02560_regexp_denial_of_service | OK | 0.31 |
02559_multiple_read_steps_in_prewhere_fuzz | OK | 0.09 |
02559_ip_types_bloom | OK | 0.11 |
02559_multiple_read_steps_in_prewhere_missing_columns_2 | OK | 0.17 |
02561_null_as_default_more_formats | OK | 3.19 |
02560_vertical_merge_memory_usage | OK | 1.19 |
02559_multiple_read_steps_in_prewhere | OK | 0.19 |
02559_add_parts | OK | 0.11 |
02559_nested_multiple_levels_default | OK | 0.12 |
02559_multiple_read_steps_in_prewhere_missing_columns | OK | 0.14 |
02554_format_json_columns_for_empty | OK | 0.08 |
02556_local_with_totals_and_extremes | OK | 0.32 |
02585_query_status_deadlock | OK | 7.81 |
02554_log_faminy_support_storage_policy | OK | 0.21 |
02554_fix_grouping_sets_predicate_push_down | OK | 0.12 |
02554_invalid_create_view_syntax | OK | 0.07 |
02553_type_object_analyzer | OK | 0.1 |
02553_type_json_attach_partition | OK | 0.11 |
02552_analyzer_optimize_group_by_function_keys_crash | OK | 0.09 |
02552_inner_join_with_where_true | OK | 0.12 |
02552_sparse_columns_intersect | OK | 0.1 |
02552_check_referential_table_dependencies | OK | 0.15 |
02552_client_format_settings | OK | 0.07 |
02552_regression_crash | OK | 0.1 |
02551_ipv4_implicit_uint64 | OK | 0.09 |
02552_siphash128_reference | OK | 0.48 |
02551_obfuscator_keywords | OK | 0.38 |
02542_table_function_format | OK | 0.09 |
02541_empty_function_support_ip | OK | 0.09 |
02541_multiple_ignore_with_nested_select | OK | 0.08 |
02541_tuple_element_with_null | OK | 0.1 |
02541_analyzer_grouping_sets_crash_fix | OK | 0.09 |
02541_lightweight_delete_on_cluster | OK | 0.33 |
02540_date_column_consistent_insert_behaviour | OK | 0.32 |
02540_analyzer_matcher_alias_materialized_columns | OK | 0.11 |
02558_system_processes_elapsed | OK | 2.17 |
02550_client_connections_credentials | OK | 1.33 |
02540_duplicate_primary_key | OK | 0.32 |
02540_duplicate_primary_key2 | OK | 0.27 |
02539_generate_random_low_cardinality | OK | 0.28 |
02539_generate_random_map | OK | 0.09 |
02539_generate_random_ip | OK | 0.11 |
02539_vertical_merge_compact_parts | OK | 0.37 |
02540_input_format_json_ignore_unknown_keys_in_named_tuple | OK | 1.0 |
02538_analyzer_create_table_as_select | OK | 0.09 |
02538_nullable_array_tuple_timeseries | OK | 0.1 |
02538_ngram_bf_index_with_null | OK | 0.1 |
02537_system_formats | OK | 0.07 |
02536_distributed_detach_table | OK | 0.15 |
02537_distributed_loosing_files_after_exception | OK | 0.26 |
02539_settings_alias | OK | 1.06 |
02536_date_from_number_inference_fix | OK | 0.09 |
02536_delta_gorilla_corruption | OK | 0.32 |
02535_ip_parser_not_whole | OK | 0.12 |
02535_analyzer_limit_offset | OK | 0.5 |
02536_system_sync_file_cache | OK | 0.78 |
02563_async_insert_bad_data | OK | 7.86 |
02535_analyzer_group_by_use_nulls | OK | 0.13 |
02534_analyzer_grouping_function | OK | 0.13 |
02534_default_granularity | OK | 0.08 |
02534_s3_heap_use_after_free | OK | 0.09 |
02534_s3_cluster_insert_select_schema_inference | OK | 0.13 |
02534_join_prewhere_bug_44062 | OK | 0.14 |
02570_fallback_from_async_insert | OK | 9.34 |
02535_json_bson_each_row_curl | OK | 0.89 |
02533_generate_random_schema_inference | OK | 0.09 |
02532_analyzer_aggregation_with_rollup | OK | 0.08 |
02532_profileevents_server_startup_time | OK | 0.08 |
02531_ipv4_arithmetic | OK | 0.08 |
02531_storage_join_null_44940 | OK | 0.09 |
02531_semi_join_null_const_bug | OK | 0.09 |
02532_send_logs_level_test | OK | 0.44 |
02534_keyed_siphash | OK | 0.84 |
02530_ip_part_id | OK | 0.27 |
02527_storage_merge_prewhere_different_type | OK | 0.21 |
02534_parquet_fixed_binary_array | OK | 0.93 |
02531_two_level_aggregation_bug | OK | 0.69 |
02525_analyzer_function_in_crash_fix | OK | 0.09 |
02526_merge_join_int_decimal | OK | 0.2 |
02526_kv_engine_different_filter_type | OK | 0.26 |
02525_jit_logical_functions_nan | OK | 0.12 |
02532_json_missing_named_tuple_elements | OK | 1.09 |
02525_different_engines_in_temporary_tables | OK | 0.2 |
02524_fuzz_and_fuss | OK | 0.08 |
02524_fuzz_and_fuss_2 | OK | 0.2 |
02523_range_const_start | OK | 0.08 |
02522_different_types_in_storage_merge | OK | 0.16 |
02523_array_shuffle | OK | 0.25 |
02521_analyzer_array_join_crash | OK | 0.15 |
02521_cannot_find_column_in_projection | OK | 0.09 |
02521_grouping_sets_plus_memory_efficient_aggr | OK | 0.45 |
02521_merge_over_gap | OK | 1.46 |
02521_lightweight_delete_and_ttl | OK | 0.31 |
02521_analyzer_aggregation_without_column | OK | 0.12 |
02521_to_custom_day_of_week | OK | 0.1 |
02520_group_array_last | OK | 0.21 |
02519_monotonicity_fuzz | OK | 0.13 |
02518_qualified_asterisks_alias_table_name | OK | 0.12 |
02518_merge_engine_nullable_43324 | OK | 0.11 |
02518_rewrite_aggregate_function_with_if | OK | 0.11 |
02518_delete_on_materialized_view | OK | 0.1 |
02518_parquet_arrow_orc_boolean_value | OK | 0.44 |
02517_union_columns_order | OK | 0.12 |
02521_aggregation_by_partitions | OK | 3.42 |
02521_tsv_csv_custom_header_detection | OK | 3.62 |
02517_avro_bool_type | OK | 0.31 |
02517_wrong_total_structure_crash | OK | 0.33 |
02517_executable_pool_bad_input_query | OK | 0.09 |
02517_uuid_parsing | OK | 0.09 |
02516_projections_and_context | OK | 0.11 |
02703_jit_external_aggregation | OK | 29.93 |
02516_join_with_totals_and_subquery_bug | OK | 0.1 |
02515_distinct_zero_size_key_bug_44831 | OK | 0.08 |
02515_fix_any_parsing | OK | 0.28 |
02515_and_or_if_multiif_not_return_lc | OK | 0.09 |
02515_aggregate_functions_statistics | OK | 0.21 |
02515_generate_ulid | OK | 0.08 |
02515_projections_with_totals | OK | 0.1 |
02515_tuple_lambda_parsing | OK | 0.07 |
02515_analyzer_null_for_empty | OK | 0.09 |
02517_infer_uint64_in_case_of_int64_overflow | OK | 0.93 |
02514_analyzer_drop_join_on | OK | 0.1 |
02514_tsv_zero_started_number | OK | 0.08 |
02514_if_with_lazy_low_cardinality | OK | 0.09 |
02514_bad_index_granularity | OK | 0.09 |
02516_projections_with_rollup | OK | 1.0 |
02513_analyzer_duplicate_alias_crash_fix | OK | 0.09 |
02513_validate_data_types | OK | 0.18 |
02513_csv_bool_allow_crlf | OK | 0.31 |
02513_prewhere_combine_step_filters | OK | 0.2 |
02513_broken_datetime64_init_on_mac | OK | 0.09 |
02521_incorrect_dealy_for_insert_bug_44902 | OK | 4.84 |
02513_date_string_comparison | OK | 0.38 |
02513_analyzer_sort_msan | OK | 0.08 |
02512_array_join_name_resolution | OK | 0.11 |
02510_group_by_prewhere_null | OK | 0.1 |
02511_complex_literals_as_aggregate_function_parameters | OK | 0.15 |
02509_h3_arguments | OK | 0.11 |
02514_database_replicated_no_arguments_for_rmt | OK | 0.9 |
02508_bad_graphite | OK | 0.1 |
02508_index_analysis_to_date_timezone | OK | 0.13 |
02507_to_unix_timestamp_overflow | OK | 0.11 |
02525_range_hashed_dictionary_update_field | OK | 6.11 |
02506_date_time64_floating_point_negative_value | OK | 0.13 |
02505_forbid_paths_in_datetime_timezone | OK | 0.1 |
02504_explain_ast_insert | OK | 0.08 |
02504_parse_datetime_best_effort_calebeaires | OK | 0.08 |
02504_bar_fractions | OK | 0.07 |
02504_disallow_arrayjoin_in_mutations | OK | 0.09 |
02503_join_switch_alias_fuzz | OK | 0.08 |
02503_in_lc_const_args_bug | OK | 0.08 |
02676_optimize_old_parts_replicated | OK | 23.44 |
02503_mysql_compat_utc_timestamp | OK | 0.08 |
02503_bad_compatibility_setting | OK | 0.1 |
02513_parquet_orc_arrow_nullable_schema_inference | OK | 0.65 |
02504_regexp_dictionary_table_source | OK | 0.27 |
02502_bad_values_schema_inference | OK | 0.08 |
02502_analyzer_insert_select_crash_fix | OK | 0.11 |
02502_fuzz_bad_cast_to_ast_literal | OK | 0.11 |
02501_analyzer_expired_context_crash_fix | OK | 0.11 |
02501_limits_on_result_for_view | OK | 0.17 |
02499_escaped_quote_schema_inference | OK | 0.08 |
02500_analyzer_storage_view_crash_fix | OK | 0.11 |
02500_prevent_drop_nested_if_empty_part | OK | 0.23 |
02499_analyzer_set_index | OK | 0.1 |
02499_quantile_nan_ubsan_msan | OK | 0.12 |
02499_analyzer_aggregate_function_lambda_crash_fix | OK | 0.1 |
02499_read_json_objects_as_strings | OK | 0.08 |
02498_analyzer_aggregate_functions_arithmetic_operations_pass_fix | OK | 0.1 |
02498_analyzer_settings_push_down | OK | 0.12 |
02500_bson_read_object_id | OK | 0.54 |
02497_having_without_actual_aggregation_bug | OK | 0.12 |
02497_storage_join_right_assert | OK | 0.09 |
02498_storage_join_key_positions | OK | 0.34 |
02497_analyzer_sum_if_count_if_pass_crash_fix | OK | 0.11 |
02498_random_string_in_json_schema_inference | OK | 0.32 |
02497_schema_inference_nulls | OK | 0.18 |
02499_monotonicity_toUnixTimestamp64 | OK | 0.66 |
02497_if_transform_strings_to_enum | OK | 0.14 |
02497_source_part_is_intact_when_mutation | OK | 0.2 |
02496_from_unixtime_in_joda_syntax | OK | 0.16 |
02496_format_datetime_in_joda_syntax | OK | 0.36 |
02500_numbers_inference | OK | 1.42 |
02497_storage_file_reader_selection | OK | 0.98 |
02495_concat_with_separator | OK | 0.19 |
02495_analyzer_storage_join | OK | 0.36 |
02496_row_binary_large_string_size | OK | 0.51 |
02495_sum_if_to_count_if_bug | OK | 0.09 |
02494_combinators_with_null_argument | OK | 0.12 |
02494_optimize_group_by_function_keys_and_alias_columns | OK | 0.17 |
02494_array_function_range | OK | 0.09 |
02494_analyzer_cte_resolution_in_subquery_fix | OK | 0.1 |
02494_analyzer_compound_expression_crash_fix | OK | 0.11 |
02494_parser_string_binary_literal | OK | 0.11 |
02493_analyzer_uniq_injective_functions_elimination | OK | 0.08 |
02495_parser_string_binary_literal | OK | 0.59 |
02493_do_not_assume_that_the_original_query_was_valid_when_transforming_joins | OK | 0.12 |
02500_remove_redundant_distinct | OK | 2.6 |
02493_numeric_literals_with_underscores | OK | 0.34 |
02493_analyzer_table_functions_untuple | OK | 0.12 |
02493_analyzer_sum_if_to_count_if | OK | 0.11 |
02493_max_streams_for_merge_tree_reading | OK | 0.76 |
02492_clickhouse_local_context_uaf | OK | 0.3 |
02491_part_log_has_table_uuid | OK | 0.23 |
02493_inconsistent_hex_and_binary_number | OK | 0.63 |
02496_remove_redundant_sorting | OK | 2.53 |
02489_analyzer_indexes | OK | 0.19 |
02483_cuturlparameter_with_arrays | OK | 0.09 |
02490_replacing_merge_tree_is_deleted_column | OK | 0.47 |
02490_benchmark_max_consecutive_errors | OK | 0.53 |
02483_test_reverse_dns_resolution | OK | 0.22 |
02482_if_with_nothing_argument | OK | 0.09 |
02482_value_block_assert | OK | 0.13 |
02482_insert_into_dist_race | OK | 0.13 |
02482_execute_functions_before_sorting_bug | OK | 0.1 |
02483_password_reset | OK | 0.38 |
02481_xxh3_hash_function | OK | 0.09 |
02482_value_block_parsing | OK | 0.36 |
02481_analyzer_optimize_aggregation_arithmetics | OK | 0.24 |
02481_analyzer_join_alias_unknown_identifier_crash | OK | 0.13 |
02481_array_join_with_map | OK | 0.1 |
02481_low_cardinality_with_short_circuit_functins | OK | 0.11 |
02482_load_parts_refcounts | OK | 0.73 |
02481_analyzer_optimize_grouping_sets_keys | OK | 0.09 |
02481_default_value_used_in_row_level_filter | OK | 0.13 |
02481_prewhere_filtered_rows_div_by_zero | OK | 0.17 |
02481_merge_array_join_sample_by | OK | 0.15 |
02481_parquet_int_list_multiple_chunks | OK | 0.64 |
02481_i43247_ubsan_in_minmaxany | OK | 0.15 |
02481_pk_analysis_with_enum_to_string | OK | 0.27 |
02481_fix_parameters_parsing | OK | 0.07 |
02481_aggregation_in_order_plan | OK | 0.13 |
02480_tets_show_full | OK | 0.38 |
02480_max_map_null_totals | OK | 0.23 |
02480_every_asynchronous_metric_must_have_documentation | OK | 0.08 |
02480_analyzer_alias_nullptr | OK | 0.09 |
02483_elapsed_time | OK | 2.99 |
02480_interval_casting_and_subquery | OK | 0.12 |
02480_suspicious_lowcard_in_key | OK | 0.15 |
02480_parse_date_time_best_effort_math_overflow | OK | 0.08 |
02480_tlp_nan | OK | 0.11 |
02480_client_option_print_num_processed_rows | OK | 0.68 |
02479_if_with_null_and_cullable_const | OK | 0.09 |
02479_mysql_connect_to_self | OK | 0.3 |
02479_nullable_primary_key_second_column | OK | 0.11 |
02479_analyzer_join_with_constants | OK | 0.11 |
02479_analyzer_aggregation_crash | OK | 0.1 |
02494_zero_copy_and_projection_and_mutation_work_together | OK | 5.36 |
02479_analyzer_aggregation_totals_rollup_crash_fix | OK | 0.09 |
02478_window_frame_type_groups | OK | 0.1 |
02478_analyzer_table_expression_aliases | OK | 0.15 |
02478_factorial | OK | 0.14 |
02477_exists_fuzz_43478 | OK | 0.11 |
02478_projection_with_group_by_alter | OK | 0.3 |
02477_fuse_quantiles | OK | 0.2 |
02477_age_datetime64 | OK | 0.15 |
02477_logical_expressions_optimizer_low_cardinality | OK | 0.09 |
02477_invalid_reads | OK | 0.33 |
02477_age | OK | 0.17 |
02477_is_null_parser | OK | 0.09 |
02477_single_value_data_string_regression | OK | 0.34 |
02477_analyzer_ast_key_condition_crash | OK | 0.1 |
02477_s3_request_throttler | OK | 1.7 |
02477_analyzer_array_join_with_join | OK | 0.29 |
02477_age_date32 | OK | 0.21 |
02476_fix_lambda_parsing | OK | 0.34 |
02476_fix_cast_parser_bug | OK | 0.09 |
02476_fuse_sum_count | OK | 0.31 |
02477_projection_materialize_and_zero_copy | OK | 5.14 |
02476_analyzer_identifier_hints | OK | 3.91 |
02476_analyzer_join_with_unused_columns | OK | 0.09 |
02476_query_parameters_insert | OK | 0.11 |
02476_query_parameters_without_serialisation | OK | 0.11 |
02475_positive_modulo | OK | 0.09 |
02475_precise_decimal_arithmetics | OK | 0.19 |
02475_date_time_schema_inference_bug | OK | 0.08 |
02475_bad_cast_low_cardinality_to_string_bug | OK | 0.08 |
02475_split_with_max_substrings | OK | 0.25 |
02475_join_bug_42832 | OK | 0.11 |
02475_or_function_alias_and_const_where | OK | 0.09 |
02475_analysis_of_variance | OK | 0.17 |
02475_analyzer_join_tree_subquery | OK | 0.1 |
02475_analyzer_subquery_compound_expression | OK | 0.08 |
02474_analyzer_subqueries_table_expression_modifiers | OK | 0.11 |
02474_timeDiff_UTCTimestamp | OK | 0.11 |
02474_fix_function_parser_bug | OK | 0.08 |
02474_create_user_query_fuzzer_bug | OK | 0.08 |
02474_extract_fixedstring_from_json | OK | 0.09 |
02474_unhex_in_fix_string | OK | 0.19 |
02481_async_insert_race_long | OK | 10.77 |
02473_prewhere_with_bigint | OK | 0.12 |
02473_extract_low_cardinality_from_json | OK | 0.11 |
02473_map_element_nullable | OK | 0.1 |
02473_functions_in_readonly_mode | OK | 0.6 |
02481_parquet_list_monotonically_increasing_offsets | OK | 12.9 |
02472_segfault_expression_parser | OK | 0.07 |
02497_remote_disk_fat_column | OK | 17.73 |
02471_wrong_date_monotonicity | OK | 0.17 |
02470_suspicious_low_cardinality_msan | OK | 0.12 |
02469_fix_aliases_parser | OK | 0.08 |
02469_interval_msan | OK | 0.14 |
02468_has_any_tuple | OK | 0.08 |
02467_cross_join_three_table_functions | OK | 0.08 |
02467_set_with_lowcardinality_type | OK | 0.15 |
02466_distributed_query_profiler | OK | 0.89 |
02465_limit_trivial_max_rows_to_read | OK | 0.13 |
02464_decimal_scale_buffer_overflow | OK | 0.08 |
02463_julian_day_ubsan | OK | 0.1 |
02462_number_to_datetype | OK | 0.14 |
02462_distributions | OK | 0.24 |
02462_match_regexp_pk | OK | 0.1 |
02461_prewhere_row_level_policy_lightweight_delete | OK | 1.08 |
02461_welch_t_test_fuzz | OK | 0.09 |
02494_zero_copy_projection_cancel_fetch | OK | 22.31 |
02461_alter_update_respect_part_column_type_bug | OK | 0.72 |
02461_join_lc_issue_42380 | OK | 0.1 |
02461_mullable_pk_monotonicity_bug | OK | 0.27 |
02460_projections_and_aggregate_null_if_empty | OK | 0.43 |
02460_prewhere_row_level_policy | OK | 0.09 |
02459_low_cardinality_uint128_aggregator | OK | 0.33 |
02459_group_by_all | OK | 0.19 |
02473_multistep_split_prewhere | OK | 9.89 |
02459_materialized_view_default_value | OK | 0.11 |
02459_read_in_order_bufer | OK | 0.13 |
02458_key_condition_not_like_prefix | OK | 0.17 |
02458_empty_hdfs_url | OK | 0.09 |
02458_datediff_date32 | OK | 0.22 |
02458_relax_too_many_parts | OK | 0.25 |
02457_key_condition_with_types_that_cannot_be_nullable | OK | 0.11 |
02457_csv_parse_date_out_of_range | OK | 0.57 |
02457_datediff_via_unix_epoch | OK | 0.11 |
02457_tuple_of_intervals | OK | 0.18 |
02457_parse_date_time_best_effort | OK | 0.15 |
02457_insert_select_progress_http | OK | 0.27 |
02458_insert_select_progress_tcp | OK | 2.48 |
02457_filesystem_function | OK | 0.1 |
02457_morton_coding | OK | 0.42 |
02457_morton_coding_with_mask | OK | 0.47 |
02457_bz2_concatenated | OK | 0.51 |
02457_s3_cluster_schema_inference | OK | 0.27 |
02456_test_zero_copy_mutation | OK | 0.18 |
02456_bloom_filter_assert | OK | 0.23 |
02456_alter-nullable-column-bag | OK | 0.17 |
02456_keeper_retries_during_insert | OK | 0.47 |
02456_alter-nullable-column-bag-2 | OK | 0.16 |
02456_datetime_schema_inference | OK | 0.1 |
02473_multistep_prewhere | OK | 16.57 |
02456_summing_mt_lc | OK | 0.11 |
02456_BLAKE3_hash_function_test | OK | 0.08 |
02456_aggregate_state_conversion | OK | 0.1 |
02455_one_row_from_csv_memory_usage | OK | 0.55 |
02455_count_state_asterisk | OK | 0.17 |
02455_default_union_except_intersect | OK | 0.29 |
02455_duplicate_column_names_in_schema_inference | OK | 0.1 |
02455_extract_fixed_string_from_nested_json | OK | 0.1 |
02455_improve_feedback_when_replacing_partition_with_different_primary_key | OK | 0.11 |
02454_create_table_with_custom_disk | OK | 0.13 |
02454_compressed_marks_in_compact_part | OK | 0.13 |
02454_set_parameters_formatting | OK | 0.29 |
02454_disable_mergetree_with_lightweight_delete_column | OK | 0.18 |
02453_check_path_in_errors_logger | OK | 0.09 |
02452_json_utf8_validation | OK | 0.13 |
02452_check_low_cardinality | OK | 0.14 |
02451_order_by_monotonic | OK | 1.39 |
02451_variadic_null_garbage_data | OK | 0.17 |
02456_progress_tty | OK | 8.6 |
02449_check_dependencies_and_table_shutdown | OK | 0.17 |
02473_optimize_old_parts | OK | 23.54 |
02447_drop_database_replica | OK | 7.48 |
02456_async_inserts_logs | OK | 17.58 |
02470_mutation_sync_race | OK | 30.46 |
02433_default_expression_operator_in | OK | 0.17 |
02461_cancel_finish_race | OK | 30.25 |
02431_single_value_or_null_empty | OK | 0.09 |
02430_bitmap_transform_exception_code | OK | 0.11 |
02430_initialize_aggregation_with_combinators | OK | 0.09 |
02429_offset_pipeline_stuck_bug | OK | 0.09 |
02429_combinators_in_array_reduce | OK | 0.09 |
02429_groupBitmap_chain_state | OK | 0.14 |
02429_low_cardinality_trash | OK | 0.27 |
02450_kill_distributed_query_deadlock | OK | 20.67 |
02428_index_analysis_with_null_literal | OK | 0.66 |
02428_delete_with_settings | OK | 0.31 |
02428_decimal_in_floating_point_literal | OK | 0.14 |
02428_partial_sort_optimization_bug | OK | 0.1 |
02428_combinators_with_over_statement | OK | 0.11 |
02428_batch_nullable_assert | OK | 0.09 |
02427_msan_group_array_resample | OK | 0.09 |
02427_mutate_and_zero_copy_replication_zookeeper | OK | 0.25 |
02427_column_nullable_ubsan | OK | 0.1 |
02428_parameterized_view | OK | 6.87 |
02426_pod_array_overflow_2 | OK | 0.09 |
02426_low_cardinality_fixed_string_insert_field | OK | 0.36 |
02426_to_string_nullable_fixedstring | OK | 0.09 |
02426_pod_array_overflow_3 | OK | 0.08 |
02426_orc_bug | OK | 0.32 |
02426_create_suspicious_fixed_string | OK | 0.12 |
02424_pod_array_overflow | OK | 0.1 |
02425_categorical_information_value_properties | OK | 0.18 |
02423_multidimensional_array_get_data_at | OK | 0.1 |
02423_insert_summary_behaviour | OK | 0.93 |
02423_json_quote_float64 | OK | 0.09 |
02432_s3_parallel_parts_cleanup | OK | 13.37 |
02423_drop_memory_parts | OK | 0.21 |
02422_read_numbers_as_strings | OK | 0.09 |
02422_insert_different_granularity | OK | 0.2 |
02423_insert_stats_behaviour | OK | 1.2 |
02479_race_condition_between_insert_and_droppin_mv | OK | 56.7 |
02421_simple_queries_for_opentelemetry | OK | 1.36 |
02423_ddl_for_opentelemetry | OK | 2.98 |
02421_explain_subquery | OK | 0.25 |
02421_json_decimals_as_strings | OK | 0.08 |
02421_formats_with_totals_and_extremes | OK | 0.2 |
02421_exponential_join_rewrite_21557 | OK | 1.48 |
02421_decimal_in_precision_issue_41125 | OK | 0.13 |
02448_clone_replica_lost_part | OK | 27.39 |
02420_stracktrace_debug_symbols | OK | 0.46 |
02420_final_setting_analyzer | OK | 0.41 |
02420_final_setting | OK | 0.4 |
02420_key_condition_actions_dag_bug_40599 | OK | 0.2 |
02419_contingency_array_nullable | OK | 0.09 |
02419_keeper_map_primary_key | OK | 0.57 |
02435_rollback_cancelled_queries | OK | 22.08 |
02418_tautological_if_index | OK | 0.17 |
02418_keeper_map_keys_limit | OK | 0.19 |
02418_aggregate_combinators | OK | 0.13 |
02418_do_not_return_empty_blocks_from_ConvertingAggregatedToChunksTransform | OK | 0.28 |
02417_null_variadic_behaviour | OK | 0.23 |
02417_keeper_map_create_drop | OK | 0.12 |
02417_load_marks_async | OK | 1.02 |
02421_truncate_isolation_with_mutations | OK | 7.38 |
02417_from_select_syntax | OK | 0.09 |
02417_repeat_input_commands | OK | 0.33 |
02421_truncate_isolation_no_merges | OK | 7.21 |
02416_keeper_map | OK | 0.43 |
02416_in_set_same_ast_diff_columns | OK | 0.09 |
02416_rocksdb_delete_update | OK | 0.21 |
02416_json_tuple_to_array_schema_inference | OK | 0.08 |
02417_opentelemetry_insert_on_distributed_table | OK | 2.24 |
02416_grouping_function_compatibility | OK | 0.09 |
02416_json_object_inference | OK | 0.09 |
02416_row_policy_always_false_index | OK | 0.09 |
02415_all_new_functions_must_be_documented | OK | 0.08 |
02414_all_new_table_functions_must_be_documented | OK | 0.08 |
02412_nlp | OK | 0.09 |
02410_csv_empty_fields_inference | OK | 0.08 |
02411_legacy_geobase | OK | 0.11 |
02409_url_format_detection | OK | 0.08 |
02410_to_decimal_or_default | OK | 0.09 |
02408_to_fixed_string_short_circuit | OK | 0.07 |
02406_try_read_datetime64_bug | OK | 0.09 |
02407_array_element_from_map_wrong_type | OK | 0.11 |
02405_pmj_issue_40335 | OK | 0.09 |
02403_ttl_column_multiple_times | OK | 0.13 |
02410_inmemory_wal_cleanup | OK | 0.45 |
02403_enable_extended_results_for_datetime_functions | OK | 0.21 |
02404_lightweight_delete_vertical_merge | OK | 0.3 |
02402_merge_engine_with_view | OK | 0.1 |
02403_arrow_large_string | OK | 0.3 |
02403_big_http_chunk_size | OK | 0.29 |
02400_memory_accounting_on_error | OK | 0.24 |
02399_merge_tree_mutate_in_partition | OK | 0.15 |
02398_subquery_where_pushdown_and_limit_offset | OK | 0.09 |
02395_every_merge_tree_setting_must_have_documentation | OK | 0.08 |
02394_every_profile_event_must_have_documentation | OK | 0.09 |
02393_every_metric_must_have_documentation | OK | 0.07 |
02400_create_table_on_cluster_normalization | OK | 0.37 |
02392_every_setting_must_have_documentation | OK | 0.07 |
02389_dashboard | OK | 0.28 |
02391_hashed_dictionary_shards | OK | 0.38 |
02388_conversion_from_string_with_datetime64_to_date_and_date32 | OK | 0.15 |
02389_analyzer_nested_lambda | OK | 0.23 |
02388_analyzer_recursive_lambda | OK | 0.11 |
02387_parse_date_as_datetime | OK | 0.08 |
02386_set_columns_order | OK | 0.1 |
02387_analyzer_cte | OK | 0.11 |
02386_analyzer_in_function_nested_subqueries | OK | 0.08 |
02390_prometheus_ClickHouseStatusInfo_DictionaryStatus | OK | 0.92 |
02385_analyzer_aliases_compound_expression | OK | 0.12 |
02384_nullable_low_cardinality_as_dict_in_arrow | OK | 0.09 |
02384_decrypt_bad_arguments | OK | 0.1 |
02384_analyzer_dict_get_join_get | OK | 0.15 |
02383_schema_inference_hints | OK | 0.09 |
02383_array_signed_const_positive_index | OK | 0.11 |
02383_analyzer_merge_tree_self_join | OK | 0.14 |
02382_analyzer_matcher_join_using | OK | 0.2 |
02382_join_and_filtering_set | OK | 0.24 |
02382_query_parameters_post | OK | 0.27 |
02383_arrow_dict_special_cases | OK | 0.96 |
02383_join_and_filtering_set | OK | 1.01 |
02381_join_dup_columns_in_plan | OK | 0.08 |
02381_arrow_dict_to_lc | OK | 0.31 |
02381_parse_array_of_tuples | OK | 0.08 |
02381_parseDateTime64BestEffortUS | OK | 0.09 |
02381_arrow_dict_of_nullable_string_to_lc | OK | 0.29 |
02381_setting_value_auto | OK | 0.09 |
02381_analyzer_join_final | OK | 0.11 |
02381_compress_marks_and_primary_key | OK | 1.01 |
02380_analyzer_join_sample | OK | 0.1 |
02380_insert_mv_race | OK | 0.8 |
02379_analyzer_subquery_depth | OK | 0.1 |
02381_client_prints_server_side_time | OK | 1.21 |
02378_part_log_profile_events | OK | 0.48 |
02378_analyzer_projection_names | OK | 0.77 |
02377_executable_function_settings | OK | 0.08 |
02377_analyzer_in_function_set | OK | 0.09 |
02377_extend_protocol_with_query_parameters | OK | 1.12 |
02377_modify_column_from_lc | OK | 0.32 |
02377_optimize_sorting_by_input_stream_properties | OK | 0.18 |
02377_modify_column_from_nested | OK | 0.13 |
02377_fix_file_virtual_column | OK | 0.09 |
02376_analyzer_in_function_subquery | OK | 0.13 |
02375_pretty_formats | OK | 0.11 |
02375_analyzer_union | OK | 0.16 |
02377_optimize_sorting_by_input_stream_properties_explain | OK | 1.93 |
02375_stack_trace_no_addresses | OK | 0.94 |
02375_double_escaping_json | OK | 0.08 |
02375_scalar_lc_cte | OK | 0.08 |
02421_type_json_empty_parts | OK | 14.98 |
02375_system_schema_inference_cache | OK | 0.1 |
02375_rocksdb_with_filters | OK | 1.36 |
02374_regexp_replace | OK | 0.07 |
02374_combine_multi_if_and_count_if_opt | OK | 0.1 |
02374_analyzer_array_join | OK | 0.14 |
02374_in_tuple_index | OK | 0.12 |
02373_analyzer_join_use_nulls | OK | 0.14 |
02373_progress_contain_result | OK | 0.26 |
02374_analyzer_join_using | OK | 0.58 |
02372_now_in_block | OK | 0.43 |
02371_create_temporary_table_as_with_columns_list | OK | 0.08 |
02421_type_json_async_insert | OK | 17.42 |
02371_analyzer_join_cross | OK | 0.19 |
02370_extractAll_regress | OK | 0.09 |
02401_merge_tree_old_tmp_dirs_cleanup | OK | 10.11 |
02372_analyzer_join | OK | 1.41 |
02370_analyzer_in_function | OK | 0.14 |
02369_analyzer_array_join_function | OK | 0.12 |
02368_analyzer_table_functions | OK | 0.09 |
02373_datetime64_monotonicity | OK | 2.2 |
02367_analyzer_table_alias_columns | OK | 0.15 |
02367_join_pushdown_column_not_found | OK | 0.1 |
02367_optimize_trivial_count_with_array_join | OK | 0.13 |
02371_select_projection_normal_agg | OK | 1.87 |
02366_union_decimal_conversion | OK | 0.11 |
02366_asof_optimize_predicate_bug_37813 | OK | 0.18 |
02366_normalize_aggregate_function_types_and_states | OK | 0.16 |
02366_with_fill_date | OK | 0.11 |
02366_decimal_agg_state_conversion | OK | 0.34 |
02366_direct_dictionary_dict_has | OK | 0.11 |
02369_lost_part_intersecting_merges | OK | 2.46 |
02366_explain_query_tree | OK | 0.38 |
02366_window_function_order_by | OK | 0.09 |
02364_setting_cross_to_inner_rewrite | OK | 0.13 |
02364_multiSearch_function_family | OK | 1.03 |
02364_dictionary_datetime_64_attribute_crash | OK | 0.1 |
02364_window_case | OK | 0.09 |
02365_multisearch_random_tests | OK | 1.52 |
02363_mapupdate_improve | OK | 0.14 |
02368_cancel_write_into_hdfs | OK | 4.38 |
02362_part_log_merge_algorithm | OK | 0.47 |
02360_small_notation_h_for_hour_interval | OK | 0.08 |
02361_fsync_profile_events | OK | 0.64 |
02359_send_logs_source_regexp | OK | 0.31 |
02366_cancel_write_into_file | OK | 4.38 |
02360_rename_table_along_with_log_name | OK | 0.64 |
02360_send_logs_level_colors | OK | 0.55 |
02357_file_default_value | OK | 0.11 |
02356_trivial_count_with_empty_set | OK | 0.11 |
02355_column_type_name_lc | OK | 0.08 |
02356_insert_query_log_metrics | OK | 0.17 |
02355_control_block_size_in_aggregator | OK | 0.09 |
02354_with_statement_non_exist_column | OK | 0.08 |
02358_file_default_value | OK | 0.45 |
02354_tuple_lowcardinality | OK | 0.08 |
02354_array_lowcardinality | OK | 0.09 |
02354_tuple_element_with_default | OK | 0.21 |
02354_read_in_order_prewhere | OK | 0.43 |
02354_numeric_literals_with_underscores | OK | 0.08 |
02434_cancel_insert_when_client_dies | OK | 41.26 |
02354_window_expression_with_aggregation_expression | OK | 0.09 |
02354_parse_timedelta | OK | 0.23 |
02354_annoy | OK | 0.82 |
02353_ascii | OK | 0.08 |
02353_explain_ast_optimize | OK | 0.08 |
02353_isnullable | OK | 0.09 |
02353_format_settings | OK | 0.31 |
02353_translate | OK | 0.16 |
02353_order_by_tuple | OK | 0.43 |
02353_partition_prune_nullable_key | OK | 0.28 |
02352_interactive_queries_from_file | OK | 0.4 |
02352_grouby_shadows_arg | OK | 0.46 |
02352_lightweight_delete_on_replicated_merge_tree | OK | 0.77 |
02351_Map_combinator_dist | OK | 0.5 |
02350_views_max_insert_threads | OK | 0.4 |
02352_lightweight_delete | OK | 1.73 |
02347_rank_corr_nan | OK | 0.09 |
02353_simdjson_buffer_overflow | OK | 3.11 |
02347_rank_corr_size_overflow | OK | 0.62 |
02346_additional_filters_index | OK | 0.13 |
02346_into_outfile_and_stdout | OK | 0.76 |
02346_position_countsubstrings_zero_byte | OK | 0.13 |
02346_non_negative_derivative | OK | 0.21 |
02346_additional_filters | OK | 0.44 |
02346_full_text_search | OK | 1.26 |
02370_lost_part_intersecting_merges | OK | 11.27 |
02357_query_cancellation_race | OK | 5.93 |
02346_to_hour_monotonicity_fix | OK | 0.11 |
02345_create_table_allow_trailing_comma | OK | 0.14 |
02345_partial_sort_transform_optimization | OK | 0.11 |
02345_analyzer_subqueries | OK | 0.14 |
02345_filesystem_local | OK | 0.29 |
02344_analyzer_multiple_aliases_for_expression | OK | 0.17 |
02346_aggregation_in_order_fixed_prefix | OK | 0.92 |
02345_implicit_transaction | OK | 0.51 |
02344_show_caches | OK | 0.09 |
02343_analyzer_lambdas_issue_28083 | OK | 0.09 |
02343_group_by_use_nulls | OK | 0.14 |
02343_analyzer_lambdas_issue_36677 | OK | 0.09 |
02344_distinct_limit_distiributed | OK | 0.46 |
02343_create_empty_as_select | OK | 0.1 |
02343_analyzer_lambdas | OK | 0.27 |
02343_aggregation_pipeline | OK | 0.4 |
02343_analyzer_column_transformers_strict | OK | 0.3 |
02342_analyzer_compound_types | OK | 0.23 |
02341_analyzer_aliases_basics | OK | 0.29 |
02342_window_view_different_struct | OK | 0.35 |
02340_analyzer_functions | OK | 0.1 |
02343_group_by_use_nulls_distributed | OK | 0.9 |
02340_union_header | OK | 0.08 |
02338_analyzer_constants_basic | OK | 0.12 |
02337_base58 | OK | 0.12 |
02341_global_join_cte | OK | 0.42 |
02337_check_translate_qualified_names_matcher | OK | 0.08 |
02337_multiple_joins_original_names | OK | 0.09 |
02336_sort_optimization_with_fill | OK | 0.08 |
02337_join_analyze_stuck | OK | 0.16 |
02327_try_infer_integers_schema_inference | OK | 0.11 |
02326_numbers_from_json_strings_schema_inference | OK | 0.1 |
02326_settings_changes_system_table | OK | 0.08 |
02335_column_ttl_expired_column_optimization | OK | 0.42 |
02332_dist_insert_send_logs_level | OK | 0.45 |
02325_compatibility_setting_2 | OK | 0.11 |
02325_dates_schema_inference | OK | 0.14 |
02321_nested_short_circuit_functions | OK | 0.08 |
02324_map_combinator_bug | OK | 0.15 |
02320_alter_columns_with_dots | OK | 0.11 |
02320_mapped_array_witn_const_nullable | OK | 0.09 |
02319_timeslots_dt64 | OK | 0.15 |
02319_sql_standard_create_drop_index | OK | 0.25 |
02319_quantile_interpolated_weighted | OK | 0.15 |
02324_compatibility_setting | OK | 0.78 |
02319_dict_get_check_arguments_size | OK | 0.15 |
02319_lightweight_delete_on_merge_tree_compact_parts | OK | 0.64 |
02319_no_columns_in_row_level_filter | OK | 0.35 |
02318_template_schema_inference_bug | OK | 0.1 |
02317_functions_with_nothing | OK | 0.09 |
02319_lightweight_delete_on_merge_tree | OK | 0.69 |
02317_like_with_trailing_escape | OK | 0.12 |
02317_distinct_in_order_optimization | OK | 0.52 |
02316_const_string_intersact | OK | 0.07 |
02316_cast_to_ip_address_default_column | OK | 0.18 |
02316_expressions_with_window_functions | OK | 0.11 |
02316_values_table_func_bug | OK | 0.08 |
02316_literal_no_octal | OK | 0.07 |
02346_read_in_order_fixed_prefix | OK | 5.06 |
02315_pmj_union_ubsan_35857 | OK | 0.08 |
02316_hierarchical_dictionaries_nullable_parent_key | OK | 0.18 |
02315_grouping_constant_folding | OK | 0.1 |
02315_replace_multiif_to_if | OK | 0.08 |
02315_optimize_monotonous_functions_in_order_by_remote | OK | 0.08 |
02315_readonly_create_function | OK | 0.32 |
02313_displayname | OK | 0.08 |
02313_cross_join_dup_col_names | OK | 0.09 |
02313_multiple_limits | OK | 0.14 |
02313_test_fpc_codec | OK | 0.23 |
02313_dump_column_structure_low_cardinality | OK | 0.07 |
02313_group_by_modifiers_with_non_default_types | OK | 0.13 |
02313_negative_datetime64 | OK | 0.09 |
02312_is_not_null_prewhere | OK | 0.11 |
02311_hashed_array_dictionary_hierarchical_functions | OK | 0.1 |
02312_parquet_orc_arrow_names_tuples | OK | 0.12 |
02311_range_hashed_dictionary_range_cast | OK | 0.09 |
02311_normalize_utf8_constant | OK | 0.08 |
02311_create_table_with_unknown_format | OK | 0.13 |
02310_generate_multi_columns_with_uuid | OK | 0.08 |
02311_system_zookeeper_insert | OK | 0.19 |
02310_profile_events_insert | OK | 0.36 |
02310_clickhouse_local_INSERT_progress_profile_events | OK | 0.42 |
02307_join_get_array_null | OK | 0.1 |
02310_clickhouse_client_INSERT_progress_profile_events | OK | 0.44 |
02306_window_move_row_number_fix | OK | 0.07 |
02306_rowbinary_has_no_bom | OK | 0.31 |
02304_grouping_sets_with_rollup_cube | OK | 0.1 |
02304_grouping_set_order_by | OK | 0.08 |
02306_part_types_profile_events | OK | 0.47 |
02303_cast_nullable_to_custom_types | OK | 0.11 |
02302_join_auto_lc_nullable_bug | OK | 0.08 |
02302_clash_const_aggegate_join | OK | 0.16 |
02317_distinct_in_order_optimization_explain | OK | 3.04 |
02305_schema_inference_with_globs | OK | 0.82 |
02302_projections_GROUP_BY_ORDERY_BY_optimize_aggregation_in_order | OK | 0.11 |
02303_query_kind | OK | 0.48 |
02296_nullable_arguments_in_array_filter | OK | 0.08 |
02295_global_with_in_subquery | OK | 0.09 |
02302_column_decl_null_before_defaul_value | OK | 0.27 |
02301_harmful_reexec | OK | 0.42 |
02294_system_certificates | OK | 0.11 |
02295_GROUP_BY_AggregateFunction | OK | 0.42 |
02294_decimal_second_errors | OK | 0.18 |
02294_dictionaries_hierarchical_index | OK | 0.3 |
02294_optimize_aggregation_in_order_prefix_Array_functions | OK | 0.11 |
02294_stringsearch_with_nonconst_needle | OK | 0.31 |
02294_nothing_arguments_in_functions | OK | 0.19 |
02293_h3_line | OK | 0.22 |
02293_optimize_aggregation_in_order_Array_functions | OK | 0.18 |
02293_hashid | OK | 0.14 |
02294_nothing_arguments_in_functions_errors | OK | 1.97 |
02293_ilike_on_fixed_strings | OK | 0.12 |
02293_grouping_function | OK | 0.41 |
02293_compatibility_ignore_auto_increment_in_create_table | OK | 0.31 |
02294_anova_cmp | OK | 2.25 |
02293_ttest_large_samples | OK | 0.7 |
02293_h3_hex_ring | OK | 0.23 |
02294_floating_point_second_in_settings | OK | 3.97 |
02293_selected_rows_and_merges | OK | 1.85 |
02293_arrow_dictionary_indexes | OK | 0.08 |
02293_http_header_summary_contains_exception_code_with_progress | OK | 1.4 |
02293_h3_distance | OK | 0.14 |
02292_h3_unidirectional_funcs | OK | 0.15 |
02292_hash_array_tuples | OK | 0.19 |
02293_http_header_full_summary_without_progress | OK | 1.63 |
02292_nested_not_flattened_detach | OK | 0.21 |
02292_create_function_validate | OK | 0.16 |
02291_join_const_literal_36279 | OK | 0.17 |
02291_dictionary_scalar_subquery_reload | OK | 0.2 |
02293_grouping_function_group_by | OK | 1.12 |
02287_type_object_convert | OK | 0.12 |
02287_legacy_column_name_of_tuple_literal_over_distributed | OK | 0.15 |
02287_ephemeral_format_crash | OK | 0.21 |
02286_convert_decimal_type | OK | 0.1 |
02286_function_wyhash | OK | 0.08 |
02286_vertical_merges_missed_column | OK | 0.18 |
02290_client_insert_cancel | OK | 0.59 |
02286_tuple_numeric_identifier | OK | 0.16 |
02285_hex_bin_support_more_types | OK | 0.13 |
02285_executable_user_defined_function_group_by | OK | 0.15 |
02286_quantile_tdigest_infinity | OK | 0.78 |
02283_array_norm | OK | 0.24 |
02293_part_log_has_merge_reason | OK | 2.32 |
02280_add_query_level_settings | OK | 0.09 |
02281_limit_by_distributed | OK | 0.22 |
02277_full_sort_join_misc | OK | 0.14 |
02282_array_distance | OK | 0.33 |
02276_full_sort_join_unsupported | OK | 0.18 |
02340_parts_refcnt_mergetree | OK | 13.07 |
02271_fix_column_matcher_and_column_transformer | OK | 0.15 |
02271_int_sql_compatibility | OK | 0.11 |
02286_parallel_final | OK | 2.18 |
02271_temporary_table_show_rows_bytes | OK | 0.09 |
02270_errors_in_files_s3 | OK | 0.46 |
02270_errors_in_files | OK | 1.5 |
02270_client_name | OK | 0.33 |
02269_bool_map_sync_after_error | OK | 1.06 |
02269_to_start_of_interval_overflow | OK | 0.12 |
02269_insert_select_with_format_without_schema_inference | OK | 0.09 |
02269_create_table_with_collation | OK | 0.11 |
02268_json_wrong_root_type_in_schema_inference | OK | 0.13 |
02268_json_maps_and_objects | OK | 0.09 |
02267_output_format_prometheus | OK | 0.14 |
02267_file_globs_schema_inference | OK | 0.77 |
02267_jsonlines_ndjson_format | OK | 0.13 |
02530_dictionaries_update_field | OK | 121.69 |
02267_type_inference_for_insert_into_function_null | OK | 0.1 |
02267_insert_empty_data | OK | 0.08 |
02267_empty_arrays_read_reverse | OK | 0.34 |
02267_special_operator_parse_alias_check | OK | 0.2 |
02267_join_dup_columns_issue36199 | OK | 0.2 |
02266_auto_add_nullable | OK | 0.09 |
02265_cross_join_empty_list | OK | 0.12 |
02265_column_ttl | OK | 0.48 |
02265_limit_push_down_over_window_functions_bug | OK | 0.89 |
02266_protobuf_format_google_wrappers | OK | 2.48 |
02354_distributed_with_external_aggregation_memory_usage | OK | 29.1 |
02264_format_insert_compression | OK | 0.08 |
02264_format_insert_infile | OK | 0.08 |
02274_full_sort_join_nodistinct | OK | 11.59 |
02252_reset_non_existing_setting | OK | 0.09 |
02252_executable_user_defined_function_short_circuit | OK | 0.35 |
02263_format_insert_settings | OK | 3.0 |
02251_last_day_of_month | OK | 0.09 |
02252_jit_profile_events | OK | 0.37 |
02251_alter_enum_nested_struct | OK | 0.96 |
02250_ON_CLUSTER_grant | OK | 1.65 |
02265_per_table_ttl_mutation_on_change | OK | 6.73 |
02250_insert_select_from_file_schema_inference | OK | 0.09 |
02273_full_sort_join | OK | 16.53 |
02250_lots_of_columns_in_csv_with_names | OK | 2.2 |
02250_hints_for_columns | OK | 1.4 |
02249_parse_date_time_basic | OK | 0.14 |
02248_nullable_custom_types_to_string | OK | 0.08 |
02250_hints_for_projections | OK | 1.19 |
02249_insert_select_from_input_schema_inference | OK | 0.89 |
02247_fix_extract_parser | OK | 0.22 |
02246_flatten_tuple | OK | 0.1 |
02245_s3_schema_desc | OK | 0.13 |
02245_make_datetime64 | OK | 0.3 |
02245_format_string_stack_overflow | OK | 0.08 |
02245_join_with_nullable_lowcardinality_crash | OK | 1.21 |
02260_alter_compact_part_drop_nested_column | OK | 9.34 |
02245_weird_partitions_pruning | OK | 0.31 |
02244_make_datetime | OK | 0.17 |
02244_url_engine_headers_test | OK | 0.18 |
02244_casewithexpression_return_type | OK | 0.08 |
02245_s3_virtual_columns | OK | 1.32 |
02245_s3_support_read_nested_column | OK | 1.66 |
02243_ipv6_long_parsing | OK | 0.09 |
02243_in_ip_address | OK | 0.09 |
02246_clickhouse_local_drop_database | OK | 3.18 |
02246_is_secure_query_log | OK | 3.06 |
02242_optimize_to_subcolumns_no_storage | OK | 0.08 |
02243_make_date32 | OK | 0.24 |
02242_if_then_else_null_bug | OK | 0.08 |
02242_make_date | OK | 0.32 |
02243_arrow_read_null_type_to_nullable_column | OK | 0.7 |
02242_negative_datetime64 | OK | 0.14 |
02242_throw_if_constant_argument | OK | 0.44 |
02242_subcolumns_sizes | OK | 0.12 |
02244_ip_address_invalid_insert | OK | 1.8 |
02241_array_first_last_or_null | OK | 0.11 |
02242_case_insensitive_nested | OK | 2.26 |
02241_short_circuit_short_column | OK | 0.08 |
02240_asof_join_biginteger | OK | 0.09 |
02242_case_insensitive_column_matching | OK | 2.69 |
02240_get_type_serialization_streams | OK | 0.09 |
02275_full_sort_join_long | OK | 25.05 |
02239_client_host_help | OK | 0.31 |
02241_parquet_bad_column | OK | 2.42 |
02242_join_rocksdb | OK | 3.99 |
02236_json_each_row_empty_map_schema_inference | OK | 0.08 |
02236_explain_pipeline_join | OK | 0.08 |
02239_bzip2_bug | OK | 1.45 |
02238_lz4_bug | OK | 0.83 |
02235_check_table_sparse_serialization | OK | 0.09 |
02240_protobuflist_format_persons | OK | 2.6 |
02235_add_part_offset_virtual_column | OK | 0.62 |
02234_column_function_short_circuit | OK | 0.11 |
02234_position_case_insensitive_utf8 | OK | 0.08 |
02237_lzma_bug | OK | 1.48 |
02234_clickhouse_local_test_mode | OK | 0.78 |
02233_with_total_empty_chunk | OK | 0.12 |
02233_optimize_aggregation_in_order_prefix_with_merge | OK | 0.18 |
02234_cast_to_ip_address | OK | 1.23 |
02235_brotli_bug | OK | 1.69 |
02233_optimize_aggregation_in_order_prefix | OK | 0.2 |
02235_remote_fs_cache_stress | OK | 2.03 |
02232_partition_pruner_single_point | OK | 0.11 |
02233_interpolate_1 | OK | 0.38 |
02232_partition_pruner_mixed_constant_type | OK | 0.11 |
02233_set_enable_with_statement_cte_perf | OK | 0.91 |
02232_functions_to_subcolumns_alias | OK | 0.11 |
02230_create_table_as_ignore_ttl | OK | 0.1 |
02231_hierarchical_dictionaries_constant | OK | 0.16 |
02228_unquoted_dates_in_csv_schema_inference | OK | 0.31 |
02232_allow_only_replicated_engine | OK | 1.13 |
02227_test_create_empty_sqlite_db | OK | 0.51 |
02233_HTTP_ranged | OK | 2.6 |
02227_union_match_by_name | OK | 0.1 |
02226_low_cardinality_text_bloom_filter_index | OK | 0.23 |
02226_analyzer_or_like_combine | OK | 0.11 |
02226_in_untuple_issue_34810 | OK | 0.1 |
02226_parallel_reading_from_replicas_benchmark | OK | 0.55 |
02225_parallel_distributed_insert_select_view | OK | 0.47 |
02241_join_rocksdb_bs | OK | 8.46 |
02224_s2_test_const_columns | OK | 0.1 |
02225_hints_for_indeices | OK | 0.67 |
02224_parallel_distributed_insert_select_cluster | OK | 0.16 |
02271_replace_partition_many_tables | OK | 30.45 |
02223_insert_select_schema_inference | OK | 0.12 |
02222_allow_experimental_projection_optimization__enable_global_with_statement | OK | 0.13 |
02223_h3_test_const_columns | OK | 0.15 |
02220_array_join_format | OK | 0.08 |
02212_h3_point_dist | OK | 0.13 |
02212_h3_get_res0_indexes | OK | 0.08 |
02212_h3_get_pentagon_indexes | OK | 0.12 |
02221_parallel_replicas_bug | OK | 0.63 |
02212_cte_and_table_alias | OK | 0.09 |
02211_jsonl_format_extension | OK | 0.08 |
02210_append_to_dev_dull | OK | 0.08 |
02221_system_zookeeper_unrestricted | OK | 0.81 |
02210_toColumnTypeName_toLowCardinality_const | OK | 0.07 |
02221_system_zookeeper_unrestricted_like | OK | 1.02 |
02209_short_circuit_node_without_parents | OK | 0.08 |
02207_subseconds_intervals | OK | 0.17 |
02207_ttl_move_if_exists | OK | 0.11 |
02207_key_condition_floats | OK | 0.16 |
02210_processors_profile_log_2 | OK | 0.74 |
02206_information_schema_show_database | OK | 0.08 |
02207_s3_content_type | OK | 0.8 |
02210_processors_profile_log | OK | 1.19 |
02206_clickhouse_local_use_database | OK | 0.33 |
02206_minimum_sample_size | OK | 0.17 |
02206_array_starts_ends_with | OK | 0.12 |
02205_map_populate_series_non_const | OK | 0.2 |
02205_postgresql_functions | OK | 0.22 |
02206_format_override | OK | 0.56 |
02205_ephemeral_1 | OK | 0.14 |
02205_HTTP_user_agent | OK | 0.33 |
02201_use_skip_indexes_if_final | OK | 0.11 |
02202_use_skip_indexes_if_final | OK | 0.17 |
02203_shebang | OK | 0.31 |
02200_use_skip_indexes | OK | 0.12 |
02192_comment | OK | 0.08 |
02192_comment_error | OK | 0.48 |
02191_parse_date_time_best_effort_more_cases | OK | 0.09 |
02191_nested_with_dots | OK | 0.15 |
02231_buffer_aggregate_states_leak | OK | 6.04 |
02190_current_metrics_query | OK | 0.07 |
02190_format_regexp_cr_in_the_middle | OK | 0.3 |
02189_join_type_conversion | OK | 0.08 |
02188_table_function_format | OK | 0.1 |
02188_parser_dictionary_primary_key | OK | 0.21 |
02187_insert_values_with_mv | OK | 0.83 |
02187_test_final_and_limit_modifier | OK | 0.1 |
02186_range_hashed_dictionary_intersecting_intervals | OK | 0.12 |
02185_arraySlice_negative_offset_size | OK | 0.14 |
02185_orc_corrupted_file | OK | 0.37 |
02185_substring_negative_offset_size | OK | 0.15 |
02204_fractional_progress_bar_long | OK | 3.51 |
02185_split_by_char | OK | 0.08 |
02184_ipv6_select_parsing | OK | 0.1 |
02185_range_hashed_dictionary_open_ranges | OK | 0.17 |
02184_range_hashed_dictionary_outside_range_values | OK | 0.13 |
02229_client_stop_multiquery_in_SIGINT | OK | 8.37 |
02184_nested_tuple | OK | 0.11 |
02184_hash_functions_and_ip_types | OK | 0.08 |
02184_ipv6_cast_test | OK | 0.08 |
02184_storage_add_support_ttl | OK | 0.12 |
02183_dictionary_no_attributes | OK | 0.25 |
02183_dictionary_date_types | OK | 0.24 |
02184_default_table_engine | OK | 0.74 |
02181_sql_user_defined_functions_invalid_lambda | OK | 0.11 |
02181_dictionary_attach_detach | OK | 0.14 |
02183_array_tuple_literals_remote | OK | 0.68 |
02183_combinator_if | OK | 0.61 |
02181_format_describe_query | OK | 0.3 |
02180_insert_into_values_settings | OK | 0.08 |
02180_group_by_lowcardinality | OK | 0.11 |
02179_sparse_columns_detach | OK | 0.15 |
02179_bool_type | OK | 0.14 |
02179_map_cast_to_array | OK | 0.12 |
02179_key_condition_no_common_type | OK | 0.09 |
02179_range_hashed_dictionary_invalid_interval | OK | 0.14 |
02226_async_insert_table_function | OK | 9.04 |
02178_column_function_insert_from | OK | 0.11 |
02179_degrees_radians | OK | 0.17 |
02177_sum_if_not_found | OK | 0.18 |
02177_merge_optimize_aggregation_in_order | OK | 0.22 |
02176_dict_get_has_implicit_key_cast | OK | 0.17 |
02176_optimize_aggregation_in_order_empty | OK | 0.22 |
02176_toStartOfWeek_overflow_pruning | OK | 0.12 |
02175_distributed_join_current_database | OK | 0.24 |
02174_cte_scalar_cache | OK | 0.32 |
02169_fix_view_offset_limit_setting | OK | 0.13 |
02174_cte_scalar_cache_mv | OK | 0.48 |
02167_columns_with_dots_default_values | OK | 0.09 |
02169_map_functions | OK | 0.32 |
02165_h3_exact_edge_length_rads | OK | 0.1 |
02165_h3_num_hexagons | OK | 0.11 |
02165_h3_exact_edge_length_m | OK | 0.09 |
02165_replicated_grouping_sets | OK | 0.35 |
02165_insert_from_infile | OK | 0.08 |
02165_h3_exact_edge_length_Km | OK | 0.12 |
02165_h3_edge_length_km | OK | 0.09 |
02164_clickhouse_local_interactive_exception | OK | 0.3 |
02164_materialized_view_support_virtual_column | OK | 0.16 |
02163_operators | OK | 0.09 |
02163_shard_num | OK | 0.52 |
02162_range_hashed_dictionary_ddl_expression | OK | 0.12 |
02162_array_first_last_index | OK | 0.19 |
02161_addressToLineWithInlines | SKIPPED | 0.0 |
02161_array_first_last | OK | 0.1 |
02160_h3_cell_area_rads2 | OK | 0.1 |
02177_issue_31009_pt2 | OK | 3.98 |
02160_h3_hex_area_Km2 | OK | 0.1 |
02160_special_functions | OK | 0.12 |
02160_monthname | OK | 0.09 |
02165_auto_format_by_file_extension | OK | 2.53 |
02160_h3_cell_area_m2 | OK | 0.12 |
02159_left_right | OK | 0.15 |
02158_explain_ast_alter_commands | OK | 0.33 |
02160_client_autocomplete_parse_query | OK | 1.38 |
02158_contingency | OK | 0.1 |
02160_untuple_exponential_growth | OK | 0.85 |
02158_interval_length_sum | OK | 0.08 |
02158_ztest | OK | 0.12 |
02158_proportions_ztest | OK | 0.13 |
02157_line_as_string_output_format | OK | 0.09 |
02157_readonly_system_suspend | OK | 0.28 |
02158_proportions_ztest_cmp | OK | 1.14 |
02156_storage_merge_prewhere | OK | 0.16 |
02158_ztest_cmp | OK | 1.15 |
02155_create_table_w_timezone | OK | 0.1 |
02155_nested_lc_defalut_bug | OK | 0.1 |
02155_parse_date_lowcard_default_throw | OK | 0.08 |
02155_h3_to_center_child | OK | 0.31 |
02155_read_in_order_max_rows_to_read | OK | 0.12 |
02155_csv_with_strings_with_slash | OK | 0.7 |
02155_binary_op_between_float_and_decimal | OK | 0.26 |
02155_dictionary_comment | OK | 0.12 |
02155_default_keyword_format_values | OK | 0.68 |
02154_bit_slice_for_fixedstring | OK | 0.34 |
02154_default_keyword_insert | OK | 0.11 |
02154_bit_slice_for_string | OK | 0.44 |
02154_bitmap_contains | OK | 0.15 |
02177_issue_31009 | OK | 8.61 |
02154_dictionary_get_http_json | OK | 0.87 |
02153_clickhouse_local_profile_info | OK | 0.33 |
02152_short_circuit_throw_if | OK | 0.08 |
02152_dictionary_date32_type | OK | 0.18 |
02152_csv_tuple | OK | 0.09 |
02152_count_distinct_optimization | OK | 0.14 |
02152_invalid_setting_with_hints_in_http_request | OK | 0.27 |
02152_bool_type | OK | 0.13 |
02154_parser_backtracking | OK | 1.36 |
02151_lc_prefetch | OK | 1.34 |
02152_http_external_tables_memory_tracking | OK | 6.1 |
02151_http_s_structure_set_eof | OK | 0.93 |
02151_invalid_setting_with_hints_in_query | OK | 0.44 |
02151_clickhouse_client_hints | OK | 0.27 |
02151_client_option_echo | OK | 0.47 |
02151_replace_regexp_all_empty_match_alternative | OK | 0.1 |
02150_index_hypothesis_race_long | OK | 2.73 |
02150_replace_regexp_all_empty_match | OK | 0.08 |
02149_issue_32487 | OK | 0.09 |
02149_read_in_order_fixed_prefix_negative | OK | 0.93 |
02149_read_in_order_fixed_prefix | OK | 0.26 |
02148_issue_32737 | OK | 0.21 |
02148_cast_type_parsing | OK | 0.07 |
02148_in_memory_part_flush | OK | 0.12 |
02147_arrow_duplicate_columns | OK | 0.48 |
02147_order_by_optimizations | OK | 0.12 |
02146_mv_non_phys | OK | 0.1 |
02151_hash_table_sizes_stats | OK | 11.84 |
02144_avg_ubsan | OK | 0.09 |
02142_http_with_query_parameters | OK | 0.26 |
02141_clickhouse_local_interactive_table | OK | 0.3 |
02140_clickhouse_local_queries_file_table | OK | 0.29 |
02139_MV_with_scalar_subquery | OK | 0.24 |
02137_mv_into_join | OK | 0.1 |
02136_scalar_subquery_metrics | OK | 0.25 |
02136_scalar_read_rows_json | OK | 0.39 |
02136_scalar_progress | OK | 0.25 |
02135_local_create_db | OK | 0.38 |
02136_kill_scalar_queries | OK | 0.85 |
02133_classification | OK | 0.21 |
02133_distributed_queries_formatting | OK | 0.08 |
02156_async_insert_query_log | OK | 19.42 |
02133_issue_32458 | OK | 0.09 |
02133_final_prewhere_where_lowcardinality_replacing | OK | 0.13 |
02132_empty_mutation_livelock | OK | 0.12 |
02131_skip_index_not_materialized | OK | 0.14 |
02132_client_history_navigation | OK | 0.31 |
02131_materialize_column_cast | OK | 0.16 |
02131_mv_many_chunks_bug | OK | 0.16 |
02131_row_policies_combination | OK | 0.15 |
02131_remove_columns_in_subquery | OK | 0.11 |
02131_used_row_policies_in_query_log | OK | 0.28 |
02129_add_column_add_ttl | OK | 0.19 |
02129_window_functions_disable_optimizations | OK | 0.1 |
02128_cast_nullable | OK | 0.08 |
02128_apply_lambda_parsing | OK | 0.08 |
02128_hex_bin_on_uuid | OK | 0.08 |
02127_storage_join_settings_with_persistency | OK | 0.08 |
02128_wait_end_of_query_fix | OK | 0.25 |
02151_hash_table_sizes_stats_distributed | OK | 17.23 |
02126_lc_window_functions | OK | 0.25 |
02126_fix_filelog | OK | 0.66 |
02126_alter_table_alter_column | OK | 0.13 |
02125_low_cardinality_int256 | OK | 0.08 |
02126_url_auth | OK | 0.83 |
02125_transform_decimal_bug | OK | 0.11 |
02125_query_views_log_window_function | OK | 0.16 |
02125_dict_get_type_nullable_fix | OK | 0.1 |
02126_dist_desc | OK | 0.87 |
02125_query_views_log | OK | 0.13 |
02125_fix_storage_filelog | OK | 0.08 |
02125_constant_if_condition_and_not_existing_column | OK | 0.1 |
02124_encrypt_decrypt_nullable | OK | 0.11 |
02124_insert_deduplication_token | OK | 0.16 |
02124_uncompressed_cache | OK | 0.1 |
02124_insert_deduplication_token_replica | OK | 0.21 |
02124_insert_deduplication_token_materialized_views | OK | 1.02 |
02193_async_insert_tcp_client_1 | OK | 35.38 |
02124_insert_deduplication_token_multiple_blocks_replica | OK | 1.32 |
02124_comparison_betwwen_decimal_and_float | OK | 0.12 |
02124_clickhouse_dictionary_with_predefined_configuration | OK | 0.12 |
02124_insert_deduplication_token_multiple_blocks | OK | 1.26 |
02124_json_each_row_with_progress | OK | 0.67 |
02124_empty_uuid | OK | 0.08 |
02123_MySQLWire_regression | OK | 0.09 |
02122_parallel_formatting_PrettyCompact | OK | 1.41 |
02122_parallel_formatting_JSONStrings | OK | 1.53 |
02134_async_inserts_formats | OK | 10.58 |
02193_async_insert_tcp_client_2 | OK | 40.35 |
02122_parallel_formatting_JSONCompactStringsEachRowWithNamesAndTypes | OK | 1.07 |
02122_parallel_formatting_CustomSeparated | OK | 1.19 |
02122_parallel_formatting_CSVWithNames | OK | 0.85 |
02122_parallel_formatting_Pretty | OK | 2.04 |
02122_parallel_formatting_JSONEachRow | OK | 1.19 |
02122_parallel_formatting_XML | OK | 1.33 |
02122_parallel_formatting_TSVWithNamesAndTypes | OK | 0.91 |
02122_parallel_formatting_JSON | OK | 1.47 |
02122_parallel_formatting_JSONCompact | OK | 0.98 |
02124_buffer_with_type_map_long | OK | 10.65 |
02122_parallel_formatting_JSONStringsEachRow | OK | 1.39 |
02122_parallel_formatting_Template | OK | 0.8 |
02122_parallel_formatting_CSV | OK | 0.84 |
02122_parallel_formatting_CSVWithNamesAndTypes | OK | 0.9 |
02122_parallel_formatting_Markdown | OK | 0.8 |
02122_parallel_formatting_TSKV | OK | 0.98 |
02122_parallel_formatting_JSONCompactStringsEachRow | OK | 1.01 |
02122_parallel_formatting_PrettyCompactNoEscapes | OK | 1.29 |
02124_buffer_insert_select_race | OK | 10.57 |
02122_parallel_formatting_TSVWithNames | OK | 0.84 |
02122_parallel_formatting_RowBinaryWithNamesAndTypes | OK | 0.75 |
02122_parallel_formatting_JSONCompactEachRowWithNamesAndTypes | OK | 0.86 |
02122_parallel_formatting_PrettySpaceNoEscapes | OK | 1.26 |
02122_parallel_formatting_PrettyNoEscapes | OK | 1.91 |
02122_parallel_formatting_Vertical | OK | 1.44 |
02122_parallel_formatting_PrettySpace | OK | 1.28 |
02122_parallel_formatting_Values | OK | 0.77 |
02122_parallel_formatting_TSV | OK | 0.78 |
02122_parallel_formatting_RowBinary | OK | 0.76 |
02122_parallel_formatting_JSONCompactEachRow | OK | 0.98 |
02122_parallel_formatting_JSONCompactEachRowWithNames | OK | 0.98 |
02122_parallel_formatting_RowBinaryWithNames | OK | 0.79 |
02121_pager | OK | 0.4 |
02119_sumcount | OK | 0.25 |
02118_show_create_table_rocksdb | OK | 0.07 |
02122_join_group_by_timeout | OK | 4.46 |
02122_parallel_formatting_JSONCompactStringsEachRowWithNames | OK | 1.04 |
02122_parallel_formatting_JSONCompactStrings | OK | 1.06 |
02117_show_create_table_system | OK | 0.18 |
02116_tuple_element | OK | 0.19 |
02115_map_contains | OK | 0.1 |
02116_interactive_hello | OK | 0.33 |
02114_bool_type | OK | 0.13 |
02114_offset_fetch_without_order_by | OK | 0.28 |
02113_format_row_bug | OK | 0.11 |
02113_hdfs_assert | OK | 0.4 |
02113_base64encode_trailing_bytes | OK | 0.37 |
02113_format_row | OK | 0.09 |
02113_base64encode_trailing_bytes_1 | OK | 0.09 |
02116_clickhouse_stderr | OK | 1.09 |
02113_untuple_func_alias | OK | 0.08 |
02112_skip_index_set_and_or | OK | 0.12 |
02112_delayed_clickhouse_local | OK | 0.35 |
02112_parse_date_yyyymmdd | OK | 0.32 |
02112_delayed_clickhouse_client_with_queries_file | OK | 0.34 |
02114_hdfs_bad_url | OK | 1.48 |
02111_with_fill_no_rows | OK | 0.11 |
02111_json_column_name_encoding | OK | 0.08 |
02111_global_context_temporary_tables | OK | 0.13 |
02112_with_fill_interval | OK | 0.36 |
02112_delayed_clickhouse_local_with_queries_file | OK | 0.34 |
02111_function_mapExtractKeyLike | OK | 0.13 |
02110_clickhouse_local_custom_tld | OK | 0.32 |
02104_clickhouse_local_columns_description | OK | 0.32 |
02105_backslash_letter_commands | OK | 0.34 |
02101_avro_union_index_out_of_boundary | OK | 0.52 |
02101_empty_as_default_and_omitted_fields | OK | 1.76 |
02100_low_cardinality_nullable_null_default | OK | 1.85 |
02100_now64_types_bug | OK | 0.09 |
02100_limit_push_down_bug | OK | 0.1 |
02100_replaceRegexpAll_bug | OK | 0.09 |
02100_alter_scalar_circular_deadlock | OK | 0.2 |
02102_row_binary_with_names_and_types | OK | 2.92 |
02099_hashed_array_dictionary_complex_key | OK | 0.2 |
02098_with_types_use_header | OK | 1.47 |
02098_date32_comparison | OK | 0.1 |
02098_hashed_array_dictionary_simple_key | OK | 0.19 |
02097_initializeAggregationNullable | OK | 0.09 |
02097_json_strings_deserialization | OK | 0.71 |
02097_polygon_dictionary_store_key | OK | 0.15 |
02097_remove_sample_by | OK | 0.27 |
02122_4letter_words_stress_zookeeper | OK | 16.04 |
02096_join_unusual_identifier_begin | OK | 0.11 |
02096_totals_global_in_bug | OK | 0.24 |
02096_date_time_1970_saturation | OK | 0.16 |
02096_sample_by_tuple | OK | 0.11 |
02096_date_time_1970_saturation2 | OK | 0.18 |
02095_function_get_os_kernel_version | OK | 0.08 |
02071_lower_upper_utf8_row_overlaps | OK | 0.12 |
02070_join_on_disk | OK | 0.14 |
02096_bad_options_in_client_and_local | OK | 0.51 |
02099_tsv_raw_format | OK | 7.46 |
02050_client_profile_events | OK | 5.75 |
02050_clickhouse_local_parsing_exception | OK | 0.32 |
02050_clickhouse_client_local_exception | OK | 0.33 |
02049_lowcardinality_shortcircuit_crash | OK | 0.09 |
02049_clickhouse_local_merge_tree | OK | 0.41 |
02048_alter_command_format | OK | 0.26 |
02048_clickhouse_local_stage | OK | 0.56 |
02048_views_with_comment | OK | 0.36 |
02048_parallel_reading_from_infile | OK | 0.46 |
02067_lost_part_s3 | OK | 12.26 |
02047_log_family_data_file_sizes | OK | 1.75 |
02047_alias_for_table_and_database_name | OK | 0.08 |
02047_client_exception | OK | 0.38 |
02047_log_family_data_file_dumps | OK | 1.74 |
02047_log_family_complex_structs_data_file_dumps | OK | 2.03 |
02046_remote_table_function_named_collections | OK | 0.55 |
02045_like_function | OK | 0.09 |
02046_low_cardinality_parallel_group_by | OK | 3.0 |
02044_exists_operator | OK | 0.11 |
02044_url_glob_parallel | OK | 2.35 |
02043_user_defined_executable_function_implicit_cast | OK | 0.16 |
02043_query_obfuscator_embedded_dictionaries | OK | 0.3 |
02042_map_get_non_const_key | OK | 0.08 |
02041_conversion_between_date32_and_datetime64 | OK | 0.09 |
02041_openssl_hash_functions_test | OK | 0.09 |
02041_test_fuzzy_alter | OK | 0.12 |
02052_last_granula_adjust_LOGICAL_ERROR | OK | 19.98 |
02039_group_by_with_totals_having | OK | 0.09 |
02036_jit_short_circuit | OK | 0.1 |
02035_isNull_isNotNull_format | OK | 0.24 |
02040_clickhouse_benchmark_query_id_pass_through | OK | 0.89 |
02032_short_circuit_least_greatest_bug | OK | 0.08 |
02031_format_query_option | OK | 0.26 |
02030_quantiles_underflow | OK | 0.08 |
02030_tuple_filter | OK | 0.21 |
02030_function_mapContainsKeyLike | OK | 0.11 |
02030_client_unknown_database | OK | 0.32 |
02033_join_engine_deadlock_long | OK | 1.6 |
02029_test_options_requests | OK | 0.27 |
02029_test_implemented_methods | OK | 0.3 |
02029_quantile_sanitizer | OK | 0.1 |
02029_output_csv_null_representation | OK | 0.09 |
02029_orc_low_cardinality | OK | 0.49 |
02028_tokens | OK | 0.09 |
02028_system_data_skipping_indices_size | OK | 0.11 |
02028_create_select_settings | OK | 0.09 |
02027_arrayCumSumNonNegative_const | OK | 0.08 |
02027_ngrams | OK | 0.12 |
02100_multiple_hosts_command_line_set_ssl | OK | 30.63 |
02026_describe_include_subcolumns | OK | 0.09 |
02026_accurate_cast_or_default | OK | 0.12 |
02026_arrayDifference_const | OK | 0.08 |
02025_subcolumns_compact_parts | OK | 0.12 |
02025_having_filter_column | OK | 0.11 |
02025_nested_func_for_if_combinator | OK | 0.14 |
02025_dictionary_array_nested_map | OK | 0.11 |
02024_create_dictionary_with_comment | OK | 0.08 |
02025_storage_filelog_virtual_col | OK | 3.37 |
02024_join_on_or_long | OK | 0.81 |
02024_compile_expressions_with_short_circuit_evaluation | OK | 0.1 |
02024_compression_in_query | OK | 1.06 |
02023_nullable_int_uint_where | OK | 0.09 |
02024_storage_filelog_mv | OK | 4.96 |
02023_parser_number_binary_literal | OK | 0.1 |
02023_transform_or_to_in | OK | 0.12 |
02022_array_full_text_bloom_filter_index | OK | 0.17 |
02022_bzip2_truncated | OK | 1.07 |
02022_storage_filelog_one_file | OK | 0.91 |
02023_storage_filelog | OK | 2.97 |
02021_create_database_with_comment | OK | 1.12 |
02021_exponential_sum_shard | OK | 0.54 |
02021_map_has | OK | 0.1 |
02021_h3_is_res_classIII | OK | 0.1 |
02021_h3_is_pentagon | OK | 0.12 |
02021_exponential_sum | OK | 0.2 |
02021_prewhere_column_optimization | OK | 0.12 |
02021_h3_get_faces | OK | 0.1 |
02021_prewhere_always_true_where | OK | 0.11 |
02020_exponential_smoothing_cross_block | OK | 0.09 |
02021_map_bloom_filter_index | OK | 0.34 |
02020_exponential_smoothing | OK | 0.53 |
02020_cast_integer_overflow | OK | 0.08 |
02019_multiple_weird_with_fill | OK | 0.09 |
02018_multiple_with_fill_for_the_same_column | OK | 0.11 |
02017_create_distributed_table_coredump | OK | 0.14 |
02017_columns_with_dot_2 | OK | 0.1 |
02017_bit_shift_left_for_string_integer | OK | 0.31 |
02017_order_by_with_fill_redundant_functions | OK | 0.09 |
02017_columns_with_dot | OK | 0.2 |
02016_bit_shift_right_for_string_integer | OK | 0.39 |
02016_agg_empty_result_bug_28880 | OK | 0.12 |
02016_aggregation_spark_bar | OK | 0.34 |
02016_order_by_with_fill_monotonic_functions_removal | OK | 0.07 |
02016_summing_mt_aggregating_column | OK | 0.12 |
02100_multiple_hosts_command_line_set | OK | 44.99 |
02020_alter_table_modify_comment | OK | 7.16 |
02015_executable_user_defined_functions | OK | 0.16 |
02044_url_glob_parallel_connection_refused | OK | 25.31 |
02030_rocksdb_race_long | OK | 20.57 |
02015_order_by_with_fill_misoptimization | OK | 0.09 |
02015_async_inserts_5 | OK | 5.59 |
02015_async_inserts_2 | OK | 0.62 |
02015_async_inserts_6 | OK | 0.61 |
02015_division_by_nullable | OK | 0.24 |
02015_global_in_threads | OK | 1.03 |
02015_async_inserts_4 | OK | 6.7 |
02015_async_inserts_stress_long | OK | 10.42 |
02014_dict_get_nullable_key | OK | 0.25 |
02014_storage_merge_order_by | OK | 0.21 |
02014_map_different_keys | OK | 0.12 |
02013_bloom_filter_hasAll | OK | 0.29 |
02013_zlib_read_after_eof | OK | 1.3 |
02013_json_function_null_column | OK | 0.14 |
02013_lc_nullable_and_infinity | OK | 0.09 |
02013_emptystring_cast | OK | 0.11 |
02012_zookeeper_changed_enum_type_incompatible | OK | 0.15 |
02012_settings_clause_for_s3 | OK | 0.11 |
02012_get_server_port | OK | 0.11 |
02012_changed_enum_type_non_replicated | OK | 0.14 |
02012_low_cardinality_uuid_with_extremes | OK | 0.11 |
02012_zookeeper_changed_enum_type | OK | 0.16 |
02015_async_inserts_7 | OK | 9.26 |
02012_sha512_fixedstring | OK | 0.11 |
02015_async_inserts_3 | OK | 10.5 |
02011_normalize_utf8 | OK | 0.23 |
02011_http_parsing | OK | 0.32 |
02012_compress_lz4 | OK | 0.46 |
02010_array_index_bad_cast | OK | 0.1 |
02011_tuple_vector_functions | OK | 0.42 |
02009_array_join_partition | OK | 0.09 |
02009_body_query_params | OK | 0.3 |
02009_mysql_client_empty_result | OK | 0.35 |
02009_decimal_no_trailing_zeros | OK | 0.11 |
02010_lc_native | OK | 0.79 |
02008_aliased_column_distributed_bug | OK | 0.14 |
02008_tuple_to_name_value_pairs | OK | 0.16 |
02008_materialize_column | OK | 0.4 |
02008_test_union_distinct_in_subquery | OK | 0.16 |
02007_ipv4_and_ipv6_to_and_from_string | OK | 0.1 |
02009_from_infile | OK | 0.69 |
02007_join_use_nulls | OK | 0.12 |
02006_h3_to_geo_boundary | OK | 0.12 |
02007_test_any_all_operators | OK | 0.23 |
02006_todatetime64_from_string | OK | 0.13 |
02006_use_constants_in_with_and_select | OK | 0.08 |
02006_client_test_hint_error_name | OK | 0.08 |
02006_test_positional_arguments | OK | 0.28 |
02006_client_test_hint_no_such_error_name | OK | 0.32 |
02004_intersect_except_distinct_operators | OK | 0.58 |
02004_max_hyperscan_regex_length | OK | 0.51 |
02005_log_formatted_queries | OK | 0.66 |
02004_intersect_except_const_column | OK | 0.11 |
02004_invalid_partition_mutation_stuck | OK | 0.28 |
02003_WithMergeableStateAfterAggregationAndLimit_LIMIT_BY_LIMIT_OFFSET | OK | 0.26 |
02004_intersect_except_operators | OK | 0.4 |
02003_bug_from_23515 | OK | 0.12 |
02002_global_subqueries_subquery_or_table_name | OK | 0.11 |
02002_sampling_and_unknown_column_bug | OK | 0.09 |
02003_compress_bz2 | OK | 0.43 |
02002_parse_map_int_key | OK | 0.08 |
02001_select_with_filter | OK | 0.12 |
02002_system_table_with_tuple | OK | 0.33 |
02001_shard_num_shard_count | OK | 0.3 |
02001_dist_on_dist_WithMergeableStateAfterAggregation | OK | 0.6 |
02001_join_on_const_bs_long | OK | 0.29 |
02001_hostname_test | OK | 0.1 |
02001_compress_output_file | OK | 0.39 |
02000_default_from_default_empty_column | OK | 0.15 |
02000_table_function_cluster_macros | OK | 0.09 |
02015_async_inserts_1 | OK | 9.75 |
02003_memory_limit_in_client | OK | 2.19 |
02000_join_on_const | OK | 0.4 |
01961_roaring_memory_tracking | OK | 0.31 |
01960_lambda_precedence | OK | 0.09 |
01958_partial_hour_timezone | OK | 0.1 |
01957_heredoc_more | OK | 0.08 |
02000_map_full_text_bloom_filter_index | OK | 0.49 |
01952_optimize_distributed_group_by_sharding_key | OK | 0.11 |
01951_distributed_push_down_limit | OK | 0.08 |
01956_skip_unavailable_shards_excessive_attempts | OK | 0.4 |
01950_aliases_bad_cast | OK | 0.12 |
01955_clickhouse_benchmark_connection_hang | OK | 0.41 |
01949_heredoc_unfinished | OK | 0.33 |
01948_group_bitmap_and_or_xor_fix | OK | 0.1 |
01948_heredoc | OK | 0.11 |
01950_kill_large_group_by_query | OK | 0.86 |
01949_clickhouse_local_with_remote_localhost | OK | 1.06 |
01947_mv_subquery | OK | 0.87 |
01947_multiple_pipe_read | OK | 0.72 |
01946_tskv | OK | 0.62 |
01946_profile_sleep | OK | 0.44 |
01944_insert_partition_by | OK | 0.16 |
01944_range_max_elements | OK | 0.09 |
01945_show_debug_warning | OK | 0.66 |
01943_log_column_sizes | OK | 0.13 |
01945_system_warnings | OK | 0.63 |
01943_non_deterministic_order_key | OK | 0.11 |
01942_dateTimeToSnowflake | OK | 0.17 |
01943_pmj_non_joined_stuck | OK | 0.27 |
01942_untuple_transformers_msan | OK | 0.08 |
01942_create_table_with_sample | OK | 0.14 |
01942_snowflakeToDateTime | OK | 0.23 |
01941_dict_get_has_complex_single_key | OK | 0.14 |
01940_totimezone_operator_monotonicity | OK | 0.12 |
01943_query_id_check | OK | 0.76 |
01940_custom_tld_sharding_key | OK | 0.17 |
01940_point_in_polygon_ubsan | OK | 0.1 |
01940_pad_string | OK | 0.23 |
01939_type_map_json | OK | 0.12 |
01938_joins_identifiers | OK | 0.14 |
01937_nested_chinese | OK | 0.1 |
01936_quantiles_cannot_return_null | OK | 0.09 |
01936_three_parts_identifiers_in_wrong_places | OK | 0.14 |
01936_empty_function_support_uuid | OK | 0.12 |
01934_constexpr_aggregate_function_parameters | OK | 0.14 |
01935_parametrized_query_parametric_aggregate_function | OK | 0.3 |
01939_network_receive_bytes_metrics | OK | 0.76 |
01933_invalid_date | OK | 0.17 |
01932_global_in_function | OK | 0.1 |
01932_alter_index_with_order | OK | 0.11 |
01933_client_replxx_convert_history | OK | 0.43 |
01932_null_valid_identifier | OK | 0.34 |
01931_storage_merge_no_columns | OK | 0.14 |
01932_remote_sharding_key_column | OK | 0.6 |
01927_query_views_log_current_database | OK | 0.75 |
01926_bin_unbin | OK | 0.21 |
01926_date_date_time_supertype | OK | 0.15 |
01926_json_as_string_array | OK | 0.64 |
01930_optimize_skip_unused_shards_rewrite_in | OK | 1.93 |
01926_union_all_schmak | OK | 0.1 |
01927_query_views_log_matview_exceptions | OK | 1.8 |
01954_clickhouse_benchmark_multiple_long | OK | 7.34 |
01925_broken_partition_id_zookeeper | OK | 0.37 |
01925_map_populate_series_on_map | OK | 0.47 |
01925_json_as_string_data_in_square_brackets | OK | 0.15 |
01925_jit_aggregation_function_count_long | OK | 0.12 |
01925_date_date_time_comparison | OK | 0.1 |
01925_join_materialized_columns | OK | 0.32 |
01925_test_group_by_const_consistency | OK | 0.15 |
01925_merge_prewhere_table | OK | 0.15 |
01924_argmax_bitmap_state | OK | 0.27 |
01923_different_expression_name_alias | OK | 0.18 |
01923_ttl_with_modify_column | OK | 0.23 |
01922_array_join_with_index | OK | 0.15 |
01922_client_param | OK | 0.43 |
01922_sum_null_for_remote | OK | 0.15 |
01921_not_chain | OK | 0.09 |
01926_order_by_desc_limit | OK | 1.85 |
01921_with_fill_with_totals | OK | 0.09 |
01920_not_chain_format | OK | 0.09 |
01921_test_progress_bar | OK | 0.44 |
01917_system_data_skipping_indices | OK | 0.21 |
01917_prewhere_column_type | OK | 0.16 |
01921_datatype_date32 | OK | 0.48 |
01917_distinct_on | OK | 0.1 |
01916_lowcard_dict_type | OK | 0.14 |
01916_low_cardinality_interval | OK | 0.1 |
01916_multiple_join_view_optimize_predicate_chertus | OK | 0.1 |
01915_json_extract_raw_string | OK | 0.11 |
01915_merge_prewhere_virtual_column_rand_chao_wang | OK | 0.09 |
01915_for_each_crakjie | OK | 0.16 |
01914_ubsan_quantile_timing | OK | 0.08 |
01913_if_int_decimal | OK | 0.09 |
01914_index_bgranvea | OK | 0.11 |
01913_join_push_down_bug | OK | 0.11 |
01913_summing_mt_and_simple_agg_function_with_lc | OK | 0.16 |
01913_fix_column_transformer_replace_format | OK | 0.15 |
01913_names_of_tuple_literal | OK | 0.09 |
01912_bad_cast_join_fuzz | OK | 0.1 |
01911_logical_error_minus | OK | 0.4 |
01910_memory_tracking_topk | OK | 0.1 |
01910_client_replxx_container_overflow_long | OK | 0.45 |
01908_with_unknown_column | OK | 0.11 |
01909_mbtolou | OK | 0.16 |
01907_multiple_aliases | OK | 0.09 |
01906_h3_to_geo | OK | 0.17 |
01906_bigint_accurate_cast_ubsan | OK | 0.17 |
01906_partition_by_multiply_by_zero | OK | 0.13 |
01905_to_json_string | OK | 0.09 |
01906_lc_in_bug | OK | 0.41 |
01913_quantile_deterministic | OK | 2.55 |
01923_network_receive_time_metric_insert | OK | 4.76 |
01902_self_aliases_in_columns | OK | 0.11 |
01901_in_literal_shard_prune | OK | 0.12 |
01903_http_fields | OK | 0.83 |
02015_shard_crash_clang_12_build | OK | 30.88 |
01897_jit_aggregation_function_avg_weighted_long | OK | 0.62 |
01896_jit_aggregation_function_if_long | OK | 0.55 |
01895_jit_aggregation_function_avg_long | OK | 0.49 |
01894_jit_aggregation_function_max_long | OK | 0.45 |
01892_setting_limit_offset_distributed | OK | 0.36 |
01893_jit_aggregation_function_min_long | OK | 0.5 |
01891_not_like_partition_prune | OK | 0.12 |
01903_correct_block_size_prediction_with_default | OK | 3.45 |
01891_partition_hash | OK | 0.15 |
01892_jit_aggregation_function_any_last_long | OK | 0.46 |
01891_partition_by_uuid | OK | 0.09 |
01891_partition_hash_no_long_int | OK | 0.3 |
01891_jit_aggregation_function_any_long | OK | 0.63 |
01891_not_in_partition_prune | OK | 0.37 |
01891_echo | OK | 0.08 |
01890_state_of_state | OK | 0.22 |
01890_jit_aggregation_function_sum_long | OK | 0.35 |
01890_stem | OK | 0.1 |
01890_cross_join_explain_crash | OK | 0.09 |
01890_materialized_distributed_join | OK | 0.45 |
01889_sql_json_functions | OK | 0.18 |
01889_tokenize | OK | 0.09 |
01889_key_condition_function_chains | OK | 0.16 |
01888_bloom_filter_hasAny | OK | 0.14 |
01888_read_int_safe | OK | 0.18 |
01883_subcolumns_distributed | OK | 0.12 |
01889_clickhouse_client_config_format | OK | 0.69 |
01883_with_grouping_sets | OK | 0.14 |
01883_grouping_sets_crash | OK | 0.15 |
01882_scalar_subquery_exception | OK | 0.18 |
01882_check_max_parts_to_merge_at_once | OK | 0.55 |
01900_kill_mutation_parallel_long | OK | 4.58 |
01881_union_header_mismatch_bug | OK | 0.1 |
01881_negate_formatting | OK | 0.09 |
01881_create_as_tuple | OK | 0.12 |
01881_join_on_conditions_merge | OK | 0.4 |
01881_to_week_monotonic_fix | OK | 0.11 |
01881_aggregate_functions_versioning | OK | 0.13 |
01882_total_rows_approx | OK | 0.98 |
01881_total_bytes_storage_buffer | OK | 0.09 |
01880_materialized_view_to_table_type_check | OK | 0.17 |
01880_remote_ipv6 | OK | 0.25 |
01872_functions_to_subcolumns | OK | 0.14 |
01881_join_on_conditions_hash | OK | 0.73 |
01889_sqlite_read_write | OK | 2.75 |
01871_merge_tree_compile_expressions | OK | 0.29 |
01869_reinterpret_as_fixed_string_uuid | OK | 0.08 |
01870_modulo_partition_key | OK | 0.4 |
01874_select_from_trailing_whitespaces | OK | 0.76 |
01869_function_modulo_legacy | OK | 0.09 |
01868_order_by_fill_with_datetime64 | OK | 0.11 |
01867_support_datetime64_version_column | OK | 0.15 |
01867_fix_storage_memory_mutation | OK | 0.13 |
01866_split_by_regexp | OK | 0.08 |
01866_bit_positions_to_array | OK | 0.15 |
01866_aggregate_function_interval_length_sum | OK | 0.2 |
01872_initial_query_start_time | OK | 0.89 |
01866_datetime64_cmp_with_constant | OK | 0.14 |
01861_explain_pipeline | OK | 0.12 |
01866_view_persist_settings | OK | 0.18 |
01865_aggregator_overflow_row | OK | 0.23 |
01854_s2_cap_union | OK | 0.12 |
01855_jit_comparison_constant_result | OK | 0.19 |
01853_s2_cells_intersect | OK | 0.11 |
01854_s2_cap_contains | OK | 0.18 |
01852_cast_operator | OK | 0.14 |
01852_multiple_joins_with_union_join | OK | 0.16 |
01852_cast_operator_3 | OK | 0.11 |
01854_HTTP_dict_decompression | OK | 0.52 |
01860_Distributed__shard_num_GROUP_BY | OK | 0.71 |
01852_jit_if | OK | 0.13 |
01852_cast_operator_2 | OK | 0.1 |
01852_cast_operator_4 | OK | 0.1 |
01852_s2_get_neighbours | OK | 0.08 |
01851_s2_to_geo | OK | 0.08 |
01852_map_combinator | OK | 0.26 |
01851_clear_column_referenced_by_mv | OK | 0.13 |
01851_array_difference_decimal_overflow_ubsan | OK | 0.1 |
01852_hints_enum_name | OK | 0.34 |
01851_fix_row_policy_empty_result | OK | 0.1 |
01851_hedged_connections_external_tables | OK | 0.25 |
01849_geoToS2 | OK | 0.23 |
01848_partition_value_column | OK | 0.16 |
01847_bad_like | OK | 0.13 |
01846_null_as_default_for_insert_select | OK | 0.22 |
01846_alter_column_without_type_bugfix | OK | 0.1 |
01840_tupleElement_formatting_fuzzer | OK | 0.09 |
01845_add_testcase_for_arrayElement | OK | 0.1 |
01839_join_to_subqueries_rewriter_columns_matcher | OK | 0.09 |
01838_system_dictionaries_virtual_key_column | OK | 0.12 |
01837_cast_to_array_from_empty_array | OK | 0.09 |
01836_date_time_keep_default_timezone_on_operations_den_crane | OK | 0.14 |
01835_alias_to_primary_key_cyfdecyf | OK | 0.14 |
01852_cast_operator_bad_cases | OK | 1.4 |
01848_http_insert_segfault | OK | 0.89 |
01833_test_collation_alvarotuso | OK | 0.11 |
01832_memory_write_suffix | OK | 0.11 |
01831_max_streams | OK | 0.14 |
01825_type_json_missed_values | OK | 0.18 |
01834_alias_columns_laziness_filimonov | OK | 0.57 |
01825_type_json_7 | OK | 0.64 |
01825_type_json_8 | OK | 0.86 |
01825_type_json_15 | OK | 0.72 |
01825_replacing_vertical_merge | OK | 0.15 |
01903_csvwithnames_subset_of_columns | OK | 12.07 |
01825_type_json_12 | OK | 0.74 |
01825_type_json_field | OK | 0.13 |
01825_type_json_wide_parts_merge | OK | 0.2 |
01825_type_json_11 | OK | 0.77 |
01825_type_json_distributed | OK | 0.12 |
01825_type_json_18 | OK | 0.1 |
01825_type_json_nbagames | OK | 1.81 |
01825_type_json_insert_select | OK | 0.24 |
01825_type_json_sparse | OK | 0.14 |
01825_type_json_ephemeral | OK | 0.1 |
01825_type_json_4 | OK | 0.86 |
01825_type_json_schema_inference | OK | 1.42 |
01825_type_json_describe | OK | 0.12 |
01825_type_json_nullable | OK | 0.12 |
01825_type_json_empty_string | OK | 0.09 |
01825_type_json_9 | OK | 0.12 |
01825_type_json_13 | OK | 0.76 |
01825_type_json_partitions | OK | 0.1 |
01825_type_json_mutations | OK | 0.21 |
01825_type_json_6 | OK | 0.66 |
01825_type_json_add_column | OK | 0.37 |
01825_type_json_ghdata_insert_select | OK | 2.95 |
01825_type_json_in_array | OK | 0.16 |
01825_type_json_order_by | OK | 0.08 |
01825_type_json_10 | OK | 0.11 |
01825_type_json_1 | OK | 0.18 |
01825_type_json_parallel_insert | OK | 0.21 |
01825_type_json_14 | OK | 0.15 |
01825_type_json_from_map | OK | 2.36 |
01825_type_json_5 | OK | 0.09 |
01825_type_json_btc | OK | 0.95 |
01825_type_json_bools | OK | 0.11 |
01825_type_json_ghdata | OK | 2.04 |
01825_type_json_3 | OK | 0.27 |
01825_type_json_in_other_types | OK | 1.05 |
01824_move_to_prewhere_many_columns | OK | 0.21 |
01823_array_low_cardinality_KuliginStepan | OK | 0.08 |
01825_type_json_16 | OK | 0.75 |
01825_type_json_2 | OK | 0.63 |
01822_union_and_constans_error | OK | 0.09 |
01823_explain_json | OK | 0.67 |
01821_join_table_mutation | OK | 0.15 |
01822_short_circuit | OK | 0.44 |
01821_to_date_time_ubsan | OK | 0.1 |
01820_unhex_case_insensitive | OK | 0.09 |
01818_case_float_value_fangyc | OK | 0.09 |
01818_move_partition_simple | OK | 0.2 |
01817_storage_buffer_parameters | OK | 0.14 |
01815_with_mergeable_state_after_aggregation_and_limit | OK | 0.31 |
01818_input_format_with_names_use_header | OK | 0.65 |
01813_quantileBfloat16_nans | OK | 0.12 |
01813_distributed_scalar_subqueries_alias | OK | 0.17 |
01812_optimize_skip_unused_shards_single_node | OK | 0.18 |
01814_distributed_push_down_limit | OK | 1.4 |
01812_has_generic | OK | 0.1 |
01811_datename | OK | 0.12 |
01811_filter_by_null | OK | 0.11 |
01812_basic_auth_http_server | OK | 3.05 |
01822_async_read_from_socket_crash | OK | 5.44 |
01825_type_json_schema_race_long | OK | 10.07 |
01804_uniq_up_to_ubsan | OK | 0.1 |
01803_untuple_subquery | OK | 0.12 |
01803_const_nullable_map | OK | 0.12 |
01802_formatDateTime_DateTime64_century | OK | 0.1 |
01802_rank_corr_mann_whitney_over_window | OK | 0.25 |
01811_storage_buffer_flush_parameters | OK | 3.09 |
01809_inactive_parts_to_delay_throw_insert | OK | 1.12 |
01802_toDateTime64_large_values | OK | 0.1 |
01801_approx_total_rows_mergetree_reverse | OK | 0.21 |
01801_s3_cluster_count | OK | 0.18 |
01801_distinct_group_by_shard | OK | 0.18 |
01810_max_part_removal_threads_long | OK | 1.81 |
01801_dateDiff_DateTime64 | OK | 0.19 |
01801_nullable_low_cardinality_tsv | OK | 0.55 |
01800_log_nested | OK | 0.14 |
01798_uniq_theta_union_intersect_not | OK | 0.35 |
01801_s3_cluster | OK | 0.73 |
01797_StripeLog_rwlock_ub | OK | 0.08 |
01798_having_push_down | OK | 0.13 |
01798_uniq_theta_sketch | OK | 0.59 |
01796_Log_rwlock_ub | OK | 0.09 |
01795_TinyLog_rwlock_ub | OK | 0.09 |
01791_dist_INSERT_block_structure_mismatch | OK | 0.36 |
01790_dist_INSERT_block_structure_mismatch_types_and_names | OK | 0.41 |
01787_arena_assert_column_nothing | OK | 0.09 |
01787_map_remote | OK | 0.16 |
01786_group_by_pk_many_streams | OK | 0.31 |
01788_update_nested_type_subcolumn_check | OK | 0.79 |
01799_long_uniq_theta_sketch | OK | 1.75 |
01785_pmj_lc_bug | OK | 0.15 |
01785_parallel_formatting_memory | OK | 0.44 |
01784_parallel_formatting_memory | OK | 0.08 |
01786_nullable_string_tsv_at_eof | OK | 0.66 |
01783_http_chunk_size | OK | 0.35 |
01783_merge_engine_join_key_condition | OK | 0.17 |
01783_parallel_formatting_memory | OK | 0.28 |
01781_map_op_ubsan | OK | 0.09 |
01786_explain_merge_tree | OK | 1.18 |
01780_column_sparse_distinct | OK | 0.18 |
01781_token_extractor_buffer_overflow | OK | 0.42 |
01780_column_sparse_filter | OK | 0.25 |
01780_range_msan | OK | 0.12 |
01782_field_oom | OK | 0.74 |
01781_merge_tree_deduplication | OK | 0.87 |
01780_column_sparse_pk | OK | 0.31 |
01780_column_sparse_tuple | OK | 0.28 |
01780_dict_get_or_null | OK | 0.27 |
01780_column_sparse_alter | OK | 0.17 |
01780_column_sparse_full | OK | 0.44 |
01780_column_sparse | OK | 0.22 |
01779_quantile_deterministic_msan | OK | 0.08 |
01778_mmap_cache_infra | OK | 0.08 |
01778_where_with_column_name | OK | 0.11 |
01778_test_LowCardinality_FixedString_pk | OK | 0.16 |
01777_map_populate_series_ubsan | OK | 0.11 |
01776_decrypt_aead_size_check | OK | 0.11 |
01774_tuple_null_in | OK | 0.1 |
01774_bar_with_illegal_value | OK | 0.1 |
01774_case_sensitive_connection_id | OK | 0.09 |
01773_min_max_time_system_parts_datetime64 | OK | 0.09 |
01773_case_sensitive_revision | OK | 0.1 |
01773_case_sensitive_version | OK | 0.08 |
01773_datetime64_add_ubsan | OK | 0.1 |
01774_ip_address_in_range | OK | 0.3 |
01772_intdiv_minus_one_ubsan | OK | 0.07 |
01770_add_months_ubsan | OK | 0.11 |
01772_to_start_of_hour_align | OK | 0.22 |
01771_datetime64_no_time_part | OK | 0.13 |
01770_extended_range_3 | OK | 0.12 |
01768_extended_range | OK | 0.1 |
01769_extended_range_2 | OK | 0.14 |
01766_todatetime64_no_timezone_arg | OK | 0.1 |
01765_tehran_dst | OK | 0.1 |
01768_array_product | OK | 0.29 |
01765_move_to_table_overlapping_block_number | OK | 0.15 |
01767_timezoneOf | OK | 0.34 |
01764_prefer_column_name_to_alias | OK | 0.19 |
01764_collapsing_merge_adaptive_granularity | OK | 0.21 |
01763_support_map_lowcardinality_type | OK | 0.1 |
01763_filter_push_down_bugs | OK | 0.19 |
01762_deltasumtimestamp | OK | 0.12 |
01762_datetime64_extended_parsing | OK | 0.08 |
01761_round_year_bounds | OK | 0.09 |
01762_deltasumtimestamp_datetime64 | OK | 0.34 |
01763_long_ttl_group_by | OK | 0.66 |
01761_cast_to_enum_nullable | OK | 0.1 |
01760_modulo_negative | OK | 0.11 |
01759_optimize_skip_unused_shards_zero_shards | OK | 0.09 |
01761_alter_decimal_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.22 |
01757_optimize_skip_unused_shards_limit | OK | 0.19 |
01763_max_distributed_depth | OK | 0.95 |
01755_shard_pruning_with_literal | OK | 0.12 |
01758_optimize_skip_unused_shards_once | OK | 0.43 |
01754_cluster_all_replicas_shard_num | OK | 0.12 |
01755_client_highlight_multi_line_comment_regression | OK | 0.36 |
01754_clickhouse_format_backslash | OK | 0.34 |
01753_mutate_table_predicated_with_table | OK | 0.16 |
01753_optimize_aggregation_in_order | OK | 0.37 |
01753_max_uri_size | OK | 0.3 |
01756_optimize_skip_unused_shards_rewrite_in | OK | 1.23 |
01753_fix_clickhouse_format | OK | 0.46 |
01753_system_zookeeper_query_param_path_long | OK | 0.56 |
01748_partition_id_pruning | OK | 0.14 |
01752_distributed_query_sigsegv | OK | 0.42 |
01747_transform_empty_arrays | OK | 0.09 |
01750_parsing_exception | OK | 0.33 |
01747_alter_partition_key_enum_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.26 |
01746_forbid_drop_column_referenced_by_mv | OK | 0.19 |
01746_lc_values_format_bug | OK | 0.11 |
01746_extract_text_from_html | OK | 0.18 |
01746_convert_type_with_default | OK | 0.12 |
01746_long_zlib_http_compression_json_format | OK | 0.46 |
01744_tuple_cast_to_map_bugfix | OK | 0.08 |
01745_alter_delete_view | OK | 0.12 |
01821_join_table_race_long | OK | 14.46 |
01746_test_for_tupleElement_must_be_constant_issue | OK | 0.29 |
01737_move_order_key_to_prewhere_select_final | OK | 0.13 |
01746_long_zstd_http_compression_json_format | OK | 0.67 |
01739_index_hint | OK | 0.17 |
01735_to_datetime64 | OK | 0.08 |
01736_null_as_default | OK | 0.11 |
01735_join_get_low_card_fix | OK | 0.1 |
01733_transform_ubsan | OK | 0.09 |
01732_bigint_ubsan | OK | 0.14 |
01734_datetime64_from_float | OK | 0.18 |
01732_union_and_union_all | OK | 0.09 |
01732_explain_syntax_union_query | OK | 0.09 |
01732_more_consistent_datetime64_parsing | OK | 0.11 |
01732_alters_bad_conversions | OK | 0.19 |
01721_constraints_constant_expressions | OK | 0.16 |
01720_country_intersection | OK | 1.33 |
01730_distributed_group_by_no_merge_order_by_long | OK | 2.27 |
01720_join_implicit_cast | OK | 0.87 |
01731_async_task_queue_wait | OK | 2.64 |
01720_type_map_and_casts | OK | 0.29 |
01720_constraints_complex_types | OK | 0.16 |
01720_engine_file_empty_if_not_exists | OK | 0.1 |
01720_union_distinct_with_limit | OK | 0.09 |
01718_subtract_seconds_date | OK | 0.08 |
01719_join_timezone | OK | 0.15 |
01717_int_div_float_too_large_ubsan | OK | 0.1 |
01717_global_with_subquery_fix | OK | 0.1 |
01716_array_difference_overflow | OK | 0.08 |
01716_drop_rename_sign_column | OK | 0.11 |
01716_decimal_comparison_ubsan | OK | 0.09 |
01715_table_function_view_fix | OK | 0.11 |
01721_join_implicit_cast_long | OK | 3.34 |
01714_alter_drop_version | OK | 0.13 |
01715_tuple_insert_null_as_default | OK | 0.29 |
01713_table_ttl_old_syntax_zookeeper | OK | 0.11 |
01712_no_adaptive_granularity_vertical_merge | OK | 0.14 |
01711_decimal_multiplication | OK | 0.1 |
01711_cte_subquery_fix | OK | 0.09 |
01720_country_perimeter_and_area | OK | 1.36 |
01710_minmax_count_projection_constant_query | OK | 0.13 |
01710_normal_projection_fix1 | OK | 0.11 |
01710_aggregate_projection_with_grouping_set | OK | 0.12 |
01710_projection_detach_part | OK | 0.11 |
01710_aggregate_projection_with_hashing | OK | 0.17 |
01710_order_by_projections_complete | OK | 0.1 |
01710_projection_part_check | OK | 0.18 |
01710_projections_order_by_complete | OK | 0.11 |
01710_order_by_projections_incomplete | OK | 0.12 |
01710_projection_in_set | OK | 0.14 |
01710_force_use_projection | OK | 0.12 |
01710_minmax_count_projection_distributed_query | OK | 0.11 |
01710_projections_and_duplicate_columms | OK | 0.15 |
01710_normal_projections | OK | 1.66 |
01710_projection_with_mixed_pipeline | OK | 0.13 |
01710_projection_additional_filters | OK | 0.12 |
01710_projections_order_by_incomplete | OK | 0.15 |
01710_projection_group_by_order_by | OK | 0.09 |
01710_projections_optimize_aggregation_in_order | OK | 1.86 |
01710_projections_in_distributed_query | OK | 0.15 |
01710_projection_external_aggregate | OK | 0.13 |
01710_projection_materialize_with_missing_columns | OK | 0.11 |
01710_projection_with_joins | OK | 0.16 |
01710_projection_drop_if_exists | OK | 0.13 |
01710_aggregate_projections | OK | 1.33 |
01710_projection_with_column_transformers | OK | 0.1 |
01710_projection_in_index | OK | 0.11 |
01710_projection_array_join | OK | 0.1 |
01710_projections_group_by_no_key | OK | 0.1 |
01710_projections | OK | 0.39 |
01710_projection_aggregation_in_order | OK | 0.2 |
01710_minmax_count_projection | OK | 0.48 |
01710_projection_mutation | OK | 0.13 |
01710_projection_optimize_materialize | OK | 0.3 |
01710_projections_partial_optimize_aggregation_in_order | OK | 1.5 |
01710_projection_row_policy | OK | 0.15 |
01709_inactive_parts_to_throw_insert | OK | 0.11 |
01707_join_use_nulls | OK | 0.1 |
01710_projection_fetch_long | OK | 0.33 |
01706_optimize_normalize_count_variants | OK | 0.08 |
01705_normalize_case_insensitive_function_names | OK | 0.09 |
01704_transform_with_float_key | OK | 0.09 |
01703_rewrite_aggregate_function_case_insensitive | OK | 0.09 |
01702_system_numbers_scientific_notation | OK | 0.11 |
01702_rewrite_avg_for_algebraic_optimization | OK | 0.12 |
01702_bitmap_native_integers | OK | 0.16 |
01702_toDateTime_from_string_clamping | OK | 0.15 |
01701_if_tuple_segfault | OK | 0.34 |
01701_clear_projection_and_part_remove | OK | 0.24 |
01700_point_in_polygon_ubsan | OK | 0.1 |
01700_deltasum | OK | 0.21 |
01700_system_zookeeper_path_in | OK | 0.19 |
01700_mod_negative_type_promotion | OK | 0.12 |
01698_fix_toMinute | OK | 0.18 |
01701_parallel_parsing_infinite_segmentation | OK | 0.82 |
01699_timezoneOffset | OK | 0.3 |
01698_map_populate_overflow | OK | 0.09 |
01691_DateTime64_clamp | OK | 0.11 |
01692_DateTime64_from_DateTime | OK | 0.13 |
01690_quantilesTiming_ubsan | OK | 0.09 |
01686_rocksdb | OK | 0.47 |
01685_json_extract_double_as_float | OK | 0.1 |
01691_parser_data_type_exponential | OK | 0.86 |
01684_geohash_ubsan | OK | 0.25 |
01684_insert_specify_shard_id | OK | 0.27 |
01683_dist_INSERT_block_structure_mismatch | OK | 0.11 |
01683_intdiv_ubsan | OK | 0.1 |
01686_event_time_microseconds_part_log | OK | 1.24 |
01683_codec_encrypted | OK | 0.11 |
01682_gather_utils_ubsan | OK | 0.1 |
01681_arg_min_max_if_fix | OK | 0.08 |
01681_bloom_filter_nullable_column | OK | 0.37 |
01681_hyperscan_debug_assertion | OK | 0.44 |
01680_predicate_pushdown_union_distinct_subquery | OK | 0.11 |
01679_format_readable_time_delta_inf | OK | 0.11 |
01678_great_circle_angle | OK | 0.13 |
01677_array_enumerate_bug | OK | 0.11 |
01679_incorrect_data_on_insert_collapsing | OK | 0.58 |
01677_bit_float | OK | 0.33 |
01676_round_int_ubsan | OK | 0.09 |
01676_reinterpret_as | OK | 0.41 |
01715_background_checker_blather_zookeeper_long | OK | 10.47 |
01683_text_log_deadlock | OK | 4.63 |
01675_data_type_coroutine | OK | 4.65 |
01674_where_prewhere_array_crash | OK | 0.14 |
01674_htm_xml_coarse_parse | OK | 0.1 |
01674_clickhouse_client_query_param_cte | OK | 0.32 |
01674_unicode_asan | OK | 0.15 |
02377_majority_insert_quorum_zookeeper_long | OK | 248.28 |
01674_filter_by_uint8 | OK | 0.11 |
01673_test_toMinute_mysql_dialect | OK | 0.07 |
01672_test_toSecond_mysql_dialect | OK | 0.08 |
01672_actions_dag_merge_crash | OK | 0.08 |
01671_test_toQuarter_mysql_dialect | OK | 0.07 |
01671_aggregate_function_group_bitmap_data | OK | 0.1 |
01671_merge_join_and_constants | OK | 0.14 |
01675_distributed_bytes_to_delay_insert | OK | 4.81 |
01670_sign_function | OK | 0.17 |
01732_race_condition_storage_join_long | OK | 20.6 |
01670_neighbor_lc_bug | OK | 0.25 |
01670_log_comment | OK | 0.77 |
01670_test_repeat_mysql_dialect | OK | 0.09 |
01670_distributed_bytes_to_throw_insert | OK | 0.12 |
01669_test_toYear_mysql_dialect | OK | 0.09 |
01668_test_toMonth_mysql_dialect | OK | 0.09 |
01669_join_or_duplicates | OK | 0.13 |
01669_columns_declaration_serde_long | OK | 0.32 |
01668_avg_weighted_ubsan | OK | 0.12 |
01667_aes_args_check | OK | 0.11 |
01666_great_circle_distance_ubsan | OK | 0.08 |
01666_gcd_ubsan | OK | 0.24 |
01666_lcm_ubsan | OK | 0.21 |
01666_date_lut_buffer_overflow | OK | 0.09 |
01665_substring_ubsan | OK | 0.07 |
01666_blns_long | OK | 0.49 |
01665_merge_tree_min_for_concurrent_read | OK | 0.11 |
01665_running_difference_ubsan | OK | 0.09 |
01664_array_slice_ubsan | OK | 0.1 |
01664_decimal_ubsan | OK | 0.11 |
01664_ntoa_aton_mysql_compatibility | OK | 0.09 |
01663_quantile_weighted_overflow | OK | 0.09 |
01663_aes_msan | OK | 0.09 |
01663_test_toDate_mysql_compatibility | OK | 0.08 |
01662_test_toDayOfMonth_mysql_compatibility | OK | 0.09 |
01662_join_mixed | OK | 0.09 |
01661_arraySlice_ubsan | OK | 0.1 |
01662_date_ubsan | OK | 0.35 |
01661_referer | OK | 0.72 |
01661_extract_all_groups_throw_fast | OK | 0.98 |
01661_join_complex | OK | 0.23 |
01661_test_toDayOfWeek_mysql_compatibility | OK | 0.08 |
01660_test_toDayOfYear_mysql_compatibility | OK | 0.09 |
01660_join_or_subqueries | OK | 0.17 |
01666_merge_tree_max_query_limit | OK | 2.5 |
01660_join_or_all | OK | 0.38 |
01660_system_parts_smoke | OK | 0.24 |
01660_join_or_inner | OK | 0.17 |
01660_sum_ubsan | OK | 0.2 |
01660_second_extremes_bug | OK | 0.12 |
01659_test_base64Decode_mysql_compatibility | OK | 0.07 |
01659_h3_buffer_overflow | OK | 0.13 |
01659_array_aggregation_ubsan | OK | 0.07 |
01660_join_or_any | OK | 0.26 |
01658_substring_ubsan | OK | 0.09 |
01658_values_ubsan | OK | 0.1 |
01658_test_base64Encode_mysql_compatibility | OK | 0.08 |
01657_test_toHour_mysql_compatibility | OK | 0.08 |
01657_array_element_ubsan | OK | 0.12 |
01656_ipv4_bad_formatting | OK | 0.1 |
01656_test_hex_mysql_dialect | OK | 0.08 |
01656_join_defaul_enum | OK | 0.23 |
01655_sleep_infinite_float | OK | 0.11 |
01655_test_isnull_mysql_dialect | OK | 0.11 |
01655_quarter_modificator_for_formatDateTime | OK | 0.09 |
01655_window_functions_bug | OK | 0.12 |
01655_agg_if_nullable | OK | 0.15 |
01675_data_type_coroutine_2 | OK | 13.2 |
01656_sequence_next_node_long | OK | 2.61 |
01654_bar_nan | OK | 0.08 |
01655_plan_optimizations | OK | 2.68 |
01655_plan_optimizations_optimize_read_in_window_order | OK | 1.8 |
01652_ignore_and_low_cardinality | OK | 0.11 |
01653_tuple_hamming_distance_2 | OK | 0.18 |
01652_ttl_old_syntax | OK | 0.16 |
01651_bugs_from_15889 | OK | 1.34 |
01651_map_functions | OK | 0.28 |
01651_group_uniq_array_enum | OK | 0.1 |
01650_any_null_if | OK | 0.14 |
01650_expressions_merge_bug | OK | 0.08 |
01650_drop_part_and_deduplication_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.31 |
01650_fetch_patition_with_macro_in_zk_path_long | OK | 0.22 |
01649_with_alias_key_condition | OK | 0.1 |
01648_normalize_query_keep_names | OK | 0.11 |
01651_lc_insert_tiny_log | OK | 4.23 |
01655_plan_optimizations_optimize_read_in_window_order_long | OK | 9.62 |
01646_rewrite_sum_if_bug | OK | 0.13 |
01646_fix_window_funnel_inconistency | OK | 0.16 |
01646_rewrite_sum_if | OK | 0.26 |
01648_mutations_and_escaping | OK | 4.47 |
01645_system_table_engines | OK | 0.08 |
01644_distributed_async_insert_fsync_smoke | OK | 0.3 |
01642_if_nullable_regression | OK | 0.46 |
01643_merge_tree_fsync_smoke | OK | 1.03 |
01640_distributed_async_insert_compression | OK | 0.17 |
01641_memory_tracking_insert_optimize | OK | 0.39 |
01640_marks_corruption_regression | OK | 0.14 |
01639_distributed_sync_insert_zero_rows | OK | 0.25 |
01638_div_mod_ambiguities | OK | 0.12 |
01637_nullable_fuzz3 | OK | 0.1 |
01635_sum_map_fuzz | OK | 0.1 |
01636_nullable_fuzz2 | OK | 0.22 |
01635_nullable_fuzz | OK | 0.09 |
01634_summap_nullable | OK | 0.09 |
01634_sum_map_nulls | OK | 0.1 |
01634_uuid_fuzz | OK | 0.12 |
01633_limit_fuzz | OK | 0.09 |
01632_nullable_string_type_convert_to_decimal_type | OK | 0.08 |
01632_max_partitions_to_read | OK | 0.13 |
01632_group_array_msan | OK | 0.14 |
01632_select_all_syntax | OK | 0.12 |
01631_date_overflow_as_partition_key | OK | 0.1 |
01647_clickhouse_local_hung | OK | 6.78 |
01630_simple_aggregate_function_in_summing_merge_tree | OK | 0.12 |
01630_disallow_floating_point_as_partition_key | OK | 0.12 |
01630_simple_aggregate_all_functions_in_summing_merge_tree | OK | 2.01 |
01626_cnf_test | OK | 0.12 |
01671_ddl_hang_timeout_long | OK | 21.33 |
01625_constraints_index_append | OK | 0.12 |
01630_simple_aggregate_all_functions_in_aggregating_merge_tree | OK | 2.32 |
02125_many_mutations | OK | 173.97 |
01623_byte_size_const | OK | 0.09 |
01624_soft_constraints | OK | 2.23 |
01623_constraints_column_swap | OK | 1.32 |
01622_codec_zstd_long | OK | 0.23 |
01622_multiple_ttls | OK | 0.15 |
01622_constraints_where_optimization | OK | 0.09 |
01654_test_writer_block_sequence | OK | 16.26 |
01622_defaults_for_url_engine | OK | 0.34 |
01622_defaults_for_file_engine | OK | 0.11 |
01622_constraints_simple_optimization | OK | 0.29 |
01621_decode_XML | OK | 0.11 |
01621_summap_check_types | OK | 0.08 |
01621_sort_after_join_pipeline_stuck | OK | 0.13 |
01621_bar_nan_arguments | OK | 0.11 |
01622_byte_size | OK | 0.73 |
01621_clickhouse_compressor | OK | 0.4 |
01616_untuple_access_field | OK | 0.08 |
01620_fix_simple_state_arg_type | OK | 0.15 |
01615_two_args_function_index_fix | OK | 0.13 |
01611_constant_folding_subqueries | OK | 0.09 |
01614_with_fill_with_limit | OK | 0.1 |
01610_client_spawn_editor | OK | 0.08 |
01611_string_to_low_cardinality_key_alter | OK | 0.3 |
01605_drop_settings_profile_while_assigned | OK | 0.09 |
01606_merge_from_wide_to_compact | OK | 0.43 |
01605_skip_idx_compact_parts | OK | 0.16 |
01607_arrays_as_nested_csv | OK | 0.58 |
01605_dictinct_two_level | OK | 0.16 |
01605_key_condition_enum_int | OK | 0.11 |
01604_explain_ast_of_nonselect_query | OK | 0.09 |
01603_remove_column_ttl | OK | 0.12 |
01603_insert_select_too_many_parts | OK | 0.12 |
01603_decimal_mult_float | OK | 0.17 |
01602_runningConcurrency | OK | 0.22 |
01602_insert_into_table_function_cluster | OK | 0.21 |
01602_array_aggregation | OK | 0.17 |
01602_modified_julian_day_msan | OK | 0.12 |
01602_temporary_table_in_system_tables | OK | 0.1 |
01606_git_import | OK | 3.35 |
01601_custom_tld | OK | 0.24 |
01603_read_with_backoff_bug | OK | 3.23 |
01632_tinylog_read_write | OK | 10.44 |
01601_accurate_cast | OK | 0.32 |
01601_proxy_protocol | OK | 0.26 |
01600_encode_XML | OK | 0.09 |
01601_temporary_table_session_scope | OK | 0.41 |
01600_min_max_compress_block_size | OK | 0.14 |
01600_select_in_different_types | OK | 0.16 |
01600_quota_by_forwarded_ip | OK | 0.56 |
01600_benchmark_query | OK | 0.4 |
01600_remerge_sort_lowered_memory_bytes_ratio | OK | 1.23 |
01605_adaptive_granularity_block_borders | OK | 5.67 |
01600_parts_types_metrics_long | OK | 2.53 |
01626_cnf_fuzz_long | OK | 10.76 |
01600_parts_states_metrics_long | OK | 1.19 |
01596_full_join_chertus | OK | 0.09 |
01596_null_as_default_nullable | OK | 0.08 |
01596_setting_limit_offset | OK | 0.14 |
01599_mutation_query_params | OK | 0.59 |
01594_storage_join_uuid | OK | 0.1 |
01595_countMatches | OK | 0.16 |
01593_insert_settings | OK | 0.16 |
01593_functions_in_order_by | OK | 0.08 |
01597_columns_list_ignored | OK | 0.48 |
01592_toUnixTimestamp_Date | OK | 0.1 |
01592_window_functions | OK | 0.15 |
01592_length_map | OK | 0.13 |
01676_clickhouse_client_autocomplete | OK | 39.15 |
01586_columns_pruning | OK | 0.21 |
01586_storage_join_low_cardinality_key | OK | 0.11 |
01590_countSubstrings | OK | 0.32 |
01585_use_index_for_global_in | OK | 0.11 |
01585_fuzz_bits_with_bugfix | OK | 0.09 |
01586_replicated_mutations_empty_partition | OK | 0.25 |
01584_distributed_buffer_cannot_find_column | OK | 0.12 |
01585_use_index_for_global_in_with_null | OK | 0.18 |
01583_const_column_in_set_index | OK | 0.1 |
01602_max_distributed_connections | OK | 5.75 |
01591_window_functions | OK | 0.74 |
01582_move_to_prewhere_compact_parts | OK | 0.15 |
01582_deterministic_function_with_predicate | OK | 0.08 |
01582_any_join_supertype | OK | 0.18 |
01582_distinct_subquery_groupby | OK | 0.3 |
01581_to_int_inf_nan | OK | 0.21 |
01581_deduplicate_by_columns_replicated_long | OK | 0.29 |
01580_column_const_comparision | OK | 0.13 |
01582_distinct_optimization | OK | 0.52 |
01579_date_datetime_index_comparison | OK | 0.16 |
01581_deduplicate_by_columns_local | OK | 0.61 |
01576_alias_column_rewrite | OK | 0.27 |
01583_parallel_parsing_exception_with_offset | OK | 1.12 |
01571_window_functions | OK | 0.12 |
01570_aggregator_combinator_simple_state | OK | 0.12 |
01576_if_null_external_aggregation | OK | 0.95 |
01567_system_processes_current_database | OK | 0.07 |
01576_alter_low_cardinality_and_select | OK | 1.18 |
01566_negate_formatting | OK | 0.08 |
01568_window_functions_distributed | OK | 0.7 |
01564_test_hint_woes | OK | 0.11 |
01562_agg_null_for_empty_ahead | OK | 0.14 |
01562_optimize_monotonous_functions_in_order_by | OK | 0.12 |
01565_query_loop_after_client_error | OK | 0.34 |
01572_kill_window_function | OK | 1.38 |
01561_Date_and_DateTime64_comparision | OK | 0.1 |
01561_aggregate_functions_of_key_with_join | OK | 0.1 |
01560_monotonicity_check_multiple_args_bug | OK | 0.08 |
01560_optimize_on_insert_zookeeper | OK | 0.22 |
01560_DateTime_and_DateTime64_comparision | OK | 0.11 |
01560_merge_distributed_join | OK | 0.1 |
01560_cancel_agg_func_combinator_native_name_constraint | OK | 0.13 |
01561_clickhouse_client_stage | OK | 0.64 |
01560_crash_in_agg_empty_arglist | OK | 0.34 |
01569_query_profiler_big_query_id | OK | 1.79 |
01560_mann_whitney | OK | 0.13 |
01560_optimize_on_insert_long | OK | 0.37 |
01559_aggregate_null_for_empty_fix | OK | 0.23 |
01558_enum_as_num_in_tsv_csv_input | OK | 0.11 |
01592_long_window_functions1 | OK | 4.15 |
01559_misplaced_codec_diagnostics | OK | 0.33 |
01558_ttest | OK | 0.28 |
01557_field_infinite_convert_to_number | OK | 0.1 |
01558_transform_null_in | OK | 0.18 |
01561_mann_whitney_scipy | OK | 1.49 |
01556_accurate_cast_or_null | OK | 0.12 |
01556_explain_select_with_union_query | OK | 0.13 |
01556_if_null | OK | 0.17 |
01555_or_fill | OK | 0.12 |
01554_interpreter_integer_float | OK | 0.09 |
01555_system_distribution_queue_mask | OK | 0.24 |
01553_settings_early_apply | OK | 0.1 |
01554_bloom_filter_index_big_integer_uuid | OK | 0.15 |
01553_datetime64_comparison | OK | 0.09 |
01552_alter_name_collision | OK | 0.1 |
01557_max_parallel_replicas_no_sample | OK | 0.88 |
01552_impl_aggfunc_cloneresize | OK | 0.11 |
01554_row_number_after_cannot_read_all_data | OK | 0.47 |
01552_dict_fixedstring | OK | 0.12 |
01551_context_uaf | OK | 0.1 |
01551_mergetree_read_in_order_spread | OK | 0.15 |
01550_type_map_formats | OK | 0.15 |
01558_ttest_scipy | OK | 1.22 |
01550_mutation_subquery | OK | 0.13 |
01549_low_cardinality_mv_fuzz | OK | 0.1 |
01549_low_cardinality_materialized_view | OK | 0.17 |
01548_with_totals_having | OK | 0.11 |
01550_create_map_type | OK | 0.43 |
01548_lzy305 | OK | 0.11 |
01550_query_identifier_parameters | OK | 0.56 |
01548_uncomparable_columns_in_keys | OK | 0.1 |
01548_create_table_compound_column_format | OK | 0.27 |
01547_query_log_current_database | OK | 0.38 |
01550_type_map_formats_input | OK | 1.21 |
01545_url_file_format_settings | OK | 0.11 |
01544_fromModifiedJulianDay | OK | 0.16 |
01548_query_log_query_execution_ms | OK | 0.96 |
01544_errorCodeToName | OK | 0.08 |
01543_parse_datetime_besteffort_or_null_empty_string | OK | 0.09 |
01543_collate_in_tuple | OK | 0.11 |
01546_log_queries_min_query_duration_ms | OK | 0.73 |
01544_file_engine_settings | OK | 0.42 |
01542_collate_in_array | OK | 0.1 |
01543_toModifiedJulianDay | OK | 0.14 |
01538_fuzz_aggregate | OK | 0.08 |
01540_verbatim_partition_pruning | OK | 0.17 |
01537_fuzz_count_equal | OK | 0.07 |
01536_fuzz_cast | OK | 0.11 |
01535_decimal_round_scale_overflow_check | OK | 0.11 |
01534_lambda_array_join | OK | 0.11 |
01533_collate_in_nullable | OK | 0.1 |
01533_quantile_deterministic_assert | OK | 0.17 |
01533_distinct_nullable_uuid | OK | 0.14 |
01533_optimize_skip_merged_partitions | OK | 0.14 |
01532_tuple_with_name_type | OK | 0.1 |
01533_distinct_depends_on_max_threads | OK | 0.22 |
01533_sum_if_nullable_bug | OK | 0.3 |
01532_collate_in_low_cardinality | OK | 0.1 |
01532_min_max_with_modifiers | OK | 0.12 |
01532_primary_key_without_order_by_zookeeper | OK | 0.32 |
01532_clickhouse_local_tmp_folder | OK | 0.3 |
01531_query_log_query_comment | OK | 0.25 |
01533_multiple_nested | OK | 1.04 |
01529_union_distinct_and_setting_union_default_mode | OK | 0.15 |
01532_having_with_totals | OK | 0.32 |
01528_allow_nondeterministic_optimize_skip_unused_shards | OK | 0.12 |
01528_to_uuid_or_null_or_zero | OK | 0.12 |
01528_setting_aggregate_functions_null_for_empty | OK | 0.16 |
01528_play | OK | 0.28 |
01527_bad_aggregation_in_lambda | OK | 0.07 |
01527_materialized_view_stack_overflow | OK | 0.34 |
01526_alter_add_and_modify_order_zookeeper | OK | 0.2 |
01529_bad_memory_tracking | OK | 1.02 |
01526_initial_query_id | OK | 0.5 |
01526_param_uuid | OK | 0.32 |
01548_parallel_parsing_max_memory | OK | 3.58 |
01528_clickhouse_local_prepare_parts | OK | 1.47 |
01525_select_with_offset_fetch_clause | OK | 0.13 |
01523_interval_operator_support_string_literal | OK | 0.12 |
01526_max_untracked_memory | OK | 1.02 |
01524_do_not_merge_across_partitions_select_final | OK | 0.44 |
01522_validate_alter_default | OK | 0.12 |
01523_client_local_queries_file_parameter | OK | 0.44 |
01521_format_readable_time_delta2 | OK | 0.12 |
01523_date_time_compare_with_date_literal | OK | 0.32 |
01521_max_length_alias | OK | 0.1 |
01521_alter_enum_and_reverse_read | OK | 0.11 |
01521_distributed_query_hang | OK | 0.17 |
01521_global_in_prewhere_15792 | OK | 0.16 |
01519_topK_distributed_parametrized | OK | 0.12 |
01518_nullable_aggregate_states1 | OK | 0.14 |
01520_client_print_query_id | OK | 0.33 |
01518_filtering_aliased_materialized_column | OK | 0.1 |
01518_cast_nullable_virtual_system_column | OK | 0.16 |
01517_select_final_distributed | OK | 0.29 |
01560_ttl_remove_empty_parts | OK | 7.33 |
01518_select_in_null | OK | 0.65 |
01516_date_time_output_format | OK | 0.16 |
01515_mv_and_array_join_optimisation_bag | OK | 0.14 |
01515_with_global_and_with_propagation | OK | 0.1 |
01514_tid_function | OK | 0.07 |
01515_logtrace_function | OK | 0.31 |
01515_force_data_skipping_indices | OK | 0.15 |
01514_input_format_csv_enum_as_number_setting | OK | 0.09 |
01514_empty_buffer_different_types | OK | 0.13 |
01514_input_format_json_enum_as_number | OK | 0.08 |
01514_input_format_tsv_enum_as_number_setting | OK | 0.09 |
01518_nullable_aggregate_states2 | OK | 1.39 |
01513_defaults_on_defaults_no_column | OK | 0.25 |
01513_ilike_like_cache | OK | 0.08 |
01514_distributed_cancel_query_on_error | OK | 1.0 |
01512_create_replicate_merge_tree_one_arg | OK | 0.1 |
01513_count_without_select_sequence_consistency_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.33 |
01511_alter_version_versioned_collapsing_merge_tree | OK | 0.2 |
01511_different_expression_with_same_alias | OK | 0.13 |
01511_format_readable_timedelta | OK | 0.1 |
01514_parallel_formatting | OK | 1.61 |
01511_prewhere_with_virtuals | OK | 0.26 |
01511_alter_version_versioned_collapsing_merge_tree_zookeeper | OK | 0.7 |
01510_format_regexp_raw_low_cardinality | OK | 0.55 |
01513_optimize_aggregation_in_order_memory_long | OK | 2.24 |
01509_output_format_pretty_row_numbers | OK | 0.15 |
01509_check_parallel_quorum_inserts_long | OK | 1.01 |
01509_format_raw_blob | OK | 0.61 |
01509_dictionary_preallocate | OK | 0.47 |
01509_parallel_quorum_and_merge_long | OK | 2.69 |
01508_format_regexp_raw | OK | 0.54 |
01508_query_obfuscator | OK | 0.37 |
01508_explain_header | OK | 0.08 |
01509_check_many_parallel_quorum_inserts_long | OK | 2.26 |
01507_transform_null_in | OK | 0.1 |
01507_multiversion_storage_for_storagememory | OK | 0.09 |
01506_buffer_table_alter_block_structure | OK | 0.11 |
01506_buffer_table_alter_block_structure_2 | OK | 0.1 |
01509_parallel_quorum_insert_no_replicas_long | OK | 4.07 |
01506_ttl_same_with_order_by | OK | 0.19 |
01505_log_distributed_deadlock | OK | 0.14 |
01505_distributed_local_type_conversion_enum | OK | 0.16 |
01505_trivial_count_with_partition_predicate | OK | 0.25 |
01504_view_type_conversion | OK | 0.13 |
01504_compression_multiple_streams | OK | 0.3 |
01508_race_condition_rename_clear_zookeeper_long | OK | 3.84 |
01504_rocksdb | OK | 1.63 |
01503_fixed_string_primary_key | OK | 0.11 |
01503_if_const_optimization | OK | 0.08 |
01502_bar_overflow | OK | 0.18 |
01502_jemalloc_percpu_arena | OK | 0.5 |
01526_client_start_and_exit | OK | 11.05 |
01500_StorageFile_write_to_fd | OK | 0.33 |
01499_json_named_tuples | OK | 0.09 |
01501_clickhouse_client_INSERT_exception | OK | 0.64 |
01499_log_deadlock | OK | 0.19 |
01498_alter_column_storage_memory | OK | 0.09 |
01497_alias_on_default_array | OK | 0.1 |
01497_extract_all_groups_empty_match | OK | 0.08 |
01497_now_support_timezone | OK | 0.08 |
01497_mutation_support_for_storage_memory | OK | 0.11 |
01496_signedness_conversion_monotonicity | OK | 0.11 |
01495_subqueries_in_with_statement_4 | OK | 0.08 |
01495_subqueries_in_with_statement_2 | OK | 0.12 |
01505_pipeline_executor_UAF | OK | 4.09 |
01495_subqueries_in_with_statement | OK | 0.21 |
01493_table_function_null | OK | 0.08 |
01493_alter_remove_wrong_default | OK | 0.11 |
01495_subqueries_in_with_statement_3 | OK | 0.23 |
01492_array_join_crash_13829 | OK | 0.08 |
01493_alter_remove_no_property_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.2 |
01493_alter_remove_properties | OK | 0.24 |
01492_format_readable_quantity | OK | 0.08 |
01491_nested_multiline_comments | OK | 0.08 |
01490_nullable_string_to_enum | OK | 0.12 |
01486_json_array_output | OK | 0.07 |
01485_256_bit_multiply | OK | 0.33 |
01482_move_to_prewhere_and_cast | OK | 0.24 |
01483_merge_table_join_and_group_by | OK | 0.34 |
01481_join_with_materialized | OK | 0.13 |
01479_cross_join_9855 | OK | 0.1 |
01478_not_equi-join_on | OK | 0.08 |
01516_drop_table_stress_long | OK | 12.21 |
01480_binary_operator_monotonicity | OK | 0.29 |
01475_fix_bigint_shift | OK | 0.08 |
01476_right_full_join_switch | OK | 0.13 |
01477_lc_in_merge_join_left_key | OK | 0.2 |
01475_read_subcolumns_2 | OK | 0.17 |
01475_read_subcolumns_3 | OK | 0.18 |
01475_mutation_with_if | OK | 0.3 |
01474_decimal_scale_bug | OK | 0.12 |
01474_bad_global_join | OK | 0.11 |
01475_read_subcolumns | OK | 0.51 |
01473_system_events_zeroes | OK | 0.08 |
01472_many_rows_in_totals | OK | 0.1 |
01472_toStartOfInterval_disallow_empty_tz_field | OK | 0.21 |
01474_custom_null_tsv | OK | 0.57 |
01471_limit_by_format | OK | 0.09 |
01471_top_k_range_check | OK | 0.08 |
01471_with_format | OK | 0.08 |
01472_obfuscator_uuid | OK | 0.53 |
01470_columns_transformers | OK | 0.24 |
01470_explain | OK | 0.08 |
01470_columns_transformers2 | OK | 0.12 |
01463_resample_overflow | OK | 0.09 |
01470_test_insert_select_asterisk | OK | 0.11 |
01462_test_codec_on_alias | OK | 0.14 |
01461_alter_table_function | OK | 0.16 |
01461_query_start_time_microseconds | OK | 0.32 |
01475_read_subcolumns_storages | OK | 2.32 |
01460_mark_inclusion_search_crash | OK | 0.11 |
01460_allow_dollar_and_number_in_identifier | OK | 0.08 |
01459_default_value_of_argument_type_nullptr_dereference | OK | 0.1 |
01459_decimal_casts | OK | 0.1 |
01458_named_tuple_millin | OK | 0.11 |
01458_is_decimal_overflow | OK | 0.11 |
01473_event_time_microseconds | OK | 2.24 |
01458_count_digits | OK | 0.09 |
01457_compile_expressions_fuzzer | OK | 0.08 |
01457_order_by_limit | OK | 0.14 |
01457_min_index_granularity_bytes_setting | OK | 0.11 |
01457_order_by_nulls_first | OK | 0.19 |
01456_min_negative_decimal_formatting | OK | 0.09 |
01457_int256_hashing | OK | 0.13 |
01455_duplicate_distinct_optimization | OK | 0.1 |
01456_ast_optimizations_over_distributed | OK | 0.15 |
01456_low_cardinality_sorting_bugfix | OK | 0.15 |
01455_nullable_type_with_if_agg_combinator | OK | 0.09 |
01455_default_compression | OK | 0.14 |
01455_optimize_trivial_insert_select | OK | 0.15 |
01455_time_zones | OK | 0.09 |
01453_fixsed_string_sort | OK | 0.15 |
01453_normalize_query_alias_uuid | OK | 0.08 |
01452_normalized_query_hash | OK | 0.1 |
01455_shard_leaf_max_rows_bytes_to_read | OK | 1.16 |
01451_normalize_query | OK | 0.11 |
01460_line_as_string_format | OK | 2.7 |
01451_replicated_detach_drop_and_quorum_long | OK | 0.27 |
01451_wrong_error_long_query | OK | 0.29 |
01508_partition_pruning_long | OK | 11.81 |
01451_replicated_detach_drop_part_long | OK | 0.28 |
01455_opentelemetry_distributed | OK | 1.85 |
01451_detach_drop_part | OK | 0.19 |
01450_set_null_const | OK | 0.1 |
01449_json_compact_strings | OK | 0.08 |
01447_json_strings | OK | 0.08 |
01448_json_compact_strings_each_row | OK | 0.26 |
01445_create_table_as_table_function | OK | 0.42 |
01442_date_time_with_params | OK | 0.34 |
01442_h3kring_range_check | OK | 0.15 |
01441_array_combinator | OK | 0.08 |
01440_big_int_arithm | OK | 0.21 |
01440_big_int_shift | OK | 0.12 |
01440_big_int_exotic_casts | OK | 0.22 |
01451_dist_logs | OK | 2.93 |
01440_to_date_monotonicity | OK | 0.13 |
01436_storage_merge_with_join_push_down | OK | 0.1 |
01440_big_int_least_greatest | OK | 0.13 |
01434_netloc_fuzz | OK | 0.08 |
01441_low_cardinality_array_index | OK | 1.09 |
01435_lcm_overflow | OK | 0.1 |
01433_hex_float | OK | 0.08 |
01431_utf8_ubsan | OK | 0.08 |
01432_parse_date_time_best_effort_timestamp | OK | 0.1 |
01430_fix_any_rewrite_aliases | OK | 0.08 |
01431_finish_sorting_with_consts | OK | 0.1 |
01430_moving_sum_empty_state | OK | 0.14 |
01429_join_on_error_messages | OK | 0.12 |
01428_h3_range_check | OK | 0.12 |
01446_json_strings_each_row | OK | 2.19 |
01428_hash_set_nan_key | OK | 0.09 |
01430_modify_sample_by_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.43 |
01428_nullable_asof_join | OK | 0.17 |
01427_pk_and_expression_with_different_type | OK | 0.08 |
01426_geohash_constants | OK | 0.09 |
01425_default_value_of_type_name | OK | 0.07 |
01425_decimal_parse_big_negative_exponent | OK | 0.13 |
01424_parse_date_time_bad_date | OK | 0.09 |
01423_if_nullable_cond | OK | 0.07 |
01422_map_skip_null | OK | 0.12 |
01422_array_nullable_element_nullable_index | OK | 0.09 |
01421_assert_in_in | OK | 0.1 |
01421_array_nullable_element_nullable_index | OK | 0.08 |
01420_logical_functions_materialized_null | OK | 0.09 |
01419_skip_index_compact_parts | OK | 0.1 |
01420_format_row | OK | 0.19 |
01419_materialize_null | OK | 0.08 |
01419_merge_tree_settings_sanity_check | OK | 0.17 |
01418_custom_settings | OK | 0.15 |
01418_index_analysis_bug | OK | 0.16 |
01417_update_permutation_crash | OK | 0.08 |
01429_empty_arrow_and_parquet | OK | 1.29 |
01416_clear_column_pk | OK | 0.1 |
01418_query_scope_constants_and_remote | OK | 0.34 |
01416_join_totals_header_bug | OK | 0.1 |
01415_table_function_view | OK | 0.14 |
01414_mutations_and_errors | OK | 0.24 |
01415_overlimiting_threads_for_repica_bug | OK | 0.36 |
01414_optimize_any_bug | OK | 0.11 |
01414_bloom_filter_index_with_const_column | OK | 0.13 |
01414_push_predicate_when_contains_with_clause | OK | 0.16 |
01414_low_cardinality_nullable | OK | 0.55 |
01414_freeze_does_not_prevent_alters | OK | 0.25 |
01413_truncate_without_table_keyword | OK | 0.1 |
01413_if_array_uuid | OK | 0.08 |
01413_alter_update_supertype | OK | 0.11 |
01413_allow_non_metadata_alters | OK | 0.11 |
01412_optimize_deduplicate_bug | OK | 0.12 |
01412_mod_float | OK | 0.09 |
01412_row_from_totals | OK | 0.2 |
01413_rows_events | OK | 0.46 |
01411_xor_itai_shirav | OK | 0.08 |
01411_from_unixtime | OK | 0.15 |
01410_nullable_key_and_index_negate_cond | OK | 0.14 |
01410_nullable_key_and_index | OK | 0.27 |
01408_range_overflow | OK | 0.11 |
01412_group_array_moving_shard | OK | 0.67 |
01407_lambda_arrayJoin | OK | 0.1 |
01409_topK_merge | OK | 0.34 |
01404_roundUpToPowerOfTwoOrZero_safety | OK | 0.09 |
01403_datetime64_constant_arg | OK | 0.08 |
01402_cast_nullable_string_to_enum | OK | 0.13 |
01400_join_get_with_multi_keys | OK | 0.1 |
01401_FORMAT_SETTINGS | OK | 0.34 |
01398_any_with_alias | OK | 0.08 |
01417_query_time_in_system_events | OK | 2.72 |
01398_in_tuple_func | OK | 0.1 |
01399_http_request_headers | OK | 0.41 |
01397_in_bad_arguments | OK | 0.09 |
01406_carriage_return_in_tsv_csv | OK | 0.91 |
01396_negative_datetime_saturate_to_zero | OK | 0.08 |
01391_limit_overflow | OK | 0.08 |
01396_low_cardinality_fixed_string_default | OK | 0.16 |
01390_check_table_codec | OK | 0.13 |
01390_remove_injective_in_uniq | OK | 0.11 |
01389_filter_by_virtual_columns | OK | 0.09 |
01388_multi_if_optimization | OK | 0.09 |
01386_negative_float_constant_key_condition | OK | 0.12 |
01393_benchmark_secure_port | OK | 0.5 |
01385_not_function | OK | 0.08 |
01387_clear_column_default_depends | OK | 0.22 |
01384_bloom_filter_bad_arguments | OK | 0.14 |
01381_for_each_with_states | OK | 0.11 |
01380_coded_delta_exception_code | OK | 0.12 |
01379_with_fill_several_columns | OK | 0.08 |
01380_nullable_state | OK | 0.29 |
01378_alter_rename_with_ttl_zookeeper | OK | 0.18 |
01376_array_fill_empty | OK | 0.08 |
01377_supertype_low_cardinality | OK | 0.17 |
01376_null_logical | OK | 0.09 |
01375_storage_file_write_prefix_tsv_with_names | OK | 0.09 |
01375_null_issue_3767 | OK | 0.08 |
01375_GROUP_BY_injective_elimination_dictGet_BAD_ARGUMENTS | OK | 0.1 |
01375_storage_file_write_prefix_csv_with_names | OK | 0.09 |
01374_if_nullable_filimonov | OK | 0.08 |
01375_output_format_tsv_csv_with_names | OK | 0.61 |
01373_is_zero_or_null | OK | 0.1 |
01373_summing_merge_tree_explicit_columns_definition | OK | 0.11 |
01372_wrong_order_by_removal | OK | 0.1 |
01373_summing_merge_tree_exclude_partition_key | OK | 0.4 |
01372_remote_table_function_empty_table | OK | 0.09 |
01362_year_of_ISO8601_week_modificators_for_formatDateTime | OK | 0.09 |
01361_buffer_table_flush_with_materialized_view | OK | 0.13 |
01370_client_autocomplete_word_break_characters | OK | 1.33 |
01360_division_overflow | OK | 0.09 |
01359_codeql | OK | 0.1 |
01359_geodistance_loop | OK | 0.08 |
01358_mutation_delete_null_rows | OK | 0.16 |
01358_union_threads_bug | OK | 0.39 |
01358_lc_parquet | OK | 1.56 |
01358_constexpr_constraint | OK | 0.08 |
01357_result_rows | OK | 0.27 |
01357_version_collapsing_attach_detach_zookeeper | OK | 0.15 |
01356_wrong_filter-type_bug | OK | 0.11 |
01356_state_resample | OK | 0.17 |
01356_initialize_aggregation | OK | 0.13 |
01356_view_threads | OK | 0.21 |
01355_if_fixed_string | OK | 0.09 |
01355_CSV_input_format_allow_errors | OK | 1.12 |
01355_defaultValueOfArgumentType_bug | OK | 0.08 |
01354_tuple_low_cardinality_array_mapped_bug | OK | 0.1 |
01354_order_by_tuple_collate_const | OK | 0.08 |
01353_topk_enum | OK | 0.08 |
01353_neighbor_overflow | OK | 0.11 |
01353_low_cardinality_join_types | OK | 0.15 |
01353_nullable_tuple | OK | 0.26 |
01352_add_datetime_bad_get | OK | 0.08 |
01352_generate_random_overflow | OK | 0.09 |
01351_parse_date_time_best_effort_us | OK | 0.08 |
01351_geohash_assert | OK | 0.08 |
01350_intdiv_nontrivial_fpe | OK | 0.13 |
01383_log_broken_table | OK | 9.51 |
01349_mutation_datetime_key | OK | 0.12 |
01347_partition_date_vs_datetime | OK | 0.09 |
01346_array_join_mrxotey | OK | 0.23 |
01346_alter_enum_partition_key_replicated_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.33 |
01345_index_date_vs_datetime | OK | 0.09 |
01345_array_join_LittleMaverick | OK | 0.14 |
01344_min_bytes_to_use_mmap_io_index | OK | 0.31 |
01344_alter_enum_partition_key | OK | 0.2 |
01343_min_bytes_to_use_mmap_io | OK | 0.22 |
01341_datetime64_wrong_supertype | OK | 0.08 |
01342_query_parameters_alias | OK | 0.31 |
01340_datetime64_fpe | OK | 0.21 |
01338_sha256_fixedstring | OK | 0.09 |
01339_client_unrecognized_option | OK | 0.36 |
01338_uuid_without_separator | OK | 0.1 |
01337_mysql_global_variables | OK | 0.08 |
01333_select_abc_asterisk | OK | 0.1 |
01332_join_type_syntax_position | OK | 0.13 |
01330_array_join_in_higher_order_function | OK | 0.1 |
01328_bad_peephole_optimization | OK | 0.08 |
01329_compare_tuple_string_constant | OK | 0.11 |
01326_fixed_string_comparison_denny_crane | OK | 0.08 |
01395_limit_more_cases | OK | 12.13 |
01327_decimal_cut_extra_digits_after_point | OK | 0.12 |
01326_build_id | OK | 0.08 |
01326_hostname_alias | OK | 0.08 |
01324_settings_documentation | OK | 0.08 |
01325_freeze_mutation_stuck | OK | 0.15 |
01324_if_transform_strings_to_enum | OK | 0.1 |
01324_insert_tsv_raw | OK | 0.1 |
01323_redundant_functions_in_order_by | OK | 0.2 |
01323_if_with_nulls | OK | 0.17 |
01323_bad_arg_in_arithmetic_operations | OK | 0.12 |
01323_add_scalars_in_time | OK | 0.15 |
01322_any_input_optimize | OK | 0.18 |
01323_too_many_threads_bug | OK | 0.46 |
01322_monotonous_order_by_with_different_variables | OK | 0.17 |
01322_cast_keep_nullable | OK | 0.1 |
01321_monotonous_functions_in_order_by_bug | OK | 0.08 |
01320_optimize_skip_unused_shards_no_non_deterministic | OK | 0.11 |
01321_monotonous_functions_in_order_by | OK | 0.17 |
01443_merge_truncate_long | OK | 19.12 |
01319_mv_constants_bug | OK | 0.12 |
01319_manual_write_to_replicas_long | OK | 0.21 |
01321_aggregate_functions_of_group_by_keys | OK | 0.59 |
01319_query_formatting_in_server_log | OK | 0.23 |
01318_alter_add_column_exists | OK | 0.11 |
01319_optimize_skip_unused_shards_nesting | OK | 0.28 |
01318_parallel_final_stuck | OK | 0.1 |
01318_alter_add_constraint_format | OK | 0.27 |
01318_map_add_map_subtract | OK | 0.31 |
01318_map_add_map_subtract_on_map_type | OK | 0.26 |
01318_map_populate_series | OK | 0.23 |
01318_encrypt | OK | 0.65 |
01316_create_user_syntax_hilite | OK | 0.26 |
01318_decrypt | OK | 0.51 |
01315_count_distinct_return_not_nullable | OK | 0.15 |
01314_position_in_system_columns | OK | 0.09 |
01312_case_insensitive_regexp | OK | 0.09 |
01313_parse_date_time_best_effort_null_zero | OK | 0.14 |
01311_comparison_with_constant_string | OK | 0.16 |
01312_comparison_with_constant_string_in_index_analysis | OK | 0.24 |
01312_skip_empty_params | OK | 0.31 |
01308_row_policy_and_trivial_count_query | OK | 0.1 |
01310_enum_comparison | OK | 0.11 |
01308_polygon_area | OK | 0.11 |
01307_bloom_filter_index_string_multi_granulas | OK | 0.11 |
01307_polygon_perimeter | OK | 0.07 |
01308_orc_output_format_arrays | OK | 0.56 |
01306_benchmark_json | OK | 0.46 |
01306_polygons_intersection | OK | 0.13 |
01305_array_join_prewhere_in_subquery | OK | 0.1 |
01307_orc_output_format | OK | 0.77 |
01305_duplicate_order_by_and_distinct | OK | 0.09 |
01306_disable_duplicate_order_by_and_distinct_optimize_for_distributed_table | OK | 0.23 |
01305_buffer_final_bug | OK | 0.1 |
01305_nullable-prewhere_bug | OK | 0.12 |
01305_polygons_union | OK | 0.17 |
01303_polygons_equals | OK | 0.08 |
01304_polygons_sym_difference | OK | 0.14 |
01302_polygons_distance | OK | 0.1 |
01301_polygons_within | OK | 0.12 |
01300_wkt | OK | 0.16 |
01300_svg | OK | 0.2 |
01502_long_log_tinylog_deadlock_race | OK | 30.46 |
01317_no_password_in_command_line | OK | 2.8 |
01300_read_wkt | OK | 0.12 |
01300_client_save_history_when_terminated_long | OK | 0.6 |
01300_polygon_convex_hull | OK | 0.07 |
01298_alter_merge | OK | 0.11 |
01299_alter_merge_tree | OK | 0.19 |
01297_alter_distributed | OK | 0.15 |
01296_codecs_bad_arguments | OK | 0.13 |
01296_pipeline_stuck | OK | 0.11 |
01295_aggregation_bug_11413 | OK | 0.14 |
01295_create_row_policy | OK | 0.13 |
01293_show_settings | OK | 0.08 |
01294_create_settings_profile | OK | 0.22 |
01300_group_by_other_keys_having | OK | 0.82 |
01293_show_clusters | OK | 0.36 |
01300_group_by_other_keys | OK | 1.37 |
01293_pretty_max_value_width | OK | 0.1 |
01293_client_interactive_vertical_multiline | OK | 0.61 |
01293_create_role | OK | 0.14 |
01293_external_sorting_limit_bug | OK | 0.17 |
01292_quantile_array_bug | OK | 0.09 |
01293_client_interactive_vertical_singleline | OK | 0.94 |
01292_optimize_data_skip_idx_order_by_expr | OK | 0.95 |
01291_unsupported_conversion_from_decimal | OK | 0.16 |
01291_geo_types | OK | 0.14 |
01291_distributed_low_cardinality_memory_efficient | OK | 0.1 |
01291_aggregation_in_order | OK | 0.99 |
01292_create_user | OK | 1.32 |
01290_empty_array_index_analysis | OK | 0.69 |
01304_direct_io_long | OK | 5.44 |
01289_min_execution_speed_not_too_early | OK | 1.03 |
01286_constraints_on_default | OK | 0.11 |
01285_engine_join_donmikel | OK | 0.52 |
01285_date_datetime_key_condition | OK | 0.3 |
01285_data_skip_index_over_aggregation | OK | 0.15 |
01284_escape_sequences_php_mysql_style | OK | 0.13 |
01284_port | OK | 0.21 |
01288_shard_max_network_bandwidth | OK | 2.72 |
01284_fuzz_bits | OK | 0.17 |
01290_max_execution_speed_distributed | OK | 2.78 |
01284_view_and_extremes_bug | OK | 0.1 |
01361_fover_remote_num_tries | OK | 20.66 |
01282_system_parts_ttl_info | OK | 0.09 |
01283_max_threads_simple_query_optimization | OK | 0.26 |
01281_sum_nullable | OK | 0.12 |
01281_parseDateTime64BestEffort | OK | 0.24 |
01283_strict_resize_bug | OK | 0.46 |
01281_join_with_prewhere_fix | OK | 0.12 |
01280_unicode_whitespaces_lexer | OK | 0.08 |
01281_alter_rename_and_other_renames | OK | 0.38 |
01280_opencl_bitonic_order_by | OK | 0.09 |
01280_null_in | OK | 0.11 |
01280_min_map_max_map | OK | 0.18 |
01279_dist_group_by | OK | 0.12 |
01278_random_string_utf8 | OK | 0.11 |
01278_alter_rename_combination | OK | 0.22 |
01278_format_multiple_queries | OK | 0.26 |
01278_variance_nonnegative | OK | 0.16 |
01279_empty_external_table | OK | 0.46 |
01277_buffer_column_order | OK | 0.09 |
01277_unixTimestamp64_compatibility | OK | 0.12 |
01277_convert_field_to_type_logical_error | OK | 0.1 |
01277_toUnixTimestamp64 | OK | 0.14 |
01277_alter_rename_column_constraint | OK | 0.3 |
01277_fromUnixTimestamp64 | OK | 0.15 |
01277_alter_rename_column_constraint_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.36 |
01277_large_tuples | OK | 0.09 |
01276_alter_rename_column_materialized_expr | OK | 0.22 |
01276_system_licenses | OK | 0.09 |
01287_max_execution_speed | OK | 4.14 |
01277_random_fixed_string | OK | 0.96 |
01276_random_string | OK | 0.89 |
01275_extract_groups_check | OK | 0.19 |
01275_alter_rename_column_default_expr | OK | 0.28 |
01274_generate_random_nested | OK | 0.25 |
01274_alter_rename_column_distributed | OK | 0.13 |
01273_h3EdgeAngle_range_check | OK | 0.09 |
01278_min_insert_block_size_rows_for_materialized_views | OK | 2.26 |
01273_arrow_arrays_load | OK | 0.74 |
01273_arrow_decimal | OK | 0.63 |
01273_arrow_nested_arrays_load | OK | 0.73 |
01273_arrow_load | OK | 0.58 |
01273_extractGroups | OK | 0.15 |
01273_arrow_dictionaries_load | OK | 1.57 |
01273_arrow_nullable_arrays_load | OK | 0.7 |
01273_lc_fixed_string_field | OK | 0.12 |
01272_offset_without_limit | OK | 0.1 |
01272_totals_and_filter_bug | OK | 0.11 |
01271_optimize_arithmetic_operations_in_aggr_func_with_alias | OK | 0.09 |
01271_show_privileges | OK | 0.08 |
01275_parallel_mv | OK | 3.68 |
01270_optimize_skip_unused_shards_low_cardinality | OK | 0.09 |
01269_toStartOfSecond | OK | 0.15 |
01269_create_with_null | OK | 0.12 |
01271_http_code_parse_error | OK | 0.48 |
01268_mergine_sorted_limit | OK | 0.11 |
01268_mv_scalars | OK | 0.16 |
01268_data_numeric_parameters | OK | 0.13 |
01271_optimize_arithmetic_operations_in_aggr_func_long | OK | 1.45 |
01293_optimize_final_force | OK | 12.42 |
01268_procfs_metrics | OK | 0.4 |
01268_shard_avgweighted | OK | 0.89 |
01268_DateTime64_in_WHERE | OK | 0.15 |
01267_alter_default_key_columns_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.18 |
01266_default_prewhere_reqq | OK | 0.13 |
01264_nested_baloo_bear | OK | 0.1 |
01273_arrow | OK | 4.41 |
01265_datetime_string_comparison_felix_mueller | OK | 0.16 |
01262_low_cardinality_remove | OK | 0.11 |
01260_ubsan_decimal_parse | OK | 0.08 |
01262_fractional_timezone_near_start_of_epoch | OK | 0.11 |
01263_type_conversion_nvartolomei | OK | 0.19 |
01259_combinator_distinct | OK | 0.13 |
01259_datetime64_ubsan | OK | 0.12 |
01258_wrong_cast_filimonov | OK | 0.12 |
01256_negative_generate_random | OK | 0.11 |
01256_misspell_layout_name_podshumok | OK | 0.09 |
01254_array_of_unnamed_tuples | OK | 0.09 |
01255_geo_types_livace | OK | 0.15 |
01253_subquery_in_aggregate_function_JustStranger | OK | 0.12 |
01258_bom_tsv | OK | 0.35 |
01251_string_comparison | OK | 0.08 |
01250_fixed_string_comparison | OK | 0.09 |
01248_least_greatest_mixed_const | OK | 0.09 |
01247_least_greatest_filimonov | OK | 0.08 |
01247_some_msan_crashs_from_22517 | OK | 0.09 |
01259_combinator_distinct_distributed | OK | 0.69 |
01246_finalize_aggregation_race | OK | 0.11 |
01273_arrow_stream | OK | 4.39 |
01252_weird_time_zone | OK | 0.46 |
01247_optimize_distributed_group_by_sharding_key_dist_on_dist | OK | 0.26 |
01246_extractAllGroupsVertical | OK | 0.14 |
01246_least_greatest_generic | OK | 0.14 |
01246_extractAllGroupsHorizontal | OK | 0.2 |
01240_join_get_or_null | OK | 0.13 |
01236_graphite_mt | OK | 0.15 |
01245_limit_infinite_sources | OK | 0.75 |
01234_to_string_monotonic | OK | 0.29 |
01232_untuple | OK | 0.11 |
01231_markdown_format | OK | 0.08 |
01244_optimize_distributed_group_by_sharding_key | OK | 1.01 |
01232_json_as_string_format | OK | 0.63 |
01230_join_get_truncate | OK | 0.11 |
01227_distributed_global_in_issue_2610 | OK | 0.1 |
01231_log_queries_min_type | OK | 0.58 |
01226_dist_on_dist_global_in | OK | 0.1 |
01221_system_settings | OK | 0.09 |
01220_scalar_optimization_in_alter | OK | 0.13 |
01231_operator_null_in | OK | 1.15 |
01223_dist_on_dist | OK | 0.56 |
01214_test_storage_merge_aliases_with_where | OK | 0.19 |
01213_alter_rename_with_default_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.22 |
01214_point_in_Mecca | OK | 0.69 |
01213_point_in_Myanmar | OK | 0.11 |
01213_alter_rename_nested | OK | 0.26 |
01213_optimize_skip_unused_shards_DISTINCT | OK | 0.12 |
01213_alter_rename_primary_key_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.24 |
01213_alter_rename_column | OK | 0.21 |
01213_alter_rename_compact_part | OK | 0.17 |
01212_empty_join_and_totals | OK | 0.08 |
01213_alter_table_rename_nested | OK | 0.17 |
01210_drop_view | OK | 0.11 |
01211_optimize_skip_unused_shards_type_mismatch | OK | 0.12 |
01213_alter_rename_column_zookeeper_long | OK | 1.3 |
01202_array_auc_special | OK | 0.17 |
01199_url_functions_path_without_schema_yiurule | OK | 0.08 |
01198_plus_inf | OK | 0.08 |
01201_drop_column_compact_part_replicated_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.35 |
01197_summing_enum | OK | 0.1 |
01245_distributed_group_by_no_merge_with-extremes_and_totals | OK | 4.12 |
01198_client_quota_key | OK | 0.49 |
01196_max_parser_depth | OK | 0.6 |
01189_create_as_table_as_table_function | OK | 0.11 |
01194_http_query_id | OK | 0.41 |
01186_conversion_to_nullable | OK | 0.11 |
01201_read_single_thread_in_order | OK | 1.63 |
01187_set_profile_as_setting | OK | 0.56 |
01182_materialized_view_different_structure | OK | 0.33 |
01181_db_atomic_drop_on_cluster | OK | 0.63 |
01184_long_insert_values_huge_strings | OK | 1.68 |
01180_client_syntax_errors | OK | 0.31 |
01178_int_field_to_decimal | OK | 0.16 |
01179_insert_values_semicolon | OK | 0.32 |
01177_group_array_moving | OK | 0.21 |
01176_mysql_client_interactive | OK | 0.48 |
01183_custom_separated_format_http | OK | 2.64 |
01246_buffer_flush | OK | 8.17 |
01173_transaction_control_queries | OK | 0.43 |
01172_transaction_counters | OK | 0.52 |
01249_flush_interactive | OK | 10.26 |
01170_alter_partition_isolation | OK | 3.32 |
01195_formats_diagnostic_info | OK | 8.11 |
01166_truncate_multiple_partitions | OK | 0.36 |
01175_distributed_ddl_output_mode_long | OK | 7.54 |
01165_lost_part_empty_partition | OK | 2.22 |
01163_search_case_insensetive_utf8 | OK | 0.1 |
01174_select_insert_isolation | OK | 8.55 |
01161_information_schema | OK | 0.15 |
01168_mutations_isolation | OK | 7.9 |
01159_combinators_with_parameters | OK | 0.28 |
01158_zookeeper_log_long | OK | 0.61 |
01157_replace_table | OK | 0.14 |
01162_strange_mutations | OK | 5.16 |
01160_table_dependencies | OK | 4.85 |
01151_storage_merge_filter_tables_by_virtual_column | OK | 0.19 |
01156_pcg_deserialization | OK | 2.68 |
01149_zookeeper_mutation_stuck_after_replace_partition | OK | 0.27 |
01147_partial_merge_full_join | OK | 0.45 |
01145_with_fill_const | OK | 0.08 |
01146_clickhouse_local_data | OK | 0.55 |
01144_join_rewrite_with_ambiguous_column_and_view | OK | 0.11 |
01144_multiple_joins_rewriter_v2_and_lambdas | OK | 0.16 |
01144_multiword_data_types | OK | 0.18 |
01142_with_ties_and_aliases | OK | 0.1 |
01143_trivial_count_with_join | OK | 0.11 |
01142_merge_join_lc_and_nullable_in_key | OK | 0.15 |
01142_join_lc_and_nullable_in_key | OK | 0.18 |
01141_join_get_negative | OK | 0.14 |
01140_select_from_storage_join_fix | OK | 0.11 |
01138_join_on_distributed_and_tmp | OK | 0.09 |
01139_asof_join_types | OK | 0.15 |
01137_sample_final | OK | 0.1 |
01137_order_by_func_final | OK | 0.14 |
01169_alter_partition_isolation_stress | OK | 14.63 |
01136_multiple_sets | OK | 0.14 |
01134_max_rows_to_group_by | OK | 0.12 |
01135_default_and_alter_zookeeper | OK | 0.26 |
01134_set_overflow_mode | OK | 0.11 |
01132_max_rows_to_read | OK | 0.11 |
01131_max_rows_to_sort | OK | 0.09 |
01130_in_memory_parts_nested | OK | 0.36 |
01130_in_memory_parts_default | OK | 0.22 |
01130_in_memory_parts | OK | 0.31 |
01130_in_memory_parts_check | OK | 0.2 |
01137_order_by_func | OK | 2.02 |
01126_month_partitioning_consistent_code | OK | 0.11 |
01128_generate_random_nested | OK | 0.2 |
01164_detach_attach_partition_race | OK | 10.63 |
01125_generate_random_qoega | OK | 0.22 |
01124_view_bad_types | OK | 0.16 |
01123_parse_date_time_best_effort_even_more | OK | 0.08 |
01122_totals_rollup_having_block_header | OK | 0.12 |
01121_remote_scalar_subquery | OK | 0.14 |
01120_join_constants | OK | 0.08 |
01119_optimize_trivial_insert_select | OK | 0.15 |
01118_is_constant | OK | 0.11 |
01117_comma_and_others_join_mix | OK | 0.14 |
01117_chain_finalize_bug | OK | 0.13 |
01117_greatest_least_case | OK | 0.08 |
01116_cross_count_asterisks | OK | 0.1 |
01116_asof_join_dolbyzerr | OK | 0.09 |
01115_join_with_dictionary | OK | 0.3 |
01115_prewhere_array_join | OK | 0.42 |
01114_clear_column_compact_parts | OK | 0.14 |
01114_materialize_clear_index_compact_parts | OK | 0.18 |
01155_old_mutation_parts_to_do | OK | 6.43 |
01114_alter_modify_compact_parts | OK | 0.14 |
01112_check_table_with_index | OK | 0.1 |
01109_sc0rp10_string_hash_map_zero_bytes | OK | 0.09 |
01109_inflating_cross_join | OK | 0.16 |
01107_join_right_table_totals | OK | 0.16 |
01106_const_fixed_string_like | OK | 0.12 |
01105_string_like | OK | 0.14 |
01107_tuples_arrays_parsing_exceptions | OK | 0.37 |
01104_fixed_string_like | OK | 0.13 |
01104_distributed_one_test | OK | 0.35 |
01104_distributed_numbers_test | OK | 0.6 |
01119_session_log | OK | 3.87 |
01103_check_cpu_instructions_at_startup | OK | 1.64 |
01102_distributed_local_in_bug | OK | 0.15 |
01101_prewhere_after_alter | OK | 0.11 |
01101_literal_column_clash | OK | 0.12 |
01100_split_by_string | OK | 0.09 |
01099_operators_date_and_timestamp | OK | 0.09 |
01099_parallel_distributed_insert_select | OK | 0.38 |
01098_sum | OK | 0.48 |
01097_one_more_range_reader_test_wide_part | OK | 0.16 |
01097_one_more_range_reader_test | OK | 0.15 |
01097_cyclic_defaults | OK | 0.18 |
01097_pre_limit | OK | 0.08 |
01096_zeros | OK | 0.13 |
01096_array_reduce_in_ranges | OK | 0.1 |
01096_block_serialized_state | OK | 0.08 |
01093_cyclic_defaults_filimonov | OK | 0.11 |
01092_base64 | OK | 0.08 |
01091_insert_with_default_json | OK | 0.1 |
01095_tpch_like_smoke | OK | 0.62 |
01091_query_profiler_does_not_hang | OK | 0.12 |
01090_fixed_string_bit_ops | OK | 0.09 |
01091_num_threads | OK | 0.54 |
01089_alter_settings_old_format | OK | 0.12 |
01088_array_slice_of_aggregate_functions | OK | 0.09 |
01090_zookeeper_mutations_and_insert_quorum_long | OK | 0.48 |
01088_window_view_default_column | OK | 0.85 |
01088_benchmark_query_id | OK | 0.7 |
01087_index_set_ubsan | OK | 0.11 |
01087_storage_generate | OK | 0.1 |
01087_table_function_generate | OK | 0.16 |
01086_regexp_input_format_skip_unmatched | OK | 0.59 |
01086_modulo_or_zero | OK | 0.09 |
01087_window_view_alter_query | OK | 0.98 |
01085_regexp_input_format | OK | 0.85 |
01086_odbc_roundtrip | OK | 1.04 |
01085_simdjson_uint64 | OK | 0.1 |
01085_datetime_arithmetic_preserve_timezone | OK | 0.08 |
01085_extract_all_empty | OK | 0.07 |
01084_window_view_with_table_identifier | OK | 0.82 |
01084_defaults_on_aliases | OK | 0.13 |
01083_log_first_column_alias | OK | 0.08 |
01085_max_distributed_connections | OK | 1.43 |
01083_aggregation_memory_efficient_bug | OK | 0.32 |
01083_functional_index_in_mergetree | OK | 0.15 |
01083_cross_to_inner_with_like | OK | 0.11 |
01083_match_zero_byte | OK | 0.09 |
01083_cross_to_inner_with_in_bug | OK | 0.11 |
01082_bit_test_out_of_bound | OK | 0.08 |
01083_window_view_select | OK | 0.88 |
01081_PartialSortingTransform_full_column | OK | 0.1 |
01081_window_view_target_table_engine | OK | 0.77 |
01081_keywords_formatting | OK | 0.09 |
01081_demangle | OK | 0.09 |
01080_engine_merge_prewhere_tupleelement_error | OK | 0.14 |
01080_join_get_null | OK | 0.1 |
01079_alter_default_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.37 |
01079_reinterpret_as_fixed_string | OK | 0.08 |
01080_window_view_inner_table_memory_hop | OK | 0.7 |
01079_new_range_reader_segfault | OK | 0.1 |
01079_bit_operations_using_bitset | OK | 0.1 |
01079_window_view_inner_table_memory_tumble | OK | 0.71 |
01079_order_by_pk | OK | 1.99 |
01078_bloom_filter_operator_not_has | OK | 0.16 |
01078_merge_tree_read_one_thread | OK | 1.12 |
01077_yet_another_prewhere_test | OK | 0.14 |
01103_optimize_drop_race_zookeeper | OK | 15.32 |
01079_bad_alters_zookeeper_long | OK | 4.33 |
01077_window_view_alter_query_to_modify_source | OK | 1.21 |
01133_begin_commit_race | OK | 20.53 |
01076_predicate_optimizer_with_view | OK | 0.11 |
01077_mutations_index_consistency | OK | 1.09 |
01076_window_view_alter_query_to | OK | 1.06 |
01076_array_join_prewhere_const_folding | OK | 0.47 |
01075_in_arrays_enmk | OK | 0.09 |
01076_range_reader_segfault | OK | 0.12 |
01075_allowed_client_hosts | OK | 0.11 |
01074_partial_revokes | OK | 0.14 |
01074_h3_range_check | OK | 0.13 |
01076_json_each_row_array | OK | 0.56 |
01073_blockSerializedSize | OK | 0.45 |
01074_window_view_event_tumble_asc_join_populate | OK | 0.77 |
01073_bad_alter_partition | OK | 0.15 |
01073_crlf_end_of_line | OK | 0.09 |
01073_grant_and_revoke | OK | 0.11 |
01072_json_each_row_data_in_square_brackets | OK | 0.08 |
01072_drop_temporary_table_with_same_name | OK | 0.12 |
01073_window_view_event_tumble_to_asc_populate | OK | 0.86 |
01072_optimize_skip_unused_shards_const_expr_eval | OK | 0.19 |
01072_nullable_jit | OK | 0.13 |
01072_select_constant_limit | OK | 0.08 |
01071_in_array | OK | 0.09 |
01071_force_optimize_skip_unused_shards | OK | 0.28 |
01071_http_header_exception_code | OK | 0.27 |
01070_string_to_h3 | OK | 0.08 |
01070_template_empty_file | OK | 0.08 |
01070_h3_to_children | OK | 0.13 |
01070_exception_code_in_query_log_table | OK | 0.31 |
01070_h3_hex_area_m2 | OK | 0.07 |
01071_window_view_event_tumble_asc_join | OK | 0.86 |
01070_h3_indexes_are_neighbors | OK | 0.08 |
01070_to_decimal_or_null_exception | OK | 0.13 |
01070_h3_to_string | OK | 0.08 |
01070_h3_to_parent | OK | 0.08 |
01070_h3_get_base_cell | OK | 0.08 |
01069_insert_float_as_nullable_unit8 | OK | 0.08 |
01070_alter_with_ttl | OK | 0.16 |
01069_materialized_view_alter_target_table_with_default_expression | OK | 0.14 |
01069_set_in_group_by | OK | 0.09 |
01068_parens | OK | 0.08 |
01069_materialized_view_alter_target_table | OK | 0.15 |
01067_join_null | OK | 0.09 |
01066_bit_count | OK | 0.1 |
01068_window_view_event_tumble_to_bounded_lateness | OK | 0.78 |
01065_if_not_finite | OK | 0.1 |
01067_window_view_event_tumble_to_asc_lateness | OK | 0.8 |
01065_array_zip_mixed_const | OK | 0.08 |
01066_window_view_event_tumble_to_strict_asc_lateness | OK | 0.8 |
01064_array_auc | OK | 0.11 |
01064_pm_all_join_const_and_nullable | OK | 0.3 |
01063_create_column_set | OK | 0.09 |
01064_window_view_event_hop_to_bounded | OK | 0.75 |
01064_incremental_streaming_from_2_src_with_feedback | OK | 0.88 |
01062_pm_multiple_all_join_same_value | OK | 0.1 |
01063_window_view_event_tumble_to_bounded | OK | 0.74 |
01075_window_view_proc_tumble_to_now_populate | OK | 4.65 |
01062_max_parser_depth | OK | 0.3 |
01061_alter_codec_with_type | OK | 0.13 |
01062_alter_on_mutataion_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.49 |
01060_substring_negative_size | OK | 0.13 |
01060_defaults_all_columns | OK | 0.1 |
01061_window_view_event_hop_to_asc | OK | 0.73 |
01060_window_view_event_tumble_to_asc | OK | 0.75 |
01058_window_view_event_hop_to_strict_asc | OK | 0.79 |
01057_window_view_event_tumble_to_strict_asc | OK | 0.7 |
01058_zlib_ng_level1_bug | OK | 2.34 |
01057_http_compression_prefer_brotli | OK | 0.61 |
01056_predicate_optimizer_bugs | OK | 0.36 |
01056_negative_with_bloom_filter | OK | 0.11 |
01062_pm_all_join_with_block_continuation | OK | 3.66 |
01056_prepared_statements_null_and_escaping | OK | 0.37 |
01055_minmax_index_compact_parts | OK | 0.77 |
01055_compact_parts_granularity | OK | 0.85 |
01055_prewhere_bugs | OK | 0.11 |
01055_compact_parts | OK | 0.29 |
01054_random_printable_ascii_ubsan | OK | 0.73 |
01059_storage_file_compression | OK | 5.72 |
01054_window_view_proc_tumble_to | OK | 5.26 |
01055_window_view_proc_hop_to | OK | 6.35 |
01053_if_chain_check | OK | 0.1 |
01052_array_reduce_exception | OK | 0.09 |
01053_window_view_proc_hop_to_now | OK | 4.08 |
01051_aggregate_function_crash | OK | 0.08 |
01052_compression_buffer_overrun | OK | 0.29 |
01051_random_printable_ascii | OK | 0.08 |
01051_scalar_optimization | OK | 0.08 |
01051_window_view_parser_hop | OK | 0.23 |
01051_new_any_join_engine | OK | 0.24 |
01051_same_name_alias_with_joins | OK | 0.12 |
01051_all_join_engine | OK | 0.26 |
01050_window_view_parser_tumble | OK | 0.13 |
01051_system_stack_trace | OK | 0.76 |
01050_engine_join_crash | OK | 0.21 |
01050_group_array_sample | OK | 0.09 |
01050_engine_join_view_crash | OK | 0.1 |
01049_join_low_card_crash | OK | 0.12 |
01049_zookeeper_synchronous_mutations_long | OK | 0.35 |
01049_window_view_window_functions | OK | 0.15 |
01111_create_drop_replicated_db_stress | OK | 34.85 |
01047_nullable_rand | OK | 0.09 |
01049_join_low_card_bug_long | OK | 1.03 |
01047_no_alias_columns_with_table_aliases | OK | 0.11 |
01046_materialized_view_with_join_over_distributed | OK | 0.15 |
01046_trivial_count_query_distributed | OK | 0.15 |
01045_array_zip | OK | 0.12 |
01045_bloom_filter_null_array | OK | 0.14 |
01044_great_circle_angle | OK | 0.08 |
01044_h3_edge_angle | OK | 0.07 |
01047_simple_aggregate_sizes_of_columns_bug | OK | 1.16 |
01043_geo_distance | OK | 0.09 |
01043_h3_edge_length_m | OK | 0.08 |
01043_categorical_iv | OK | 0.13 |
01042_h3_k_ring | OK | 0.11 |
01042_check_query_and_last_granule_size | OK | 0.19 |
01041_h3_is_valid | OK | 0.08 |
01040_distributed_directory_monitor_batch_inserts | OK | 0.15 |
01040_h3_get_resolution | OK | 0.09 |
01039_test_setting_parse | OK | 0.11 |
01039_row_policy_dcl | OK | 0.31 |
01038_array_of_unnamed_tuples | OK | 0.11 |
01037_zookeeper_check_table_empty_pk | OK | 0.14 |
01036_union_different_columns | OK | 0.08 |
01045_order_by_pk_special_storages | OK | 2.04 |
01052_window_view_proc_tumble_to_now | OK | 4.67 |
01035_prewhere_with_alias | OK | 0.09 |
01039_mergetree_exec_time | OK | 1.09 |
01035_lc_empty_part_bug | OK | 0.46 |
01034_with_fill_and_push_down_predicate | OK | 0.07 |
01035_enum_conversion_native_format | OK | 0.92 |
01054_cache_dictionary_bunch_update | OK | 10.63 |
01034_unknown_qualified_column_in_join | OK | 0.1 |
01034_prewhere_max_parallel_replicas_distributed | OK | 0.21 |
01035_avg | OK | 1.36 |
01034_values_parse_float_bug | OK | 0.82 |
01034_JSONCompactEachRow | OK | 0.23 |
01034_order_by_pk_prefix | OK | 0.17 |
01033_storage_odbc_parsing_exception_check | OK | 0.09 |
01033_quota_dcl | OK | 0.07 |
01034_sample_final_distributed | OK | 0.6 |
01033_substr_negative_size_arg | OK | 0.09 |
01032_duplicate_column_insert_query | OK | 0.12 |
01032_cityHash64_for_UUID | OK | 0.11 |
01032_cityHash64_for_decimal | OK | 0.09 |
01031_pmj_new_any_semi_join | OK | 0.14 |
01031_new_any_join | OK | 0.15 |
01031_semi_anti_join | OK | 0.12 |
01030_storage_hdfs_syntax | OK | 0.09 |
01030_concatenate_equal_fixed_strings | OK | 0.08 |
01030_storage_set_supports_read | OK | 0.16 |
01031_mutations_interpreter_and_context | OK | 0.71 |
01030_incorrect_count_summing_merge_tree | OK | 0.49 |
01030_storage_url_syntax | OK | 0.27 |
01030_final_mark_empty_primary_key | OK | 0.12 |
01029_early_constant_folding | OK | 0.09 |
01026_char_utf8 | OK | 0.08 |
01025_array_compact_generic | OK | 0.1 |
01024__getScalar | OK | 0.1 |
01021_tuple_parser | OK | 0.1 |
01021_create_as_select | OK | 0.08 |
01030_limit_by_with_ties_error | OK | 0.48 |
01020_function_char | OK | 0.08 |
01020_having_without_group_by | OK | 0.07 |
01020_function_array_compact | OK | 0.09 |
01019_materialized_view_select_extra_columns | OK | 0.11 |
01019_array_fill | OK | 0.09 |
01019_alter_materialized_view_query | OK | 0.15 |
01019_Buffer_and_max_memory_usage | OK | 0.38 |
01019_alter_materialized_view_consistent | OK | 1.22 |
01018_Distributed__shard_num | OK | 0.74 |
01018_optimize_read_in_order_with_in_subquery | OK | 0.09 |
01018_ambiguous_column | OK | 0.11 |
01019_parallel_parsing_cancel | OK | 2.63 |
01018_empty_aggregation_filling | OK | 0.3 |
01018_insert_multiple_blocks_with_defaults | OK | 0.57 |
01017_bithamming_distance | OK | 0.11 |
01017_uniqCombined_memory_usage | OK | 0.72 |
01017_tuplehamming_distance | OK | 0.11 |
01017_mutations_with_nondeterministic_functions_zookeeper | OK | 1.1 |
01017_in_unconvertible_complex_type | OK | 0.1 |
01017_tsv_empty_as_default | OK | 0.55 |
01016_null_part_minmax | OK | 0.1 |
01016_uniqCombined64 | OK | 0.36 |
01016_index_tuple_field_type | OK | 0.12 |
01016_macros | OK | 0.08 |
01016_simhash_minhash_ppc | SKIPPED | 0.0 |
01016_simhash_minhash | OK | 0.32 |
01016_input_null_as_default | OK | 2.23 |
01015_array_split | OK | 0.1 |
01015_insert_values_parametrized | OK | 0.71 |
01015_random_constant | OK | 0.08 |
01015_empty_in_inner_right_join | OK | 0.2 |
01014_function_repeat_corner_cases | OK | 0.12 |
01015_database_bad_tables | OK | 2.0 |
01014_count_of_merges_metrics | OK | 0.1 |
01013_repeat_function | OK | 0.1 |
01013_totals_without_aggregation | OK | 0.09 |
01013_hex_decimal | OK | 0.09 |
01013_hex_float | OK | 0.09 |
01012_serialize_array_memory_usage | OK | 0.2 |
01012_select_limit_x_0 | OK | 0.08 |
01014_format_custom_separated | OK | 1.01 |
01012_reset_running_accumulate | OK | 0.09 |
01011_group_uniq_array_memsan | OK | 0.08 |
01011_test_create_as_skip_indices | OK | 0.14 |
01010_pm_join_all_join_bug | OK | 0.12 |
01010_partial_merge_join_const_and_lc | OK | 0.16 |
01010_partial_merge_join_negative | OK | 0.17 |
01010_partial_merge_join | OK | 0.53 |
01010_pmj_on_disk | OK | 0.13 |
01010_pmj_skip_blocks | OK | 0.38 |
01010_pmj_one_row_blocks | OK | 0.41 |
01010_low_cardinality_and_native_http | OK | 0.89 |
01009_insert_select_data_loss | OK | 0.12 |
01019_alter_materialized_view_atomic | OK | 10.5 |
01009_global_array_join_names | OK | 0.11 |
01008_materialized_view_henyihanwobushi | OK | 0.11 |
01009_insert_select_nicelulu | OK | 1.03 |
01006_simpod_empty_part_single_column_write | OK | 0.97 |
01006_ttl_with_default_2 | OK | 1.62 |
01035_avg_weighted_long | OK | 17.06 |
01007_r1r2_w_r2r1_deadlock | OK | 10.65 |
01005_rwr_shard_deadlock | OK | 10.45 |
01001_enums_in_in_section | OK | 0.08 |
01000_unneeded_substitutions_client | OK | 0.3 |
01000_bad_size_of_marks_skip_idx | OK | 0.17 |
01000_subquery_requires_alias | OK | 0.12 |
00999_test_skip_indices_with_alter_and_merge | OK | 0.11 |
00999_nullable_nested_types_4877 | OK | 0.13 |
00999_full_join_dup_keys_crash | OK | 0.18 |
00999_settings_no_extra_quotes | OK | 0.07 |
00999_join_not_nullable_types | OK | 0.09 |
00999_join_on_expression | OK | 0.16 |
01002_alter_nullable_adaptive_granularity_long | OK | 10.53 |
00997_extract_all_crash_6627 | OK | 0.08 |
00998_constraints_all_tables | OK | 0.31 |
01004_rename_deadlock | OK | 11.66 |
00996_neighbor | OK | 0.11 |
00997_trim | OK | 0.42 |
00996_limit_with_ties | OK | 0.15 |
00995_optimize_read_in_order_with_aggregation | OK | 0.1 |
00995_order_by_with_fill | OK | 0.2 |
00994_table_function_numbers_mt | OK | 0.12 |
00995_exception_while_insert | OK | 0.64 |
00990_hasToken | OK | 0.98 |
00997_set_index_array | OK | 2.19 |
00990_hasToken_and_tokenbf | OK | 0.32 |
00990_request_splitting | OK | 0.09 |
00990_function_current_user | OK | 0.08 |
00988_expansion_aliases_limit | OK | 0.96 |
00988_constraints_replication_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.48 |
00990_metric_log_table_not_empty | OK | 2.67 |
00988_parallel_parts_removal | OK | 1.34 |
00987_distributed_stack_overflow | OK | 0.94 |
00984_materialized_view_to_columns | OK | 0.1 |
00986_materialized_view_stack_overflow | OK | 0.49 |
00983_summing_merge_tree_not_an_identifier | OK | 0.11 |
00982_array_enumerate_uniq_ranked | OK | 0.1 |
00982_low_cardinality_setting_in_mv | OK | 0.11 |
00981_no_virtual_columns | OK | 0.08 |
00984_parser_stack_overflow | OK | 0.89 |
00981_in_subquery_with_tuple | OK | 1.04 |
01034_move_partition_from_table_zookeeper | OK | 34.77 |
01001_rename_merge_race_condition | OK | 10.58 |
00980_shard_aggregation_state_deserialization | OK | 0.24 |
00980_skip_unused_shards_without_sharding_key | OK | 0.19 |
00980_crash_nullable_decimal | OK | 0.09 |
00980_full_join_crash_fancyqlx | OK | 0.25 |
00979_quantileExcatExclusive_and_Inclusive | OK | 0.12 |
00979_yandex_consistent_hash_fpe | OK | 0.15 |
00979_set_index_not | OK | 0.45 |
00978_sum_map_bugfix | OK | 0.09 |
00978_table_function_values_alias | OK | 0.1 |
00978_ml_math | OK | 0.08 |
00977_int_div | OK | 0.11 |
00979_toFloat_monotonicity | OK | 0.56 |
00976_asof_join_on | OK | 0.12 |
00977_join_use_nulls_denny_crane | OK | 0.41 |
00976_shard_low_cardinality_achimbab | OK | 0.25 |
00981_topK_topKWeighted_long | OK | 3.02 |
00976_system_stop_ttl_merges | OK | 1.26 |
00975_indices_mutation_replicated_zookeeper_long | OK | 1.69 |
00975_json_hang | OK | 0.3 |
00975_values_list | OK | 0.19 |
00975_move_partition_merge_tree | OK | 1.06 |
00975_recursive_materialized_view | OK | 0.12 |
00974_full_outer_join | OK | 0.1 |
00976_max_execution_speed | OK | 3.08 |
00975_sample_prewhere_distributed | OK | 0.3 |
00980_alter_settings_race | OK | 4.58 |
00974_adaptive_granularity_secondary_index | OK | 0.4 |
00974_bitmapContains_with_primary_key | OK | 0.26 |
00974_low_cardinality_cast | OK | 0.11 |
00974_fix_join_on | OK | 0.31 |
00974_text_log_table_not_empty | OK | 0.86 |
00974_distributed_join_on | OK | 0.42 |
00974_final_predicate_push_down | OK | 0.27 |
00974_query_profiler | OK | 1.53 |
00973_create_table_as_table_function | OK | 0.18 |
00972_desc_table_virtual_columns | OK | 0.09 |
00973_uniq_non_associativity | OK | 0.37 |
00974_primary_key_for_lowCardinality | OK | 1.38 |
00970_substring_arg_validation | OK | 0.14 |
00971_merge_tree_uniform_read_distribution_and_max_rows_to_read | OK | 0.24 |
00969_roundDuration | OK | 0.12 |
00972_geohashesInBox | OK | 0.39 |
00968_roundAge | OK | 0.08 |
00969_columns_clause | OK | 0.16 |
00967_ubsan_bit_test | OK | 0.07 |
00966_invalid_json_must_not_parse | OK | 0.09 |
00967_insert_into_distributed_different_types | OK | 0.12 |
00968_file_engine_in_subquery | OK | 0.35 |
00965_send_logs_level_concurrent_queries | OK | 0.47 |
00965_shard_unresolvable_addresses | OK | 0.67 |
00965_logs_level_bugfix | OK | 0.7 |
00964_os_thread_priority | OK | 0.08 |
00963_achimbab | OK | 0.13 |
00963_startsWith_force_primary_key | OK | 0.12 |
00962_enumNotExect | OK | 0.13 |
00962_visit_param_various | OK | 0.17 |
00965_set_index_string_functions | OK | 1.19 |
00961_visit_param_buffer_underflow | OK | 0.09 |
00961_check_table | OK | 0.26 |
00961_checksums_in_system_parts_columns_table | OK | 0.35 |
00960_eval_ml_method_const | OK | 0.09 |
00957_neighbor | OK | 0.18 |
00959_format_with_different_aliases | OK | 0.29 |
00958_format_of_tuple_array_element | OK | 0.26 |
00957_coalesce_const_nullable_crash | OK | 0.09 |
00957_delta_diff_bug | OK | 0.1 |
00956_join_use_nulls_with_array_column | OK | 0.09 |
00957_format_with_clashed_aliases | OK | 0.27 |
00956_http_prepared_statements | OK | 0.39 |
00955_complex_prepared_statements | OK | 0.95 |
01167_isolation_hermitage | OK | 97.41 |
00954_resample_combinator | OK | 0.13 |
00964_bloom_index_string_functions | OK | 2.5 |
00953_moving_functions | OK | 0.28 |
00954_client_prepared_statements | OK | 1.3 |
00953_indices_alter_exceptions | OK | 0.7 |
00952_insert_into_distributed_with_materialized_column | OK | 0.77 |
00953_constraints_operations | OK | 1.11 |
00952_part_frozen_info | OK | 0.24 |
00951_ngram_search | OK | 0.5 |
00950_test_double_delta_codec | OK | 0.36 |
00950_test_gorilla_codec | OK | 0.26 |
00952_basic_constraints | OK | 1.39 |
00950_bad_alloc_when_truncate_join_storage | OK | 0.08 |
00950_default_prewhere | OK | 0.21 |
00948_values_interpreter_template | OK | 0.14 |
00948_to_valid_utf8 | OK | 0.25 |
00952_input_function | OK | 2.55 |
00949_format | OK | 0.54 |
00947_ml_test | OK | 0.17 |
00946_ml_test | OK | 0.11 |
00945_ml_test | OK | 0.17 |
00948_format_in_with_single_element | OK | 0.46 |
00944_minmax_null | OK | 0.14 |
01599_multiline_input_and_singleline_comments | OK | 180.09 |
00944_ml_test | OK | 0.2 |
00943_mv_rename_without_inner_table | OK | 0.33 |
00944_clear_index_in_partition | OK | 1.51 |
00945_bloom_filter_index | OK | 3.2 |
00942_mutate_index | OK | 1.26 |
00942_mv_rename_table | OK | 0.09 |
00944_create_bloom_filter_index_with_merge_tree | OK | 3.12 |
00941_to_custom_week | OK | 0.15 |
00943_materialize_index | OK | 2.0 |
00942_dataparts_500 | OK | 0.26 |
00940_max_parts_in_total | OK | 0.12 |
00939_test_null_in | OK | 0.09 |
00939_limit_by_offset | OK | 0.09 |
00938_basename | OK | 0.09 |
00940_order_by_read_in_order | OK | 0.59 |
00938_dataset_test | OK | 0.19 |
00938_ipv6_cidr_range | OK | 0.26 |
00938_test_retention_function | OK | 0.22 |
00940_order_by_read_in_order_query_plan | OK | 1.23 |
00937_ipv4_cidr_range | OK | 0.13 |
00937_template_output_format | OK | 0.61 |
00937_test_use_header_tsv | OK | 1.41 |
00937_test_use_header_csv | OK | 1.44 |
00956_sensitive_data_masking | OK | 12.17 |
00936_substring_utf8_non_const | OK | 1.26 |
00936_function_result_with_operator_in | OK | 0.37 |
00935_to_iso_week_first_year | OK | 0.11 |
00936_crc_functions | OK | 0.23 |
00934_is_valid_utf8 | OK | 0.32 |
00932_array_intersect_bug | OK | 0.1 |
00932_geohash_support | OK | 0.36 |
00931_low_cardinality_read_with_empty_array | OK | 0.4 |
00931_low_cardinality_nullable_aggregate_function_type | OK | 0.26 |
00931_low_cardinality_set_index_in_key_condition | OK | 0.14 |
00933_ttl_replicated_zookeeper | OK | 2.04 |
00930_arrayIntersect | OK | 0.35 |
00953_zookeeper_suetin_deduplication_bug | OK | 13.7 |
00928_multi_match_constant_constant | OK | 0.09 |
00930_max_partitions_per_insert_block | OK | 1.31 |
00929_multi_match_edit_distance | OK | 0.84 |
00938_fix_rwlock_segfault_long | OK | 8.59 |
00991_system_parts_race_condition_long | OK | 36.58 |
00927_asof_join_long | OK | 6.05 |
00927_asof_join_noninclusive | OK | 3.63 |
00927_asof_join_correct_bt | OK | 5.88 |
00927_asof_joins | OK | 0.22 |
00927_disable_hyperscan | OK | 0.2 |
00933_ttl_simple | OK | 9.14 |
00926_geo_to_h3 | OK | 0.23 |
00926_adaptive_index_granularity_collapsing_merge_tree | OK | 0.31 |
00926_adaptive_index_granularity_versioned_collapsing_merge_tree | OK | 0.49 |
00921_datetime64_basic | OK | 0.34 |
00927_asof_join_other_types | OK | 7.12 |
00920_multiply_aggregate_states_constants | OK | 0.1 |
00919_sum_aggregate_states_constants | OK | 0.11 |
00926_multimatch | OK | 1.05 |
00919_histogram_merge | OK | 0.08 |
00918_has_unsufficient_type_check | OK | 0.12 |
00917_multiple_joins_denny_crane | OK | 0.13 |
00917_least_sqr | OK | 0.12 |
00925_zookeeper_empty_replicated_merge_tree_optimize_final_long | OK | 0.92 |
00916_create_or_replace_view | OK | 0.11 |
00916_add_materialized_column_after | OK | 0.2 |
00916_join_using_duplicate_columns | OK | 0.14 |
00915_tuple_orantius | OK | 0.09 |
00915_simple_aggregate_function | OK | 0.26 |
00914_join_bgranvea | OK | 0.11 |
00914_replicate | OK | 0.08 |
00918_json_functions | OK | 0.72 |
00912_string_comparison | OK | 0.11 |
00911_tautological_compare | OK | 0.08 |
00910_crash_when_distributed_modify_order_by | OK | 0.27 |
00910_client_window_size_detection | OK | 0.38 |
00941_system_columns_race_condition | OK | 15.49 |
00910_decimal_group_array_crash_3783 | OK | 0.32 |
00913_many_threads | OK | 0.9 |
00910_zookeeper_test_alter_compression_codecs_long | OK | 0.77 |
00910_zookeeper_custom_compression_codecs_replicated_long | OK | 0.76 |
00908_analyze_query | OK | 0.08 |
00909_ngram_distance | OK | 0.36 |
00909_arrayEnumerateUniq | OK | 0.74 |
00908_long_http_insert | OK | 0.7 |
00907_set_index_with_nullable_and_low_cardinality_bug | OK | 0.11 |
00926_zookeeper_adaptive_index_granularity_replicated_merge_tree_long | OK | 3.24 |
00906_low_cardinality_const_argument | OK | 0.08 |
00906_low_cardinality_rollup | OK | 0.13 |
00907_set_index_max_rows | OK | 0.58 |
00907_set_index_with_nullable_and_low_cardinality | OK | 0.33 |
00905_compile_expressions_compare_big_dates | OK | 0.1 |
00905_field_with_aggregate_function_state | OK | 0.1 |
00903_array_with_constant_function | OK | 0.07 |
00904_array_with_constant_2 | OK | 0.08 |
00902_entropy | OK | 0.1 |
00901_joint_entropy | OK | 0.1 |
00900_parquet_time_to_ch_date_time | OK | 0.54 |
00906_low_cardinality_cache | OK | 2.08 |
00900_orc_arrow_parquet_nested | OK | 1.94 |
00900_orc_nullable_arrays_load | OK | 0.67 |
00900_null_array_orc_load | OK | 0.55 |
00900_entropy_shard | OK | 0.2 |
00908_bloom_filter_index | OK | 3.73 |
00921_datetime64_compatibility_long | OK | 6.29 |
00900_orc_nested_arrays_load | OK | 0.69 |
00900_orc_arrow_parquet_maps | OK | 1.3 |
00900_orc_arrow_parquet_tuples | OK | 1.31 |
00900_orc_arrays_load | OK | 0.73 |
00909_kill_not_initialized_query | OK | 6.14 |
00898_parsing_bad_diagnostic_message | OK | 0.47 |
00898_quantile_timing_parameter_check | OK | 0.08 |
00897_flatten | OK | 0.1 |
00881_unknown_identifier_in_in | OK | 0.08 |
00882_multiple_join_no_alias | OK | 0.16 |
00879_cast_to_decimal_crash | OK | 0.09 |
00900_orc_load | OK | 0.83 |
00876_wrong_arraj_join_column | OK | 0.08 |
00878_join_unexpected_results | OK | 0.21 |
00875_join_right_nulls_ors | OK | 0.16 |
00875_join_right_nulls | OK | 0.17 |
00874_issue_3495 | OK | 0.09 |
00880_decimal_in_key | OK | 0.45 |
00864_union_all_supertype | OK | 0.1 |
00863_comma_join_in | OK | 0.13 |
00862_decimal_in | OK | 0.15 |
00872_t64_bit_codec | OK | 0.61 |
00861_decimal_quoted_csv | OK | 0.12 |
00870_t64_codec | OK | 0.65 |
00860_unknown_identifier_bug | OK | 0.1 |
00871_t64_codec_signed | OK | 0.75 |
00859_distinct_with_join | OK | 0.13 |
00858_issue_4756 | OK | 0.13 |
00856_no_column_issue_4242 | OK | 0.11 |
00854_multiple_join_asterisks | OK | 0.11 |
00855_join_with_array_join | OK | 0.14 |
00852_any_join_nulls | OK | 0.13 |
00853_join_with_nulls_crash | OK | 0.14 |
00848_join_use_nulls_segfault | OK | 0.19 |
00900_long_parquet | OK | 6.42 |
00846_join_using_tuple_crash | OK | 0.15 |
00849_multiple_comma_join_2 | OK | 0.42 |
00847_multiple_join_same_column | OK | 0.27 |
00845_join_on_aliases | OK | 0.13 |
00844_join_lightee2 | OK | 0.15 |
00851_http_insert_json_defaults | OK | 0.69 |
00843_optimize_predicate_and_rename_table | OK | 0.13 |
00842_array_with_constant_overflow | OK | 0.1 |
00841_temporary_table_database | OK | 0.09 |
00840_top_k_weighted | OK | 0.09 |
00839_bitmask_negative | OK | 0.1 |
00850_global_join_dups | OK | 0.96 |
00837_insert_select_and_read_prefix | OK | 0.09 |
00837_minmax_index_replicated_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.35 |
00836_indices_alter | OK | 0.26 |
00837_minmax_index | OK | 0.79 |
00900_long_parquet_decimal | OK | 5.29 |
00836_numbers_table_function_zero | OK | 0.1 |
00834_date_datetime_cmp | OK | 0.08 |
00834_not_between | OK | 0.08 |
00835_if_generic_case | OK | 0.13 |
00836_indices_alter_replicated_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.7 |
00838_unique_index | OK | 1.09 |
00834_limit_with_constant_expressions | OK | 0.17 |
00833_sleep_overflow | OK | 0.09 |
00832_storage_file_lock | OK | 0.09 |
00831_quantile_weighted_parameter_check | OK | 0.1 |
00830_join_overwrite | OK | 0.09 |
00834_dont_allow_to_set_two_configuration_files_in_client | OK | 0.28 |
00838_system_tables_drop_table_race | OK | 1.39 |
00829_bitmap64_function | OK | 0.27 |
00826_cross_to_inner_join | OK | 0.27 |
00825_http_header_query_id | OK | 0.27 |
00829_bitmap_function | OK | 0.51 |
00825_protobuf_format_map | OK | 0.59 |
00825_protobuf_format_squares | OK | 0.68 |
00825_protobuf_format_no_length_delimiter | OK | 0.78 |
00825_protobuf_format_skipped_column_in_nested | OK | 0.66 |
00825_protobuf_format_splitted_nested | OK | 0.68 |
00834_hints_for_type_function_typos | OK | 1.67 |
00825_protobuf_format_nested_in_nested | OK | 0.69 |
00825_protobuf_format_array_3dim | OK | 0.69 |
00825_protobuf_format_nested_optional | OK | 0.68 |
00824_filesystem | OK | 0.08 |
00825_protobuf_format_enum_mapping | OK | 0.7 |
00825_protobuf_format_array_of_arrays | OK | 0.65 |
00823_sequence_match_dfa | OK | 0.32 |
00821_distributed_storage_with_join_on | OK | 0.22 |
00820_multiple_joins | OK | 0.17 |
00825_protobuf_format_table_default | OK | 0.7 |
00823_capnproto_input | OK | 0.58 |
00822_array_insert_default | OK | 0.4 |
00820_multiple_joins_subquery_requires_alias | OK | 0.15 |
00819_ast_refactoring_bugs | OK | 0.11 |
00819_full_join_wrong_columns_in_block | OK | 0.13 |
00818_alias_bug_4110 | OK | 0.17 |
00817_with_simple | OK | 0.08 |
00818_join_bug_4271 | OK | 0.14 |
00818_inner_join_bug_3567 | OK | 0.15 |
00816_join_column_names_sarg | OK | 0.09 |
00825_protobuf_format_persons | OK | 2.19 |
00814_parsing_ub | OK | 0.08 |
00813_parse_date_time_best_effort_more | OK | 0.08 |
00812_prewhere_alias_array | OK | 0.1 |
00810_in_operators_segfault | OK | 0.08 |
00811_garbage | OK | 0.1 |
00809_add_days_segfault | OK | 0.11 |
00808_array_enumerate_segfault | OK | 0.1 |
00807_regexp_quote_meta | OK | 0.1 |
00806_alter_update | OK | 0.14 |
00808_not_optimize_predicate | OK | 0.19 |
00805_round_down | OK | 0.16 |
00804_test_delta_codec_no_type_alter | OK | 0.12 |
00803_odbc_driver_2_format | OK | 0.09 |
00804_rollup_with_having | OK | 0.11 |
00801_daylight_saving_time_hour_underflow | OK | 0.08 |
00802_daylight_saving_time_shift_backwards_at_midnight | OK | 0.09 |
00803_xxhash | OK | 0.19 |
00802_system_parts_with_datetime_partition | OK | 0.21 |
00800_function_java_hash | OK | 0.12 |
00800_low_cardinality_distributed_insert | OK | 0.09 |
00800_low_cardinality_join | OK | 0.18 |
00800_low_cardinality_distinct_numeric | OK | 0.11 |
00800_low_cardinality_empty_array | OK | 0.13 |
00800_low_cardinality_array_group_by_arg | OK | 0.13 |
00799_function_dry_run | OK | 0.1 |
00794_materialized_view_with_column_defaults | OK | 0.11 |
00780_unaligned_array_join | OK | 0.08 |
00800_function_java_hash_with_unsigined_types | OK | 0.6 |
00779_all_right_join_max_block_size | OK | 0.09 |
00765_sql_compatibility_aliases | OK | 0.12 |
00800_low_cardinality_merge_join | OK | 0.58 |
00763_create_query_as_table_engine_bug | OK | 0.19 |
00764_max_query_size_allocation | OK | 0.26 |
00761_lower_utf8_bug | OK | 0.08 |
00762_date_comparsion | OK | 0.14 |
00759_kodieg | OK | 0.08 |
00760_url_functions_overflow | OK | 0.1 |
00760_insert_json_with_defaults | OK | 0.26 |
00814_replicated_minimalistic_part_header_zookeeper | OK | 1.8 |
00758_array_reverse | OK | 0.16 |
00756_power_alias | OK | 0.1 |
00757_enum_defaults | OK | 0.2 |
00754_first_significant_subdomain_more | OK | 0.1 |
00754_alter_modify_order_by | OK | 0.18 |
00755_avg_value_size_hint_passing | OK | 0.58 |
00753_quantile_format | OK | 0.15 |
00753_comment_columns_zookeeper | OK | 0.14 |
00753_with_with_single_alias | OK | 0.08 |
00753_alter_destination_for_storage_buffer | OK | 0.2 |
00753_distributed_system_columns_and_system_tables | OK | 0.14 |
00753_system_columns_and_system_tables_long | OK | 0.3 |
00752_low_cardinality_left_array_join | OK | 0.1 |
00900_long_parquet_load | OK | 14.07 |
00752_low_cardinality_mv_1 | OK | 0.18 |
00752_low_cardinality_lambda_argument | OK | 0.11 |
00754_distributed_optimize_skip_select_on_unused_shards_with_prewhere | OK | 2.13 |
00752_low_cardinality_permute | OK | 0.12 |
00752_low_cardinality_array_result | OK | 0.1 |
00751_hashing_ints | OK | 0.1 |
00752_low_cardinality_mv_2 | OK | 0.19 |
00754_distributed_optimize_skip_select_on_unused_shards | OK | 2.18 |
00750_merge_tree_merge_with_o_direct | OK | 0.15 |
00749_inner_join_of_unnamed_subqueries | OK | 0.16 |
00748_insert_array_with_null | OK | 0.13 |
00747_contributors | OK | 0.1 |
00746_hashing_tuples | OK | 0.13 |
00751_low_cardinality_nullable_group_by | OK | 0.63 |
00745_compile_scalar_subquery | OK | 0.13 |
00744_join_not_found_column | OK | 0.1 |
00743_limit_by_not_found_column | OK | 0.16 |
00742_require_join_strictness | OK | 0.12 |
00740_optimize_predicate_expression | OK | 0.11 |
00739_array_element_nullable_string_mattrobenolt | OK | 0.13 |
00738_nested_merge_multidimensional_array | OK | 0.11 |
00737_decimal_group_by | OK | 0.15 |
00736_disjunction_optimisation | OK | 0.17 |
00735_long_conditional | OK | 2.09 |
00735_or_expr_optimize_bug | OK | 0.09 |
00738_lock_for_inner_table | OK | 2.78 |
00734_timeslot | OK | 0.17 |
00733_if_datetime | OK | 0.09 |
00732_decimal_summing_merge_tree | OK | 0.13 |
00732_quorum_insert_have_data_before_quorum_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.37 |
00732_quorum_insert_simple_test_1_parts_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.4 |
00732_quorum_insert_simple_test_2_parts_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.28 |
00732_base64_functions | OK | 0.19 |
00746_sql_fuzzy | OK | 5.05 |
00763_lock_buffer_long | OK | 9.08 |
00746_compile_non_deterministic_function | OK | 6.13 |
00730_unicode_terminal_format | OK | 0.13 |
00729_prewhere_array_join | OK | 0.26 |
00731_long_merge_tree_select_opened_files | OK | 3.67 |
00727_concat | OK | 0.09 |
00726_modulo_for_date | OK | 0.08 |
00726_materialized_view_concurrent | OK | 0.09 |
00726_length_aliases | OK | 0.08 |
00725_quantiles_shard | OK | 0.36 |
00725_join_on_bug_1 | OK | 0.09 |
00725_join_on_bug_2 | OK | 0.13 |
00725_comment_columns_long | OK | 0.19 |
00725_join_on_bug_3 | OK | 0.11 |
00728_json_each_row_parsing | OK | 4.44 |
00725_join_on_bug_4 | OK | 0.09 |
00725_ipv4_ipv6_domains | OK | 0.18 |
00725_memory_tracking | OK | 0.25 |
00724_insert_values_datetime_conversion | OK | 0.08 |
00723_remerge_sort | OK | 0.17 |
00721_force_by_identical_result_after_merge_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.27 |
00720_with_cube | OK | 0.16 |
00720_combinations_of_aggregate_combinators | OK | 0.12 |
00719_format_datetime_rand | OK | 0.57 |
00719_insert_block_without_column | OK | 0.57 |
00718_low_cardinaliry_alter | OK | 0.32 |
00718_format_datetime | OK | 0.3 |
00717_merge_and_distributed | OK | 0.37 |
00717_low_cardinaliry_group_by | OK | 0.2 |
00717_default_join_type | OK | 0.1 |
00717_low_cardinaliry_distributed_group_by | OK | 0.46 |
00715_json_each_row_input_nested | OK | 1.13 |
00715_bounding_ratio | OK | 0.12 |
00714_create_temporary_table_with_in_clause | OK | 0.09 |
00714_alter_uuid | OK | 0.26 |
00713_collapsing_merge_tree | OK | 0.11 |
00712_prewhere_with_missing_columns_2 | OK | 0.11 |
00712_prewhere_with_final | OK | 0.24 |
00712_prewhere_with_alias_bug | OK | 0.1 |
00712_nan_comparison | OK | 0.13 |
00712_prewhere_with_alias_bug_2 | OK | 0.1 |
00712_prewhere_with_alias | OK | 0.19 |
00712_prewhere_with_sampling_and_alias | OK | 0.1 |
00712_prewhere_with_alias_and_virtual_column | OK | 0.1 |
00712_prewhere_with_missing_columns | OK | 0.12 |
00712_prewhere_with_sampling | OK | 0.11 |
00711_array_enumerate_variants | OK | 0.08 |
02187_async_inserts_all_formats | OK | 445.11 |
00710_array_enumerate_dense | OK | 0.22 |
00709_virtual_column_partition_id | OK | 0.12 |
00707_float_csv_delimiter | OK | 0.09 |
00706_iso_week_and_day_of_year | OK | 0.13 |
00705_aggregate_states_addition | OK | 0.2 |
00704_arrayCumSumLimited_arrayDifference | OK | 0.12 |
00704_drop_truncate_memory_table | OK | 0.56 |
00703_join_crash | OK | 0.12 |
00702_where_with_quailified_names | OK | 0.09 |
00702_join_with_using | OK | 0.16 |
00702_join_with_using_dups | OK | 0.11 |
00702_join_on_dups | OK | 0.25 |
00701_context_use_after_free | OK | 0.1 |
00701_join_default_strictness | OK | 0.14 |
00700_decimal_bounds | OK | 0.24 |
00700_decimal_complex_types | OK | 0.7 |
00700_decimal_arithm | OK | 0.5 |
00700_to_decimal_or_something | OK | 0.27 |
00700_decimal_round | OK | 0.32 |
00700_decimal_math | OK | 0.17 |
00700_decimal_in_keys | OK | 0.18 |
00700_decimal_array_functions | OK | 0.13 |
00700_decimal_casts_2 | OK | 0.74 |
00700_decimal_gathers | OK | 0.11 |
00700_decimal_formats | OK | 0.13 |
00700_decimal_compare | OK | 0.33 |
00700_decimal_casts | OK | 0.44 |
00719_parallel_ddl_table | OK | 13.74 |
00700_decimal_aggregates | OK | 0.49 |
00700_decimal_defaults | OK | 0.09 |
00700_decimal_null | OK | 0.19 |
00698_validate_array_sizes_for_nested_kshvakov | OK | 0.11 |
00816_long_concurrent_alter_column | OK | 30.54 |
00698_validate_array_sizes_for_nested | OK | 0.11 |
00700_decimal_empty_aggregates | OK | 0.45 |
00695_pretty_max_column_pad_width | OK | 0.08 |
00696_system_columns_limit | OK | 0.14 |
00694_max_block_size_zero | OK | 0.11 |
00692_if_exception_code | OK | 0.11 |
00691_array_distinct | OK | 0.11 |
00689_join_table_function | OK | 0.09 |
00688_low_cardinality_defaults | OK | 0.11 |
00697_in_subquery_shard | OK | 0.82 |
00688_low_cardinality_syntax | OK | 0.33 |
00690_insert_select_converting_exception_message | OK | 0.71 |
00688_low_cardinality_alter_add_column | OK | 0.14 |
00688_case_without_else | OK | 0.09 |
00688_low_cardinality_nullable_cast | OK | 0.21 |
00688_low_cardinality_in | OK | 0.24 |
00688_low_cardinality_prewhere | OK | 0.2 |
00688_aggregation_retention | OK | 0.17 |
00687_insert_into_mv | OK | 0.17 |
00685_output_format_json_escape_forward_slashes | OK | 0.09 |
00681_duplicate_columns_inside_union_all_stas_sviridov | OK | 0.1 |
00686_client_exit_code | OK | 0.29 |
00680_duplicate_columns_inside_union_all | OK | 0.12 |
00679_replace_asterisk | OK | 0.11 |
00679_uuid_in_key | OK | 0.2 |
00754_alter_modify_order_by_replicated_zookeeper_long | OK | 30.47 |
00678_murmurhash | OK | 0.18 |
00677_shard_any_heavy_merge | OK | 0.23 |
00676_group_by_in | OK | 0.11 |
00674_has_array_enum | OK | 0.1 |
00675_shard_remote_with_table_function | OK | 0.19 |
00678_shard_funnel_window | OK | 0.68 |
00687_top_and_offset | OK | 1.33 |
00705_drop_create_merge_tree | OK | 10.35 |
00672_arrayDistinct | OK | 0.12 |
00670_truncate_temporary_table | OK | 0.11 |
00671_max_intersections | OK | 0.12 |
00674_join_on_syntax | OK | 0.41 |
00668_compare_arrays_silviucpp | OK | 0.08 |
00667_compare_arrays_of_different_types | OK | 0.08 |
00665_alter_nullable_string_to_nullable_uint8 | OK | 0.14 |
00664_cast_from_string_to_nullable | OK | 0.12 |
00666_uniq_complex_types | OK | 0.21 |
00663_tiny_log_empty_insert | OK | 0.13 |
00661_array_has_silviucpp | OK | 0.12 |
00660_optimize_final_without_partition | OK | 0.17 |
00662_array_has_nullable | OK | 0.22 |
00653_monotonic_integer_cast | OK | 0.11 |
00661_optimize_final_replicated_without_partition_zookeeper | OK | 0.3 |
00653_running_difference | OK | 0.11 |
00652_replicated_mutations_default_database_zookeeper | OK | 0.64 |
00652_mutations_default_database | OK | 0.55 |
00651_default_database_on_client_reconnect | OK | 0.32 |
00650_array_enumerate_uniq_with_tuples | OK | 0.15 |
00649_quantile_tdigest_negative | OK | 0.08 |
00648_replacing_empty_set_from_prewhere | OK | 0.1 |
00647_histogram_negative | OK | 0.1 |
00647_select_numbers_with_offset | OK | 0.08 |
00647_multiply_aggregation_state | OK | 0.24 |
00647_histogram | OK | 0.09 |
00673_subquery_prepared_set_performance | OK | 2.79 |
00646_weird_mmx | OK | 0.11 |
00650_csv_with_specified_quote_rule | OK | 1.43 |
00645_date_time_input_format | OK | 0.08 |
00644_different_expressions_with_same_alias | OK | 0.08 |
00642_cast | OK | 0.17 |
00643_cast_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.21 |
00639_startsWith | OK | 0.12 |
00640_endsWith | OK | 0.14 |
00637_sessions_in_http_interface_and_settings | OK | 0.26 |
00646_url_engine | OK | 0.96 |
00635_shard_distinct_order_by | OK | 0.15 |
00634_rename_view | OK | 0.09 |
00652_mutations_alter_update | OK | 3.36 |
00633_func_or_in | OK | 0.1 |
00653_verification_monotonic_data_load | OK | 3.91 |
00634_logging_shard | OK | 0.95 |
00632_aggregation_window_funnel | OK | 0.48 |
00634_performance_introspection_and_logging | OK | 1.14 |
00628_in_lambda_on_merge_table_bug | OK | 0.19 |
00627_recursive_alias | OK | 0.09 |
00626_in_syntax | OK | 0.13 |
00636_partition_key_parts_pruning | OK | 1.91 |
00624_length_utf8 | OK | 0.08 |
00625_query_in_form_data | OK | 0.27 |
00623_replicated_truncate_table_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.18 |
00623_in_partition_key | OK | 0.22 |
00622_select_in_parens | OK | 0.09 |
00621_regression_for_in_operator | OK | 0.12 |
00625_summing_merge_tree_merge | OK | 0.65 |
00620_optimize_on_nonleader_replica_zookeeper | OK | 0.19 |
00619_extract | OK | 0.11 |
00618_nullable_in | OK | 0.1 |
00617_array_in | OK | 0.11 |
00616_final_single_part | OK | 0.12 |
00614_array_nullable | OK | 0.1 |
00615_nullable_alter_optimize | OK | 0.13 |
00614_shard_same_header_for_local_and_remote_node_in_distributed_query | OK | 0.17 |
00612_pk_in_tuple | OK | 0.2 |
00612_count | OK | 0.2 |
00630_arbitrary_csv_delimiter | OK | 1.58 |
00612_union_query_with_subquery | OK | 0.09 |
00632_get_sample_block_cache | OK | 1.83 |
00612_shard_count | OK | 0.24 |
00610_materialized_view_forward_alter_partition_statements | OK | 0.15 |
00609_distributed_with_case_when_then | OK | 0.15 |
00608_uniq_array | OK | 0.09 |
00609_mv_index_in_in | OK | 0.13 |
00609_prewhere_and_default | OK | 0.24 |
00606_quantiles_and_nans | OK | 0.09 |
00607_index_in_in | OK | 0.11 |
00605_intersections_aggregate_functions | OK | 0.11 |
00603_system_parts_nonexistent_database | OK | 0.09 |
00604_shard_remote_and_columns_with_defaults | OK | 0.2 |
00612_pk_in_tuple_perf | OK | 0.79 |
00600_create_temporary_table_if_not_exists | OK | 0.08 |
00613_shard_distributed_max_execution_time | OK | 1.22 |
00597_with_totals_on_empty_set | OK | 0.1 |
00601_kill_running_query | OK | 0.41 |
00598_create_as_select_http | OK | 0.43 |
00597_push_down_predicate_long | OK | 0.4 |
00593_union_all_assert_columns_removed | OK | 0.09 |
00594_alias_in_distributed | OK | 0.24 |
00592_union_all_different_aliases | OK | 0.09 |
00591_columns_removal_union_all | OK | 0.08 |
00590_limit_by_column_removal | OK | 0.08 |
00602_throw_if | OK | 1.14 |
00589_removal_unused_columns_aggregation | OK | 0.15 |
00587_union_all_type_conversions | OK | 0.1 |
00588_shard_distributed_prewhere | OK | 0.2 |
00595_insert_into_view | OK | 0.83 |
00586_removing_unused_columns_from_subquery | OK | 0.17 |
00583_limit_by_expressions | OK | 0.11 |
00596_limit_on_expanded_ast | OK | 1.08 |
00584_view_union_all | OK | 0.15 |
00582_not_aliasing_functions | OK | 0.09 |
00581_limit_on_result_and_subquery_and_insert | OK | 0.09 |
00580_cast_nullable_to_non_nullable | OK | 0.07 |
00580_consistent_hashing_functions | OK | 0.09 |
00585_union_all_subquery_aggregation_column_removal | OK | 0.37 |
00579_virtual_column_and_lazy | OK | 0.13 |
00578_merge_table_sampling | OK | 0.11 |
00579_merge_tree_partition_and_primary_keys_using_same_expression | OK | 0.3 |
00578_merge_table_shadow_virtual_column | OK | 0.26 |
00577_replacing_merge_tree_vertical_merge | OK | 0.1 |
00578_merge_trees_without_primary_key | OK | 0.33 |
00578_merge_table_and_table_virtual_column | OK | 0.38 |
00577_full_join_segfault | OK | 0.09 |
00575_merge_and_index_with_function_in_in | OK | 0.09 |
00576_nested_and_prewhere | OK | 0.17 |
00572_aggregation_by_empty_set | OK | 0.17 |
00570_empty_array_is_const | OK | 0.08 |
00571_alter_nullable | OK | 0.19 |
00569_parse_date_time_best_effort | OK | 0.1 |
00567_parse_datetime_as_unix_timestamp | OK | 0.08 |
00573_shard_aggregation_by_empty_set | OK | 0.39 |
00566_enum_min_max | OK | 0.08 |
00568_empty_function_with_fixed_string | OK | 0.2 |
00564_temporary_table_management | OK | 0.08 |
00564_initial_column_values_with_default_expression | OK | 0.1 |
00574_empty_strings_deserialization | OK | 0.7 |
00563_shard_insert_into_remote | OK | 0.18 |
00564_enum_order | OK | 0.31 |
00562_rewrite_select_expression_with_union | OK | 0.09 |
00563_complex_in_expression | OK | 0.14 |
00562_in_subquery_merge_tree | OK | 0.12 |
00560_float_leading_plus_in_exponent | OK | 0.08 |
00559_filter_array_generic | OK | 0.07 |
00561_storage_join | OK | 0.14 |
00558_aggregate_merge_totals_with_arenas | OK | 0.08 |
00558_parse_floats | OK | 0.08 |
00557_array_resize | OK | 0.1 |
00563_insert_into_remote_and_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.58 |
00557_alter_null_storage_tables | OK | 0.08 |
00565_enum_order | OK | 0.81 |
00556_array_intersect | OK | 0.09 |
00556_remove_columns_from_subquery | OK | 0.09 |
00555_right_join_excessive_rows | OK | 0.09 |
00555_hasSubstr | OK | 0.15 |
00555_hasAll_hasAny | OK | 0.15 |
00553_invalid_nested_name | OK | 0.08 |
00552_logical_functions_uint8_as_bool | OK | 0.08 |
00553_buff_exists_materlized_column | OK | 0.12 |
00554_nested_and_table_engines | OK | 0.23 |
00552_logical_functions_simple | OK | 0.1 |
00551_parse_or_null | OK | 0.08 |
00552_logical_functions_ternary | OK | 0.14 |
00549_join_use_nulls | OK | 0.09 |
00548_slice_of_nested | OK | 0.08 |
00547_named_tuples | OK | 0.07 |
00545_weird_aggregate_functions | OK | 0.09 |
00544_agg_foreach_of_two_arg | OK | 0.1 |
00546_shard_tuple_element_formatting | OK | 0.2 |
00544_insert_with_select | OK | 0.09 |
00550_join_insert_select | OK | 0.42 |
00543_null_and_prewhere | OK | 0.1 |
00542_access_to_temporary_table_in_readonly_mode | OK | 0.09 |
00541_kahan_sum | OK | 0.1 |
00542_materialized_view_and_time_zone_tag | OK | 0.16 |
00541_to_start_of_fifteen_minutes | OK | 0.08 |
00539_functions_for_working_with_json | OK | 0.13 |
00538_datediff | OK | 0.14 |
00557_remote_port | OK | 1.2 |
00537_quarters | OK | 0.08 |
00536_int_exp | OK | 0.08 |
00535_parse_float_scientific | OK | 0.08 |
00543_access_to_temporary_table_in_readonly_mode | OK | 1.01 |
00540_bad_data_types | OK | 1.49 |
00534_functions_bad_arguments11 | OK | 12.68 |
00534_functions_bad_arguments1 | OK | 15.11 |
00534_client_ignore_error | OK | 0.41 |
00534_functions_bad_arguments7 | OK | 16.61 |
00534_exp10 | OK | 0.08 |
00534_functions_bad_arguments6 | OK | 18.49 |
00534_filimonov | OK | 1.09 |
00534_functions_bad_arguments5 | OK | 19.57 |
00534_functions_bad_arguments8 | OK | 7.79 |
00534_functions_bad_arguments3 | OK | 7.43 |
00534_functions_bad_arguments4_long | OK | 15.32 |
00533_uniq_array | OK | 0.1 |
00534_functions_bad_arguments2 | OK | 13.22 |
00532_topk_generic | OK | 0.08 |
00531_aggregate_over_nullable | OK | 0.22 |
00530_arrays_of_nothing | OK | 0.11 |
00531_client_ignore_error | OK | 0.42 |
00529_orantius | OK | 0.12 |
00528_const_of_nullable | OK | 0.09 |
00527_totals_having_nullable | OK | 0.08 |
00526_array_join_with_arrays_of_nullable | OK | 0.08 |
00525_aggregate_functions_of_nullable_that_return_non_nullable | OK | 0.08 |
00523_aggregate_functions_in_group_array | OK | 0.08 |
00524_time_intervals_months_underflow | OK | 0.17 |
00521_multidimensional | OK | 0.16 |
00520_tuple_values_interpreter | OK | 0.09 |
00522_multidimensional | OK | 0.48 |
00519_create_as_select_from_temporary_table | OK | 0.09 |
00520_http_nullable | OK | 0.3 |
00518_extract_all_and_empty_matches | OK | 0.08 |
00516_is_inf_nan | OK | 0.08 |
00516_modulo | OK | 0.09 |
00517_date_parsing | OK | 0.22 |
00515_gcd_lcm | OK | 0.13 |
00515_enhanced_time_zones | OK | 0.14 |
00516_deduplication_after_drop_partition_zookeeper | OK | 0.3 |
00514_interval_operators | OK | 0.08 |
00513_fractional_time_zones | OK | 0.08 |
00515_shard_desc_table_functions_and_subqueries | OK | 0.2 |
00511_get_size_of_enum | OK | 0.08 |
00512_fractional_time_zones | OK | 0.42 |
00507_array_no_params | OK | 0.38 |
00507_sumwithoverflow | OK | 0.1 |
00506_union_distributed | OK | 0.28 |
00506_shard_global_in_union | OK | 0.45 |
00504_mergetree_arrays_rw | OK | 0.32 |
00505_secure | OK | 0.45 |
00503_cast_const_nullable | OK | 0.08 |
00502_string_concat_with_array | OK | 0.08 |
00504_insert_miss_columns | OK | 0.79 |
00502_custom_partitioning_replicated_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.7 |
00534_functions_bad_arguments13 | OK | 13.59 |
00502_sum_map | OK | 0.23 |
00502_custom_partitioning_local | OK | 0.37 |
00500_point_in_polygon_nan | OK | 0.08 |
00501_http_head | OK | 0.31 |
00500_point_in_polygon_2d_const | OK | 0.11 |
00500_point_in_polygon | OK | 0.25 |
00500_point_in_polygon_bug_3_linestring_rotation_precision | OK | 0.15 |
00500_point_in_polygon_bug_2 | OK | 0.08 |
00500_point_in_polygon_non_const_poly | OK | 0.29 |
00500_point_in_polygon_bug | OK | 0.09 |
00498_bitwise_aggregate_functions | OK | 0.1 |
00499_json_enum_insert | OK | 0.19 |
00496_substring_negative_offset | OK | 0.08 |
00495_reading_const_zero_column | OK | 0.1 |
00494_shard_alias_substitution_bug | OK | 0.17 |
00493_substring_of_fixedstring | OK | 0.08 |
00492_drop_temporary_table | OK | 0.09 |
00498_array_functions_concat_slice_push_pop | OK | 0.7 |
00490_with_select | OK | 0.09 |
00491_shard_distributed_and_aliases_in_where_having | OK | 0.2 |
00490_special_line_separators_and_characters_outside_of_bmp | OK | 0.08 |
00488_non_ascii_column_names | OK | 0.09 |
00489_pk_subexpression | OK | 0.12 |
00488_column_name_primary | OK | 0.09 |
00487_if_array_fixed_string | OK | 0.08 |
00486_if_fixed_string | OK | 0.11 |
00497_whitespaces_in_insert | OK | 1.17 |
00483_reading_from_array_structure | OK | 0.14 |
00483_cast_syntax | OK | 0.08 |
00482_subqueries_and_aliases | OK | 0.09 |
00481_reading_from_last_granula | OK | 0.09 |
00485_http_insert_format | OK | 0.57 |
00534_functions_bad_arguments9 | OK | 9.28 |
00484_preferred_max_column_in_block_size_bytes | OK | 0.54 |
00480_mac_addresses | OK | 0.08 |
00481_create_view_for_null | OK | 0.11 |
00479_date_and_datetime_to_number | OK | 0.09 |
00477_parsing_data_types | OK | 0.08 |
00476_pretty_formats_and_widths | OK | 0.09 |
00475_in_join_db_table | OK | 0.1 |
00534_functions_bad_arguments12 | OK | 9.43 |
00472_compare_uuid_with_constant_string | OK | 0.11 |
00472_create_view_if_not_exists | OK | 0.1 |
00471_sql_style_quoting | OK | 0.08 |
00470_identifiers_in_double_quotes | OK | 0.08 |
00469_comparison_of_strings_containing_null_char | OK | 0.1 |
00468_array_join_multiple_arrays_and_use_original_column | OK | 0.09 |
00467_qualified_names | OK | 0.12 |
00466_comments_in_keyword | OK | 0.08 |
00465_nullable_default | OK | 0.09 |
00464_array_element_out_of_range | OK | 0.08 |
00464_sort_all_constant_columns | OK | 0.08 |
00474_readonly_settings | OK | 0.56 |
00462_json_true_false_literals | OK | 0.1 |
00461_default_value_of_argument_type | OK | 0.08 |
00460_vertical_and_totals_extremes | OK | 0.09 |
00473_output_format_json_quote_denormals | OK | 0.62 |
00459_group_array_insert_at | OK | 0.11 |
00457_log_tinylog_stripelog_nullable | OK | 0.14 |
00456_alter_nullable | OK | 0.14 |
00453_top_k | OK | 0.09 |
00453_cast_enum | OK | 0.1 |
00452_left_array_join_and_nullable | OK | 0.09 |
00451_left_array_join_and_constants | OK | 0.08 |
00450_higher_order_and_nullable | OK | 0.08 |
00458_merge_type_cast | OK | 0.3 |
00449_filter_array_nullable_tuple | OK | 0.09 |
00448_replicate_nullable_tuple_generic | OK | 0.08 |
00448_to_string_cut_to_zero | OK | 0.08 |
00445_join_nullable_keys | OK | 0.1 |
00447_foreach_modifier | OK | 0.16 |
00444_join_use_nulls | OK | 0.11 |
00442_filter_by_nullable | OK | 0.11 |
00441_nulls_in | OK | 0.12 |
00439_fixed_string_filter | OK | 0.08 |
00440_nulls_merge_tree | OK | 0.11 |
00438_bit_rotate | OK | 0.08 |
00437_nulls_first_last | OK | 0.16 |
00436_fixed_string_16_comparisons | OK | 0.11 |
00436_convert_charset | OK | 0.08 |
00435_coalesce | OK | 0.08 |
00434_tonullable | OK | 0.07 |
00433_ifnull | OK | 0.1 |
00432_aggregate_function_scalars_and_constants | OK | 0.16 |
00431_if_nulls | OK | 0.25 |
00429_point_in_ellipses | OK | 0.08 |
00430_https_server | OK | 0.24 |
00426_nulls_sorting | OK | 0.11 |
00425_count_nullable | OK | 0.1 |
00446_clear_column_in_partition_zookeeper_long | OK | 1.64 |
00424_shard_aggregate_functions_of_nullable | OK | 0.24 |
00422_hash_function_constexpr | OK | 0.08 |
00420_null_in_scalar_subqueries | OK | 0.09 |
00443_optimize_final_vertical_merge | OK | 2.06 |
00427_alter_primary_key | OK | 1.15 |
00419_show_sql_queries | OK | 0.51 |
00417_system_build_options | OK | 0.32 |
00443_preferred_block_size_bytes | OK | 2.67 |
00414_time_zones_direct_conversion | OK | 0.1 |
00413_distinct | OK | 0.1 |
00413_least_greatest_new_behavior | OK | 0.08 |
00416_pocopatch_progress_in_http_headers | OK | 0.54 |
00418_input_format_allow_errors | OK | 1.05 |
00412_logical_expressions_optimizer | OK | 0.09 |
00415_into_outfile | OK | 0.57 |
00411_long_accurate_number_comparison_int4 | OK | 0.94 |
00411_long_accurate_number_comparison_float | OK | 1.07 |
00411_merge_tree_where_const_in_set | OK | 0.1 |
00410_aggregation_combinators_with_arenas | OK | 0.4 |
00421_storage_merge__table_index | OK | 3.31 |
00411_long_accurate_number_comparison_int3 | OK | 2.0 |
00408_http_keep_alive | OK | 0.3 |
00406_tuples_with_nulls | OK | 0.08 |
00409_shard_limit_by | OK | 0.72 |
00405_pretty_formats | OK | 0.11 |
00404_null_literal | OK | 0.09 |
00403_to_start_of_day | OK | 0.09 |
00405_PrettyCompactMonoBlock | OK | 0.5 |
00402_nan_and_extremes | OK | 0.09 |
00411_long_accurate_number_comparison_int1 | OK | 2.81 |
00399_group_uniq_array_date_datetime | OK | 0.11 |
00401_merge_and_stripelog | OK | 0.27 |
00397_tsv_format_synonym | OK | 0.09 |
00396_uuid | OK | 0.1 |
00398_url_functions | OK | 0.35 |
00400_client_external_options | OK | 0.57 |
00394_replaceall_vector_fixed | OK | 0.13 |
00394_new_nested_column_keeps_offsets | OK | 0.11 |
00407_parsing_nulls | OK | 1.46 |
00393_if_with_constant_condition | OK | 0.09 |
00389_concat_operator | OK | 0.07 |
00390_array_sort | OK | 0.17 |
00411_long_accurate_number_comparison_int2 | OK | 2.88 |
00388_enum_with_totals | OK | 0.08 |
00392_enum_nested_alter | OK | 0.31 |
00386_has_column_in_table | OK | 0.17 |
00386_enum_in_pk | OK | 0.2 |
00387_use_client_time_zone | OK | 0.31 |
00384_column_aggregate_function_insert_from | OK | 0.14 |
00383_utf8_validation | OK | 0.08 |
00381_first_significant_subdomain | OK | 0.09 |
00395_nullable | OK | 1.11 |
00378_json_quote_64bit_integers | OK | 0.12 |
00379_system_processes_port | OK | 0.26 |
00380_client_break_at_exception_in_batch_mode | OK | 0.32 |
00375_shard_group_uniq_array_of_string | OK | 0.84 |
00374_any_last_if_merge | OK | 0.1 |
00374_json_each_row_input_with_noisy_fields | OK | 0.95 |
00373_group_by_tuple | OK | 0.14 |
00372_cors_header | OK | 0.29 |
00371_union_all | OK | 0.08 |
00370_duplicate_columns_in_subqueries | OK | 0.1 |
00376_shard_group_uniq_array_of_int_array | OK | 2.68 |
00369_int_div_of_float | OK | 0.09 |
00367_visible_width_of_array_tuple_enum | OK | 0.07 |
00377_shard_group_uniq_array_of_string_array | OK | 2.97 |
00368_format_option_collision | OK | 0.33 |
00364_java_style_denormals | OK | 0.09 |
00363_defaults | OK | 0.12 |
00362_great_circle_distance | OK | 0.1 |
00361_shared_array_offsets_and_squash_blocks | OK | 0.11 |
00360_to_date_from_string_with_datetime | OK | 0.08 |
00365_statistics_in_formats | OK | 0.73 |
00359_convert_or_zero_functions | OK | 0.08 |
00358_from_string_complex_types | OK | 0.09 |
00357_to_string_complex_types | OK | 0.09 |
00356_analyze_aggregations_and_union_all | OK | 0.07 |
00355_array_of_non_const_convertible_types | OK | 0.08 |
00353_join_by_tuple | OK | 0.08 |
00354_host_command_line_option | OK | 0.51 |
00351_select_distinct_arrays_tuples | OK | 0.11 |
00352_external_sorting_and_constants | OK | 0.52 |
00349_visible_width | OK | 0.08 |
00350_count_distinct | OK | 0.11 |
00348_tuples | OK | 0.11 |
00366_multi_statements | OK | 1.92 |
00347_has_tuple | OK | 0.12 |
00346_if_tuple | OK | 0.09 |
00345_index_accurate_comparison | OK | 0.11 |
00344_row_number_in_all_blocks | OK | 0.1 |
00385_storage_file_and_clickhouse-local_app_long | OK | 5.54 |
00342_escape_sequences | OK | 0.08 |
00343_array_element_generic | OK | 0.12 |
00341_squashing_insert_select2 | OK | 0.14 |
00338_replicate_array_of_strings | OK | 0.1 |
00337_shard_any_heavy | OK | 0.2 |
00339_parsing_bad_arrays | OK | 0.31 |
00334_column_aggregate_function_limit | OK | 0.11 |
00333_parser_number_bug | OK | 0.07 |
00386_long_in_pk | OK | 6.38 |
00331_final_and_prewhere | OK | 0.18 |
00335_bom | OK | 0.42 |
00336_shard_stack_trace | OK | 0.71 |
00330_view_subqueries | OK | 0.19 |
00340_squashing_insert_select | OK | 0.99 |
00327_summing_composite_nested | OK | 0.24 |
00324_hashing_enums | OK | 0.08 |
00323_quantiles_timing_bug | OK | 0.09 |
00321_pk_set | OK | 0.15 |
00320_between | OK | 0.08 |
00322_disable_checksumming | OK | 0.28 |
00319_index_for_like | OK | 0.15 |
00317_in_tuples_and_out_of_range_values | OK | 0.09 |
00316_rounding_functions_and_empty_block | OK | 0.08 |
00318_pk_tuple_order | OK | 0.28 |
00315_quantile_off_by_one | OK | 0.09 |
00313_const_totals_extremes | OK | 0.36 |
00312_position_case_insensitive_utf8 | OK | 0.43 |
00309_formats | OK | 0.09 |
00308_write_buffer_valid_utf8 | OK | 0.08 |
00307_format_xml | OK | 0.08 |
00306_insert_values_and_expressions | OK | 0.09 |
00310_tskv | OK | 0.59 |
00314_sample_factor_virtual_column | OK | 1.18 |
00304_http_external_data | OK | 0.33 |
00300_csv | OK | 0.08 |
00299_stripe_log_multiple_inserts | OK | 0.13 |
00298_enum_width_and_cast | OK | 0.12 |
00296_url_parameters | OK | 0.11 |
00302_http_compression | OK | 0.83 |
00295_global_in_one_shard_rows_before_limit | OK | 0.27 |
00294_shard_enums | OK | 0.3 |
00292_parser_tuple_element | OK | 0.07 |
00301_csv | OK | 1.08 |
00293_shard_max_subquery_depth | OK | 0.27 |
00291_array_reduce | OK | 0.09 |
00288_empty_stripelog | OK | 0.09 |
00287_column_const_with_nan | OK | 0.07 |
00286_format_long_negative_float | OK | 0.08 |
00285_not_all_data_in_totals | OK | 0.11 |
00283_column_cut | OK | 0.08 |
00282_merging | OK | 0.33 |
00280_hex_escape_sequence | OK | 0.07 |
00279_quantiles_permuted_args | OK | 0.09 |
00278_insert_already_sorted | OK | 0.4 |
00277_array_filter | OK | 0.09 |
00290_shard_aggregation_memory_efficient | OK | 1.53 |
00276_sample | OK | 0.8 |
00275_shard_quantiles_weighted | OK | 0.86 |
00273_quantiles | OK | 0.13 |
00274_shard_group_array | OK | 0.31 |
00272_union_all_and_in_subquery | OK | 0.08 |
00271_agg_state_and_totals | OK | 0.08 |
00269_database_table_whitespace | OK | 0.07 |
00270_views_query_processing_stage | OK | 0.09 |
00267_tuple_array_access_operators_priority | OK | 0.07 |
00268_aliases_without_as_keyword | OK | 0.08 |
00266_read_overflow_mode | OK | 0.09 |
00266_shard_global_subquery_and_aliases | OK | 0.2 |
00264_uniq_many_args | OK | 0.25 |
00265_http_content_type_format_timezone | OK | 0.39 |
00263_merge_aggregates_and_overflow | OK | 0.1 |
00262_alter_alias | OK | 0.15 |
00260_like_and_curly_braces | OK | 0.13 |
00259_hashing_tuples | OK | 0.09 |
00261_storage_aliases_and_array_join | OK | 0.33 |
00258_materializing_tuples | OK | 0.09 |
00256_reverse | OK | 0.09 |
00255_array_concat_string | OK | 0.12 |
00254_tuple_extremes | OK | 0.11 |
00253_insert_recursive_defaults | OK | 0.1 |
00257_shard_no_aggregates_and_constant_keys | OK | 0.79 |
00251_has_types | OK | 0.1 |
00252_shard_global_in_aggregate_function | OK | 0.36 |
00250_tuple_comparison | OK | 0.11 |
00239_type_conversion_in_in | OK | 0.08 |
00238_removal_of_temporary_columns | OK | 0.08 |
00240_replace_substring_loop | OK | 0.32 |
00237_group_by_arrays | OK | 0.16 |
00236_replicated_drop_on_non_leader_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.17 |
00235_create_temporary_table_as | OK | 0.08 |
00234_disjunctive_equality_chains_optimization | OK | 0.09 |
00233_position_function_sql_comparibilty | OK | 0.09 |
00232_format_readable_size | OK | 0.08 |
00232_format_readable_decimal_size | OK | 0.07 |
00231_format_vertical_raw | OK | 0.07 |
00230_array_functions_has_count_equal_index_of_non_const_second_arg | OK | 0.12 |
00229_prewhere_column_missing | OK | 0.31 |
00233_position_function_family | OK | 0.89 |
00227_quantiles_timing_arbitrary_order | OK | 0.08 |
00228_shard_quantiles_deterministic_merge_overflow | OK | 0.25 |
00225_join_duplicate_columns | OK | 0.09 |
00284_external_aggregation | OK | 6.43 |
00226_zookeeper_deduplication_and_unexpected_parts_long | OK | 0.32 |
00222_sequence_aggregate_function_family | OK | 0.31 |
00224_shard_distributed_aggregation_memory_efficient_and_overflows | OK | 0.47 |
00220_shard_with_totals_in_subquery_remote_and_limit | OK | 0.09 |
00219_full_right_join_column_order | OK | 0.1 |
00218_like_regexp_newline | OK | 0.1 |
00217_shard_global_subquery_columns_with_same_name | OK | 0.15 |
00216_bit_test_function_family | OK | 0.15 |
00214_primary_key_order | OK | 0.11 |
00215_primary_key_order_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.14 |
00213_multiple_global_in | OK | 0.08 |
00211_shard_query_formatting_aliases | OK | 0.24 |
00210_insert_select_extremes_http | OK | 0.32 |
00209_insert_select_extremes | OK | 0.11 |
00208_agg_state_merge | OK | 0.1 |
00207_left_array_join | OK | 0.08 |
00328_long_case_construction | OK | 11.6 |
00206_empty_array_to_single | OK | 0.09 |
00205_emptyscalar_subquery_type_mismatch_bug | OK | 0.12 |
00326_long_function_multi_if | OK | 11.62 |
00205_scalar_subqueries | OK | 0.19 |
00204_extract_url_parameter | OK | 0.07 |
00202_cross_join | OK | 0.1 |
00201_array_uniq | OK | 0.09 |
00203_full_join | OK | 0.17 |
00198_group_by_empty_arrays | OK | 0.08 |
00199_ternary_operator_type_check | OK | 0.19 |
00197_if_fixed_string | OK | 0.1 |
00200_shard_distinct_order_by_limit_distributed | OK | 0.23 |
00196_float32_formatting | OK | 0.09 |
00194_identity | OK | 0.08 |
00192_least_greatest | OK | 0.1 |
00195_shard_union_all_and_global_in | OK | 0.22 |
00193_parallel_replicas | OK | 0.19 |
00212_long_shard_aggregate_function_uniq | OK | 1.95 |
00190_non_constant_array_of_constant_data | OK | 0.1 |
00191_aggregating_merge_tree_and_final | OK | 0.13 |
00188_constants_as_arguments_of_aggregate_functions | OK | 0.08 |
00187_like_regexp_prefix | OK | 0.08 |
00185_array_literals | OK | 0.11 |
00184_shard_distributed_group_by_no_merge | OK | 0.42 |
00189_time_zones_long | OK | 0.83 |
00182_functions_higher_order_and_consts | OK | 0.54 |
00181_aggregate_functions_statistics | OK | 0.34 |
00223_shard_distributed_aggregation_memory_efficient | OK | 4.01 |
00179_lambdas_with_common_expressions_and_filter | OK | 0.08 |
00178_function_replicate | OK | 0.08 |
00181_aggregate_functions_statistics_stable | OK | 0.18 |
00176_if_string_arrays | OK | 0.09 |
00186_very_long_arrays | OK | 1.37 |
00175_if_num_arrays | OK | 0.12 |
00174_compare_date_time_with_constant_string_in_in | OK | 0.09 |
00172_constexprs_in_set | OK | 0.09 |
00171_shard_array_of_tuple_remote | OK | 0.09 |
00173_compare_date_time_with_constant_string | OK | 0.2 |
00177_inserts_through_http_parts | OK | 0.36 |
00169_join_constant_keys | OK | 0.08 |
00170_lower_upper_utf8 | OK | 0.16 |
00167_settings_inside_query | OK | 0.09 |
00168_buffer_defaults | OK | 0.11 |
00166_functions_of_aggregation_states | OK | 0.09 |
00165_transform_non_const_default | OK | 0.09 |
00164_not_chain | OK | 0.09 |
00162_shard_global_join | OK | 0.09 |
00161_rounding_functions | OK | 0.18 |
00159_whitespace_in_columns_list | OK | 0.12 |
00157_aliases_and_lambda_formal_parameters | OK | 0.08 |
00156_array_map_to_constant | OK | 0.08 |
00163_shard_join_with_empty_table | OK | 0.38 |
00154_shard_distributed_with_distinct | OK | 0.09 |
00152_totals_in_subquery | OK | 0.09 |
00153_transform | OK | 0.15 |
00151_tuple_with_array | OK | 0.07 |
00150_with_totals_and_join | OK | 0.1 |
00160_merge_and_index_in_in | OK | 0.6 |
00149_function_url_hash | OK | 0.09 |
00148_summing_merge_tree_nested_map_multiple_values | OK | 0.12 |
00147_alter_nested_default | OK | 0.13 |
00145_empty_likes | OK | 0.1 |
00146_summing_merge_tree_nested_map | OK | 0.15 |
00144_empty_regexp | OK | 0.08 |
00143_number_classification_functions | OK | 0.13 |
00141_parse_timestamp_as_datetime | OK | 0.11 |
00142_parse_timestamp_as_datetime | OK | 0.18 |
00148_summing_merge_tree_aggregate_function | OK | 0.69 |
00140_prewhere_column_order | OK | 0.11 |
00140_parse_unix_timestamp_as_datetime | OK | 0.13 |
00138_table_aliases | OK | 0.08 |
00136_duplicate_order_by_elems | OK | 0.15 |
00137_in_constants | OK | 0.16 |
00135_duplicate_group_by_keys_segfault | OK | 0.11 |
00131_set_hashed | OK | 0.08 |
00134_aggregation_by_fixed_string_of_size_1_2_4_8 | OK | 0.1 |
00132_sets | OK | 0.11 |
00127_group_by_concat | OK | 0.07 |
00129_quantile_timing_weighted | OK | 0.1 |
00128_group_by_number_and_fixed_string | OK | 0.1 |
00125_array_element_of_array_of_tuple | OK | 0.08 |
00124_shard_distributed_with_many_replicas | OK | 0.11 |
00123_shard_unmerged_result_when_max_distributed_connections_is_one | OK | 0.09 |
00126_buffer | OK | 0.2 |
00122_join_with_subquery_with_subquery | OK | 0.08 |
00120_join_and_group_by | OK | 0.09 |
00119_storage_join | OK | 0.12 |
00121_drop_column_zookeeper | OK | 0.21 |
00118_storage_join | OK | 0.12 |
00117_parsing_arrays | OK | 0.09 |
00114_float_type_result_of_division | OK | 0.08 |
00112_shard_totals_after_having | OK | 0.09 |
00115_shard_in_incomplete_result | OK | 2.15 |
00108_shard_totals_after_having | OK | 0.12 |
00111_shard_external_sort_distributed | OK | 2.64 |
00106_totals_after_having | OK | 0.09 |
00107_totals_after_having | OK | 0.81 |
00105_shard_collations | OK | 0.14 |
00103_ipv4_num_to_string_class_c | OK | 0.09 |
00104_totals_having_mode | OK | 0.17 |
00102_insert_into_temporary_table | OK | 0.08 |
00113_shard_group_array | OK | 3.36 |
00099_join_many_blocks_segfault | OK | 0.08 |
00098_3_union_all | OK | 0.31 |
00098_1_union_all | OK | 0.31 |
00098_e_union_all | OK | 0.09 |
00098_c_union_all | OK | 0.08 |
00100_subquery_table_identifier | OK | 0.54 |
00098_j_union_all | OK | 0.08 |
00098_6_union_all | OK | 0.08 |
00098_d_union_all | OK | 0.11 |
00098_g_union_all | OK | 0.08 |
00098_l_union_all | OK | 0.09 |
00098_5_union_all | OK | 0.12 |
00098_h_union_all | OK | 0.08 |
00098_2_union_all | OK | 0.1 |
00098_9_union_all | OK | 0.08 |
00098_f_union_all | OK | 0.11 |
00098_4_union_all | OK | 0.09 |
00098_a_union_all | OK | 0.08 |
00098_7_union_all | OK | 0.08 |
00098_k_union_all | OK | 0.08 |
00098_8_union_all | OK | 0.08 |
00098_b_union_all | OK | 0.08 |
00098_shard_i_union_all | OK | 0.15 |
00096_aggregation_min_if | OK | 1.1 |
00094_union_race_conditions_5 | OK | 2.9 |
00093_union_race_conditions_4 | OK | 1.07 |
00097_long_storage_buffer_race_condition_mt | OK | 6.03 |
00097_long_storage_buffer_race_condition | OK | 10.98 |
00092_union_race_conditions_3 | OK | 6.76 |
00089_group_by_arrays_of_fixed | OK | 0.09 |
00088_distinct_of_arrays_of_strings | OK | 0.09 |
00087_math_functions | OK | 0.67 |
00087_distinct_of_empty_arrays | OK | 0.09 |
00086_concat_nary_const_with_nonconst_segfault | OK | 0.13 |
00085_visible_width_of_tuple_of_dates | OK | 0.08 |
00084_summing_merge_tree | OK | 0.15 |
00082_append_trailing_char_if_absent | OK | 0.1 |
00081_int_div_or_zero | OK | 0.08 |
00079_defaulted_columns | OK | 0.2 |
00078_string_concat | OK | 0.38 |
00077_set_keys_fit_128_bits_many_blocks | OK | 0.11 |
00076_ip_coding_functions | OK | 0.24 |
00091_union_race_conditions_2 | OK | 8.68 |
00075_shard_formatting_negate_of_negative_literal | OK | 0.2 |
00073_merge_sorting_empty_array_joined | OK | 0.09 |
00072_in_types | OK | 0.08 |
00071_insert_fewer_columns | OK | 0.11 |
00069_date_arithmetic | OK | 0.11 |
00068_empty_tiny_log | OK | 0.08 |
00070_insert_fewer_columns_http | OK | 0.34 |
00067_replicate_segfault | OK | 0.08 |
00066_group_by_in | OK | 0.09 |
00065_shard_float_literals_formatting | OK | 0.08 |
00064_negate_bug | OK | 0.08 |
00063_check_query | OK | 0.09 |
00061_merge_tree_alter | OK | 0.26 |
00060_date_lut | OK | 0.08 |
00059_shard_global_in | OK | 0.1 |
00062_replicated_merge_tree_alter_zookeeper_long | OK | 0.6 |
00057_join_aliases | OK | 0.08 |
00056_join_number_string | OK | 0.08 |
00055_join_two_numbers | OK | 0.08 |
00090_union_race_conditions_1 | OK | 5.22 |
00054_join_string | OK | 0.08 |
00053_all_inner_join | OK | 0.09 |
00052_all_left_join | OK | 0.08 |
00051_any_inner_join | OK | 0.08 |
00050_any_left_join | OK | 0.08 |
00049_any_left_join | OK | 0.07 |
00047_stored_aggregates_complex | OK | 0.11 |
00048_a_stored_aggregates_merge | OK | 0.15 |
00048_b_stored_aggregates_merge | OK | 0.14 |
00045_sorting_by_fixed_string_descending | OK | 0.08 |
00046_stored_aggregates_simple | OK | 0.09 |
00044_sorting_by_string_descending | OK | 0.08 |
00043_summing_empty_part | OK | 0.12 |
00041_aggregation_remap | OK | 0.11 |
00042_set | OK | 0.13 |
00041_big_array_join | OK | 0.13 |
00038_totals_limit | OK | 0.08 |
00037_totals_limit | OK | 0.08 |
00036_array_element | OK | 0.13 |
00040_array_enumerate_uniq | OK | 0.5 |
00035_function_array_return_type | OK | 0.09 |
00039_inserts_through_http | OK | 0.57 |
00034_fixed_string_to_number | OK | 0.08 |
00033_fixed_string_to_string | OK | 0.08 |
00032_fixed_string_to_string | OK | 0.07 |
00031_parser_number | OK | 0.08 |
00030_alter_table | OK | 0.24 |
00027_simple_argMinArray | OK | 0.08 |
00028_shard_big_agg_aj_distributed | OK | 0.3 |
00027_distinct_and_order_by | OK | 0.08 |
00027_argMinMax | OK | 0.11 |
00026_shard_something_distributed | OK | 0.09 |
00025_implicitly_used_subquery_column | OK | 0.08 |
00024_unused_array_join_in_subquery | OK | 0.08 |
00023_agg_select_agg_subquery | OK | 0.08 |
00022_func_higher_order_and_constants | OK | 0.08 |
00021_sorting_arrays | OK | 0.08 |
00020_sorting_arrays | OK | 0.08 |
00019_shard_quantiles_totals_distributed | OK | 0.09 |
00018_distinct_in_subquery | OK | 0.08 |
00017_in_subquery_with_empty_result | OK | 0.08 |
00016_totals_having_constants | OK | 0.08 |
00015_totals_having_constants | OK | 0.08 |
00014_select_from_table_with_nested | OK | 0.1 |
00013_create_table_with_arrays | OK | 0.09 |
00012_array_join_alias_2 | OK | 0.08 |
00011_array_join_alias | OK | 0.09 |
00010_big_array_join | OK | 0.08 |
00009_array_join_subquery | OK | 0.08 |
00029_test_zookeeper_optimize_exception | OK | 1.33 |
00008_array_join | OK | 0.07 |
00007_array | OK | 0.08 |
00006_extremes_and_subquery_from | OK | 0.08 |
00005_shard_format_ast_and_remote_table_lambda | OK | 0.09 |
00004_shard_format_ast_and_remote_table | OK | 0.08 |
00003_reinterpret_as_string | OK | 0.08 |
00001_select_1 | OK | 0.07 |
00002_system_numbers | OK | 0.1 |
00155_long_merges | OK | 26.07 |
00183_skip_unavailable_shards | OK | 36.73 |
00732_quorum_insert_lost_part_zookeeper_long | OK | 142.94 |
00732_quorum_insert_lost_part_and_alive_part_zookeeper_long | OK | 142.97 |
00732_quorum_insert_select_with_old_data_and_without_quorum_zookeeper_long | OK | 143.06 |
02751_ip_types_aggregate_functions_states | OK | 0.32 |
02703_keeper_map_concurrent_create_drop | OK | 30.9 |
02686_postgres_protocol_decimal_256 | OK | 0.37 |
02578_parameterized_rename_queries | OK | 0.15 |
02572_system_logs_materialized_views_ignore_errors | OK | 0.35 |
02566_ipv4_ipv6_binary_formats | OK | 1.14 |
02563_analyzer_merge | OK | 0.1 |
02561_temporary_table_sessions | OK | 0.39 |
02541_arrow_duration_type | OK | 0.37 |
02536_hdfs_cluster_use_structure_from_table | OK | 0.73 |
02535_max_parallel_replicas_custom_key | OK | 4.33 |
02522_avro_complicate_schema | OK | 0.36 |
02521_avro_union_null_nested | OK | 0.35 |
02515_cleanup_async_insert_block_ids | OK | 7.52 |
02514_null_dictionary_source | OK | 0.12 |
02513_insert_without_materialized_columns | OK | 0.79 |
02511_parquet_orc_missing_columns | OK | 0.76 |
02510_orc_map_indexes | OK | 0.3 |
02504_regexp_dictionary_ua_parser | OK | 1.25 |
02504_regexp_dictionary_yaml_source | OK | 0.72 |
02503_cache_on_write_with_small_segment_size | OK | 0.81 |
02503_insert_storage_snapshot | OK | 1.61 |
02501_deep_recusion_schema_inference | OK | 0.51 |
02497_trace_events_stress_long | OK | 10.36 |
02496_storage_s3_profile_events | OK | 0.3 |
02495_s3_filter_by_file | OK | 0.27 |
02494_trace_log_profile_events | OK | 0.81 |
02494_query_cache_min_query_runs | OK | 0.11 |
02494_query_cache_exception_handling | OK | 0.08 |
02494_query_cache_ttl_long | OK | 6.1 |
02494_query_cache_nondeterministic_functions | OK | 0.11 |
02494_query_cache_eligible_queries | OK | 0.17 |
02494_query_cache_drop_cache | OK | 0.09 |
02494_query_cache_explain | OK | 0.09 |
02494_query_cache_case_agnostic_matching | OK | 0.36 |
02494_query_cache_min_query_duration | OK | 0.09 |
02494_query_cache_events | OK | 0.15 |
02494_query_cache_passive_usage | OK | 0.14 |
02494_query_cache_normalize_ast | OK | 0.12 |
02494_query_cache_secrets | OK | 0.08 |
02484_substitute_udf_storage_args | OK | 0.14 |
02483_capnp_decimals | OK | 0.53 |
02483_add_engine_full_column_to_system_databases | OK | 0.12 |
02483_substitute_udf_create | OK | 0.14 |
02483_check_virtuals_shile_using_structure_from_insertion_table | OK | 0.1 |
02482_json_nested_arrays_with_same_keys | OK | 0.3 |
02482_capnp_list_of_structs | OK | 0.68 |
02481_async_insert_dedup | OK | 87.13 |
02481_s3_throw_if_mismatch_files | OK | 0.17 |
02481_custom_separated_and_template_with_csv_field | OK | 0.48 |
02480_s3_support_wildcard | OK | 0.35 |
02477_analyzer_function_hints | OK | 0.8 |
02475_bson_each_row_format | OK | 7.52 |
02473_infile_progress | OK | 0.43 |
02459_glob_for_recursive_directory_traversal | OK | 0.55 |
02458_default_setting | OK | 0.09 |
02458_hdfs_cluster_schema_inference | OK | 0.29 |
02458_use_structure_from_insertion_table | OK | 0.14 |
02454_json_object_each_row_column_for_object_name | OK | 0.09 |
02422_allow_implicit_no_password | OK | 1.73 |
02422_msgpack_uuid_wrong_column | OK | 0.09 |
02421_record_errors_row_by_input_format | OK | 4.83 |
02417_json_object_each_row_format | OK | 0.09 |
02416_input_json_formats | OK | 0.09 |
02416_rename_database_rbac | OK | 0.37 |
02411_merge_tree_zero_max_read_buffer_size | OK | 0.1 |
02405_avro_read_nested | OK | 0.09 |
02404_memory_bound_merging | OK | 1.49 |
02404_schema_inference_cache_respect_format_settings | OK | 0.18 |
02402_external_disk_mertrics | OK | 1.46 |
02402_capnp_format_segments_overflow | OK | 0.44 |
02397_system_parts_race_condition_drop_rm | SKIPPED | 0.0 |
02396_system_parts_race_condition_rm | SKIPPED | 0.0 |
02391_recursive_buffer | OK | 1.02 |
02385_profile_events_overflow | OK | 0.12 |
02382_filesystem_cache_persistent_files | OK | 0.39 |
02378_part_log_profile_events_replicated | OK | 0.49 |
02377_quota_key | OK | 0.65 |
02377_quota_key_http | OK | 0.33 |
02376_arrow_dict_with_string | OK | 0.08 |
02373_heap_buffer_overflow_in_avro | OK | 0.37 |
02372_data_race_in_avro | OK | 7.13 |
02364_window_view_segfault | OK | 0.74 |
02360_clickhouse_local_config-option | OK | 0.36 |
02353_compression_level | OK | 1.98 |
02352_rwlock | OK | 20.52 |
02346_additional_filters_distr | OK | 0.19 |
02344_describe_cache | OK | 0.08 |
02344_insert_profile_events_stress | OK | 11.93 |
02343_read_from_s3_compressed_blocks | OK | 0.26 |
02339_analyzer_matcher_basic | OK | 0.26 |
02337_analyzer_columns_basic | OK | 0.17 |
02337_drop_filesystem_cache_access | OK | 0.49 |
02336_sparse_columns_s3 | OK | 1.31 |
02327_capnproto_protobuf_empty_messages | OK | 1.26 |
02323_null_modifier_in_table_function | OK | 0.09 |
02322_sql_insert_format | OK | 0.09 |
02314_csv_tsv_skip_first_lines | OK | 0.1 |
02314_avro_null_as_default | OK | 0.46 |
02313_avro_records_and_maps | OK | 0.11 |
02313_filesystem_cache_seeks | OK | 3.63 |
02311_system_zookeeper_insert_priv | OK | 0.45 |
02304_orc_arrow_parquet_string_as_string | OK | 0.09 |
02302_defaults_in_columnar_formats | OK | 0.09 |
02302_s3_file_pruning | OK | 0.3 |
02297_regex_parsing_file_names | OK | 0.6 |
02294_overcommit_overflow | OK | 10.47 |
02294_fp_seconds_profile | OK | 0.08 |
02293_formats_json_columns | OK | 1.69 |
02293_test_zstd_window_log_max | OK | 0.68 |
02286_mysql_dump_input_format | OK | 5.82 |
02286_use_file_descriptor_in_table_function_file | OK | 0.47 |
02286_drop_filesystem_cache | OK | 3.48 |
02270_stdin_with_query_or_infile_data | OK | 0.67 |
02265_test_dns_profile_events | OK | 1.59 |
02265_rename_join_ordinary_to_atomic | OK | 0.09 |
02263_lazy_mark_load | OK | 0.93 |
02262_column_ttl | OK | 0.53 |
02247_written_bytes_quota | OK | 11.71 |
02247_names_order_in_json_and_tskv | OK | 0.77 |
02247_read_bools_as_numbers_json | OK | 1.53 |
02246_tsv_csv_best_effort_schema_inference | OK | 4.39 |
02246_async_insert_quota | OK | 22.2 |
02245_parquet_skip_unknown_type | OK | 0.52 |
02244_column_names_in_shcmea_inference | OK | 0.09 |
02244_hdfs_cluster | OK | 0.7 |
02244_lowcardinality_hash_join | OK | 0.1 |
02243_drop_user_grant_race | OK | 0.57 |
02242_delete_user_race | OK | 0.47 |
02242_system_filesystem_cache_log_table | OK | 1.89 |
02242_arrow_orc_parquet_nullable_schema_inference | OK | 1.05 |
02241_filesystem_cache_on_write_operations | OK | 6.32 |
02240_tskv_schema_inference_bug | OK | 0.42 |
02240_filesystem_cache_bypass_cache_threshold | OK | 0.16 |
02240_system_filesystem_cache_table | OK | 3.05 |
02240_filesystem_query_cache | OK | 0.21 |
02232_dist_insert_send_logs_level_hung | OK | 168.16 |
02228_merge_tree_insert_memory_usage | OK | 4.45 |
02226_filesystem_cache_profile_events | OK | 3.42 |
02225_unwinder_dwarf_version | OK | 0.45 |
02222_create_table_without_columns_metadata | OK | 1.15 |
02211_shcema_inference_from_stdin | OK | 0.54 |
02207_allow_plaintext_and_no_password | OK | 1.74 |
02187_msg_pack_uuid | OK | 0.67 |
02185_values_schema_inference | OK | 0.57 |
02184_table_engine_access | OK | 0.88 |
02184_ipv6_parsing | OK | 0.37 |
02182_json_each_row_schema_inference | OK | 0.35 |
02182_format_and_schema_from_stdin | OK | 0.44 |
02181_format_from_file_extension_local | OK | 0.34 |
02179_dict_reload_on_cluster | OK | 0.22 |
02177_temporary_table_current_database_http_session | OK | 0.32 |
02168_avro_bug | OK | 0.09 |
02167_format_from_file_extension | OK | 2.9 |
02166_arrow_dictionary_inference | OK | 0.36 |
02155_multiple_inserts_for_formats_with_suffix | OK | 0.16 |
02152_bool_type_parsing | OK | 0.58 |
02149_external_schema_inference | OK | 1.64 |
02149_schema_inference_create_table_syntax | OK | 1.49 |
02149_schema_inference_formats_with_schema | OK | 14.3 |
02149_schema_inference | OK | 3.67 |
02148_sql_user_defined_function_subquery | OK | 0.17 |
02130_parse_quoted_null | OK | 1.3 |
02129_skip_quoted_fields | OK | 2.09 |
02127_plus_before_float | OK | 0.84 |
02126_identity_user_defined_function | OK | 0.1 |
02125_tskv_proper_names_reading | OK | 0.35 |
02125_lz4_compression_bug | OK | 15.35 |
02125_recursive_sql_user_defined_functions | OK | 0.18 |
02118_deserialize_whole_text | OK | 1.6 |
02117_custom_separated_with_names_and_types | OK | 3.84 |
02115_rewrite_local_join_right_distribute_table | OK | 0.17 |
02115_write_buffers_finalize | OK | 2.24 |
02111_modify_table_comment | OK | 0.09 |
02105_table_function_file_partiotion_by | OK | 0.54 |
02104_json_strings_nullable_string | OK | 0.41 |
02103_tsv_csv_custom_null_representation | OK | 3.01 |
02103_sql_user_defined_functions_composition | OK | 0.08 |
02103_with_names_and_types_parallel_parsing | OK | 1.31 |
02102_sql_user_defined_functions_create_if_not_exists | OK | 0.11 |
02101_sql_user_defined_functions_create_or_replace | OK | 0.08 |
02101_sql_user_defined_functions_drop_if_exists | OK | 0.09 |
02099_sql_user_defined_functions_lambda | OK | 0.08 |
02098_sql_user_defined_functions_aliases | OK | 0.08 |
02097_default_dict_get_add_database | OK | 0.09 |
02096_sql_user_defined_function_alias | OK | 0.09 |
02096_rename_atomic_hang | OK | 0.17 |
02051_read_settings | OK | 1.2 |
02051_symlinks_to_user_files | OK | 0.41 |
02030_capnp_format | OK | 4.54 |
02028_add_default_database_for_alterquery_on_cluster | OK | 0.86 |
02026_storage_filelog_largefile | OK | 2.98 |
02025_dictionary_view_different_db | OK | 0.1 |
02024_merge_regexp_assert | OK | 0.11 |
02015_column_default_dict_get_identifier | OK | 0.2 |
02014_query_parameters | OK | 1.0 |
02011_dictionary_empty_attribute_list | OK | 0.11 |
02008_complex_key_range_hashed_dictionary | OK | 0.3 |
02002_row_level_filter_bug | OK | 1.18 |
02001_add_default_database_to_system_users | OK | 0.08 |
01999_grant_with_replace | OK | 0.13 |
01948_dictionary_quoted_database_name | OK | 0.13 |
01946_test_wrong_host_name_access | OK | 0.7 |
01946_test_zstd_decompression_with_escape_sequence_at_the_end_of_buffer | OK | 0.5 |
01939_user_with_default_database | OK | 0.87 |
01925_test_storage_merge_aliases | OK | 0.14 |
01921_concurrent_ttl_and_normal_merges_zookeeper_long | OK | 36.13 |
01915_create_or_replace_dictionary | OK | 0.25 |
01914_exchange_dictionaries | OK | 0.14 |
01913_exact_rows_before_limit | OK | 0.49 |
01913_replace_dictionary | OK | 0.14 |
01913_exact_rows_before_limit_full | OK | 0.15 |
01910_view_dictionary | OK | 0.23 |
01904_dictionary_default_nullable_type | OK | 0.26 |
01904_ssd_cache_dictionary_default_nullable_type | OK | 0.4 |
01903_ssd_cache_dictionary_array_type | OK | 0.4 |
01902_table_function_merge_db_repr | OK | 0.17 |
01902_dictionary_array_type | OK | 0.2 |
01901_test_attach_partition_from | OK | 0.2 |
01889_check_row_policy_defined_using_user_function | OK | 1.32 |
01889_postgresql_protocol_null_fields | OK | 0.36 |
01875_ssd_cache_dictionary_decimal256_type | OK | 0.37 |
01870_buffer_flush | OK | 0.1 |
01856_create_function | OK | 0.13 |
01854_dictionary_range_hashed_min_max_attr | OK | 0.09 |
01853_dictionary_cache_duplicates | OK | 0.53 |
01852_dictionary_found_rate_long | OK | 0.4 |
01850_dist_INSERT_preserve_error | OK | 0.1 |
01837_database_memory_ddl_dictionaries | OK | 0.11 |
01825_type_json_multiple_files | OK | 1.18 |
01825_type_json_17 | OK | 0.18 |
01824_prefer_global_in_and_join | OK | 0.14 |
01821_dictionary_primary_key_wrong_order | OK | 0.1 |
01821_table_comment | OK | 0.08 |
01804_dictionary_decimal256_type | OK | 0.21 |
01802_test_postgresql_protocol_with_row_policy | OK | 0.71 |
01785_dictionary_element_count | OK | 0.16 |
01780_clickhouse_dictionary_source_loop | OK | 0.13 |
01778_hierarchical_dictionaries | OK | 0.26 |
01771_bloom_filter_not_has | OK | 1.16 |
01766_hashed_dictionary_complex_key | OK | 0.17 |
01765_hashed_dictionary_simple_key | OK | 0.3 |
01764_table_function_dictionary | OK | 0.1 |
01760_ddl_dictionary_use_current_database_name | OK | 0.11 |
01760_polygon_dictionaries | OK | 0.18 |
01760_system_dictionaries | OK | 0.16 |
01759_dictionary_unique_attribute_names | OK | 0.11 |
01754_direct_dictionary_complex_key | OK | 0.22 |
01753_direct_dictionary_simple_key | OK | 0.28 |
01748_dictionary_table_dot | OK | 0.11 |
01747_join_view_filter_dictionary | OK | 0.1 |
01747_executable_pool_dictionary_implicit_key | OK | 0.11 |
01746_executable_pool_dictionary | OK | 0.1 |
01737_clickhouse_server_wait_server_pool_long | OK | 1.64 |
01722_long_brotli_http_compression_json_format | OK | 1.44 |
01721_engine_file_truncate_on_insert | OK | 0.1 |
01721_dictionary_decimal_p_s | OK | 0.16 |
01720_dictionary_create_source_with_functions | OK | 0.09 |
01710_projection_vertical_merges | OK | 3.48 |
01705_normalize_create_alter_function_names | OK | 0.16 |
01702_system_query_log | OK | 0.5 |
01685_ssd_cache_dictionary_complex_key | OK | 0.68 |
01684_ssd_cache_dictionary_simple_key | OK | 0.48 |
01683_flat_dictionary | OK | 0.17 |
01682_cache_dictionary_complex_key | OK | 0.2 |
01681_cache_dictionary_simple_key | OK | 0.24 |
01676_dictget_in_default_expression | OK | 0.14 |
01676_range_hashed_dictionary | OK | 0.29 |
01674_executable_dictionary_implicit_key | OK | 0.34 |
01670_dictionary_create_key_expression | OK | 0.13 |
01658_read_file_to_stringcolumn | OK | 1.83 |
01656_test_query_log_factories_info | OK | 0.46 |
01646_system_restart_replicas_smoke | OK | 0.15 |
01643_replicated_merge_tree_fsync_smoke | OK | 1.86 |
01615_random_one_shard_insertion | OK | 0.19 |
01603_rename_overwrite_bug | OK | 0.12 |
01602_show_create_view | OK | 0.18 |
01601_detach_permanently | OK | 0.4 |
01600_detach_permanently | OK | 10.2 |
01600_log_queries_with_extensive_info | OK | 1.74 |
01600_multiple_left_join_with_aliases | OK | 0.1 |
01598_memory_limit_zeros | OK | 0.08 |
01593_concurrent_alter_mutations_kill_many_replicas_long | OK | 35.67 |
01593_concurrent_alter_mutations_kill | OK | 38.27 |
01575_disable_detach_table_of_dictionary | OK | 0.15 |
01563_distributed_query_finish | OK | 0.62 |
01545_system_errors | OK | 0.69 |
01543_avro_deserialization_with_lc | OK | 0.74 |
01542_dictionary_load_exception_race | OK | 10.85 |
01541_max_memory_usage_for_user_long | OK | 16.42 |
01532_execute_merges_on_single_replica_long | OK | 18.21 |
01530_drop_database_atomic_sync | OK | 0.38 |
01527_clickhouse_local_optimize | OK | 0.4 |
01527_dist_sharding_key_dictGet_reload | OK | 0.15 |
01526_complex_key_dict_direct_layout | OK | 0.12 |
01517_drop_mv_with_inner_table | OK | 0.1 |
01516_create_table_primary_key | OK | 0.2 |
01507_clickhouse_server_start_with_embedded_config | OK | 1.76 |
01501_cache_dictionary_all_fields | OK | 0.53 |
01494_storage_join_persistency | OK | 0.1 |
01493_storage_set_persistency | OK | 0.11 |
01493_alter_remove_properties_zookeeper | OK | 0.34 |
01487_distributed_in_not_default_db | OK | 0.12 |
01474_executable_dictionary | OK | 0.33 |
01471_calculate_ttl_during_merge | OK | 0.16 |
01470_show_databases_like | OK | 0.09 |
01465_ttl_recompression | OK | 0.21 |
01463_test_alter_live_view_refresh | OK | 0.1 |
01460_DistributedFilesToInsert | OK | 5.15 |
01459_manual_write_to_replicas_quorum_detach_attach | OK | 4.06 |
01459_manual_write_to_replicas_quorum | OK | 11.7 |
01459_manual_write_to_replicas | OK | 9.66 |
01457_create_as_table_function_structure | OK | 0.12 |
01456_modify_column_type_via_add_drop_update | OK | 0.52 |
01455_rank_correlation_spearman | OK | 0.13 |
01454_storagememory_data_race_challenge | OK | 18.7 |
01444_create_table_drop_database_race | OK | 10.3 |
01442_merge_detach_attach_long | OK | 25.76 |
01417_freeze_partition_verbose | OK | 1.82 |
01417_freeze_partition_verbose_zookeeper | OK | 1.15 |
01415_sticking_mutations | OK | 5.51 |
01415_inconsistent_merge_tree_settings | OK | 0.12 |
01414_mutations_and_errors_zookeeper | OK | 4.4 |
01412_cache_dictionary_race | OK | 30.51 |
01410_nullable_key_more_tests | OK | 2.0 |
01396_inactive_replica_cleanup_nodes_zookeeper | OK | 5.86 |
01392_column_resolve | OK | 0.1 |
01391_join_on_dict_crash | OK | 0.1 |
01388_clear_all_columns | OK | 0.21 |
01383_remote_ambiguous_column_shard | OK | 0.15 |
01376_GROUP_BY_injective_elimination_dictGet | OK | 0.22 |
01375_compact_parts_codecs | OK | 0.19 |
01375_storage_file_tsv_csv_with_names_write_prefix | OK | 1.68 |
01360_materialized_view_with_join_on_query_log | OK | 1.42 |
01355_alter_column_with_order | OK | 0.26 |
01355_ilike | OK | 0.16 |
01338_long_select_and_alter | OK | 12.6 |
01338_long_select_and_alter_zookeeper | OK | 12.66 |
01320_create_sync_race_condition_zookeeper | OK | 10.45 |
01318_long_unsuccessful_mutation_zookeeper | OK | 8.84 |
01307_multiple_leaders_zookeeper | OK | 2.31 |
01305_replica_create_drop_zookeeper | OK | 10.4 |
01302_aggregate_state_exception_memory_leak | OK | 31.29 |
01301_aggregate_state_exception_memory_leak | OK | 31.37 |
01297_create_quota | OK | 0.23 |
01296_create_row_policy_in_current_database | OK | 0.14 |
01294_lazy_database_concurrent_recreate_reattach_and_show_tables_long | OK | 31.83 |
01294_system_distributed_on_cluster | OK | 0.41 |
01293_system_distribution_queue | OK | 0.1 |
01281_unsucceeded_insert_select_queries_counter | OK | 0.15 |
01281_group_by_limit_memory_tracking | OK | 3.34 |
01280_ttl_where_group_by | OK | 14.37 |
01280_ttl_where_group_by_negative | OK | 0.11 |
01280_ssd_complex_key_dictionary | OK | 0.96 |
01272_suspicious_codecs | OK | 0.26 |
01269_alias_type_differs | OK | 0.1 |
01268_dictionary_direct_layout | OK | 0.43 |
01259_dictionary_custom_settings_ddl | OK | 0.15 |
01257_dictionary_mismatch_types | OK | 0.16 |
01254_dict_create_without_db | OK | 0.1 |
01254_dict_load_after_detach_attach | OK | 0.13 |
01251_dict_is_in_infinite_loop | OK | 0.21 |
01249_bad_arguments_for_bloom_filter | OK | 0.11 |
01246_insert_into_watch_live_view | OK | 1.5 |
01238_http_memory_tracking | OK | 13.99 |
01237_live_view_over_distributed_with_subquery_select_table_alias | OK | 0.1 |
01236_distributed_over_live_view_over_distributed | OK | 0.09 |
01235_live_view_over_distributed | OK | 0.1 |
01233_check_table_with_metadata_cache | OK | 42.76 |
01232_extremes | OK | 0.55 |
01231_distributed_aggregation_memory_efficient_mix_levels | OK | 0.16 |
01225_drop_dictionary_as_table | OK | 0.11 |
01225_show_create_table_from_dictionary | OK | 0.11 |
01224_no_superfluous_dict_reload | OK | 0.15 |
01200_mutations_memory_consumption | OK | 8.26 |
01193_metadata_loading | OK | 61.8 |
01192_rename_database_zookeeper | OK | 28.31 |
01191_rename_dictionary | OK | 0.14 |
01190_full_attach_syntax | OK | 0.3 |
01188_attach_table_from_path | OK | 0.12 |
01185_create_or_replace_table | OK | 0.16 |
01171_mv_select_insert_isolation_long | OK | 13.24 |
01164_alter_memory_database | OK | 0.16 |
01161_all_system_tables | OK | 1.53 |
01155_rename_move_materialized_view | OK | 0.63 |
01154_move_partition_long | OK | 68.62 |
01153_attach_mv_uuid | OK | 0.18 |
01152_cross_replication | OK | 0.45 |
01150_ddl_guard_rwr | OK | 21.65 |
01148_zookeeper_path_macros_unfolding | OK | 0.58 |
01130_in_memory_parts_partitons | OK | 0.32 |
01129_dict_get_join_lose_constness | OK | 0.1 |
01127_month_partitioning_consistency_select | OK | 0.11 |
01125_dict_ddl_cannot_add_column | OK | 0.1 |
01119_wierd_user_names | OK | 0.13 |
01114_database_atomic | OK | 46.38 |
01114_mysql_database_engine_segfault | OK | 0.1 |
01113_local_dictionary_type_conversion | OK | 0.11 |
01110_dictionary_layout_without_arguments | OK | 0.11 |
01109_exchange_tables | OK | 0.27 |
01108_restart_replicas_rename_deadlock_zookeeper | OK | 12.65 |
01107_atomic_db_detach_attach | OK | 20.85 |
01103_distributed_product_mode_local_column_renames | OK | 0.2 |
01098_msgpack_format | OK | 3.99 |
01098_temporary_and_external_tables | OK | 6.61 |
01092_memory_profiler | OK | 0.41 |
01086_window_view_cleanup | OK | 2.99 |
01085_max_distributed_connections_http | OK | 1.38 |
01085_window_view_attach | OK | 0.16 |
01084_regexp_empty | OK | 0.08 |
01083_expressions_in_engine_arguments | OK | 0.78 |
01082_window_view_watch_limit | OK | 1.78 |
01080_check_for_error_incorrect_size_of_nested_column | OK | 0.14 |
01079_parallel_alter_detach_table_zookeeper | OK | 18.9 |
01079_parallel_alter_add_drop_column_zookeeper | OK | 35.39 |
01079_parallel_alter_modify_zookeeper_long | OK | 37.37 |
01078_window_view_alter_query_watch | OK | 1.99 |
01076_cache_dictionary_datarace_exception_ptr | OK | 3.79 |
01076_parallel_alter_replicated_zookeeper | OK | 21.11 |
01073_attach_if_not_exists | OK | 0.23 |
01073_show_tables_not_like | OK | 0.11 |
01072_window_view_multiple_columns_groupby | OK | 10.04 |
01071_prohibition_secondary_index_with_old_format_merge_tree | OK | 0.1 |
01071_live_view_detach_dependency | OK | 0.1 |
01070_modify_ttl_recalc_only | OK | 0.33 |
01070_materialize_ttl | OK | 0.3 |
01070_window_view_watch_events | OK | 1.22 |
01070_modify_ttl | OK | 0.35 |
01070_mutations_with_dependencies | OK | 0.27 |
01069_window_view_proc_tumble_watch | OK | 8.58 |
01069_database_memory | OK | 0.1 |
01065_window_view_event_hop_watch_bounded | OK | 1.05 |
01062_window_view_event_hop_watch_asc | OK | 1.27 |
01060_shutdown_table_after_detach | OK | 1.07 |
01060_avro | OK | 3.11 |
01059_window_view_event_hop_watch_strict_asc | OK | 1.35 |
01056_create_table_as | OK | 0.19 |
01056_window_view_proc_hop_watch | OK | 4.73 |
01055_compact_parts_1 | OK | 0.1 |
01054_cache_dictionary_overflow_cell | OK | 0.21 |
01053_drop_database_mat_view | OK | 0.12 |
01053_ssd_dictionary | OK | 1.36 |
01050_clickhouse_dict_source_with_subquery | OK | 0.12 |
01048_window_view_parser | OK | 0.49 |
01048_exists_query | OK | 0.22 |
01047_window_view_parser_inner_table | OK | 0.2 |
01045_dictionaries_restrictions | OK | 0.11 |
01045_zookeeper_system_mutations_with_parts_names | OK | 2.24 |
01043_dictionary_attribute_properties_values | OK | 0.12 |
01042_system_reload_dictionary_reloads_completely | OK | 1.58 |
01041_create_dictionary_if_not_exists | OK | 0.1 |
01040_dictionary_invalidate_query_switchover_long | OK | 9.34 |
01038_dictionary_lifetime_min_zero_sec | OK | 4.96 |
01037_polygon_dicts_correctness_fast | OK | 4.05 |
01037_polygon_dicts_simple_functions | OK | 1.11 |
01037_polygon_dicts_correctness_all | OK | 1.53 |
01036_no_superfluous_dict_reload_on_create_database_2 | OK | 0.11 |
01036_no_superfluous_dict_reload_on_create_database | OK | 0.22 |
01035_concurrent_move_partition_from_table_zookeeper | OK | 35.78 |
01033_dictionaries_lifetime | OK | 0.14 |
01023_materialized_view_query_context | OK | 0.11 |
01021_only_tuple_columns | OK | 0.18 |
01018_dictionaries_from_dictionaries | OK | 0.27 |
01018_ddl_dictionaries_create | OK | 0.31 |
01018_ip_dictionary_long | OK | 1.22 |
01018_ddl_dictionaries_select | OK | 0.24 |
01018_ddl_dictionaries_special | OK | 0.17 |
01018_ddl_dictionaries_concurrent_requrests | OK | 10.6 |
01018_ddl_dictionaries_bad_queries | OK | 0.93 |
01015_attach_part | OK | 0.11 |
01014_lazy_database_basic | OK | 12.99 |
01014_lazy_database_concurrent_recreate_reattach_and_show_tables | OK | 31.61 |
01013_sync_replica_timeout_zookeeper | OK | 1.52 |
01012_show_tables_limit | OK | 0.1 |
01010_pmj_right_table_memory_limits | OK | 0.89 |
01003_kill_query_race_condition | OK | 10.25 |
00993_system_parts_race_condition_drop_zookeeper | OK | 57.39 |
00992_system_parts_race_condition_zookeeper_long | OK | 14.69 |
00989_parallel_parts_loading | OK | 1.02 |
00985_merge_stack_overflow | OK | 0.24 |
00980_zookeeper_merge_tree_alter_settings | OK | 0.59 |
00980_merge_alter_settings | OK | 0.16 |
00979_live_view_watch_live_with_subquery | OK | 2.69 |
00979_live_view_watch_live | OK | 2.18 |
00979_live_view_watch_continuous_aggregates | OK | 1.04 |
00978_live_view_watch | OK | 0.12 |
00977_live_view_watch_events | OK | 0.14 |
00976_ttl_with_old_parts | OK | 1.13 |
00976_live_view_select_version | OK | 0.39 |
00975_live_view_create | OK | 0.13 |
00974_live_view_select_with_aggregation | OK | 0.11 |
00973_live_view_with_subquery_select_join | OK | 0.13 |
00973_live_view_select_prewhere | OK | 0.15 |
00973_live_view_with_subquery_select_nested_with_aggregation | OK | 0.12 |
00973_live_view_with_subquery_select_nested_with_aggregation_table_alias | OK | 0.13 |
00973_live_view_with_subquery_select | OK | 0.1 |
00973_live_view_with_subquery_select_table_alias | OK | 0.1 |
00973_live_view_with_subquery_select_with_aggregation | OK | 0.11 |
00973_live_view_with_subquery_select_with_aggregation_in_subquery | OK | 0.13 |
00973_live_view_with_subquery_select_nested | OK | 0.11 |
00973_live_view_select | OK | 0.11 |
00973_live_view_with_subquery_select_join_no_alias | OK | 0.13 |
00972_live_view_select_1 | OK | 0.1 |
00971_query_id_in_logs | OK | 0.3 |
00971_live_view_watch_http_heartbeat | OK | 3.49 |
00970_live_view_watch_events_http_heartbeat | OK | 3.5 |
00969_live_view_watch_format_jsoneachrowwithprogress | OK | 0.12 |
00968_live_view_select_format_jsoneachrowwithprogress | OK | 0.13 |
00967_live_view_watch_http | OK | 45.57 |
00966_live_view_watch_events_http | OK | 45.57 |
00965_live_view_watch_heartbeat | OK | 1.12 |
00964_live_view_watch_events_heartbeat | OK | 1.3 |
00962_live_view_periodic_refresh_and_timeout | OK | 5.96 |
00962_live_view_periodic_refresh | OK | 5.97 |
00962_live_view_periodic_refresh_dictionary | OK | 9.08 |
00960_live_view_watch_events_live | OK | 1.01 |
00955_test_final_mark | OK | 0.47 |
00955_test_final_mark_use | OK | 0.81 |
00950_dict_get | OK | 0.26 |
00938_template_input_format | OK | 1.67 |
00933_alter_ttl | OK | 0.17 |
00933_ttl_with_default | OK | 0.18 |
00933_test_fix_extra_seek_on_compressed_cache | OK | 0.91 |
00933_reserved_word | OK | 0.08 |
00926_adaptive_index_granularity_pk | OK | 0.4 |
00926_adaptive_index_granularity_merge_tree | OK | 0.76 |
00926_adaptive_index_granularity_replacing_merge_tree | OK | 0.88 |
00910_buffer_prewhere | OK | 0.09 |
00899_long_attach_memory_limit | OK | 3.43 |
00877_memory_limit_for_new_delete | OK | 1.19 |
00857_global_joinsavel_table_alias | OK | 0.54 |
00840_long_concurrent_select_and_drop_deadlock | OK | 17.3 |
00834_kill_mutation_replicated_zookeeper | OK | 3.07 |
00834_cancel_http_readonly_queries_on_client_close | OK | 1.35 |
00834_kill_mutation | OK | 1.46 |
00815_left_join_on_stepanel | OK | 0.11 |
00804_test_alter_compression_codecs | OK | 0.97 |
00804_test_delta_codec_compression | OK | 1.31 |
00804_test_custom_compression_codes_log_storages | OK | 0.31 |
00804_test_custom_compression_codecs | OK | 0.36 |
00800_versatile_storage_join | OK | 0.14 |
00763_long_lock_buffer_alter_destination_table | OK | 12.47 |
00754_alter_modify_column_partitions | OK | 0.44 |
00753_alter_attach | OK | 0.4 |
00751_default_databasename_for_view | OK | 0.16 |
00741_client_comment_multiline | OK | 0.07 |
00740_database_in_nested_view | OK | 0.1 |
00722_inner_join | OK | 0.29 |
00719_parallel_ddl_db | OK | 13.31 |
00716_allow_ddl | OK | 0.11 |
00715_fetch_merged_or_mutated_part_zookeeper | OK | 1.82 |
00701_rollup | OK | 0.15 |
00699_materialized_view_mutations | OK | 0.62 |
00693_max_block_size_system_tables_columns | OK | 0.17 |
00688_low_cardinality_serialization | OK | 0.93 |
00688_low_cardinality_dictionary_deserialization | OK | 0.82 |
00682_empty_parts_merge | OK | 3.93 |
00652_mergetree_mutations | OK | 3.35 |
00652_replicated_mutations_zookeeper | OK | 4.15 |
00633_materialized_view_and_too_many_parts_zookeeper | OK | 1.9 |
00626_replace_partition_from_table_zookeeper | OK | 6.94 |
00626_replace_partition_from_table | OK | 0.26 |
00625_arrays_in_nested | OK | 0.14 |
00623_truncate_table | OK | 0.18 |
00623_truncate_table_throw_exception | OK | 1.0 |
00619_union_highlite | OK | 0.09 |
00612_http_max_query_size | OK | 0.56 |
00612_http_max_query_size_for_distributed | OK | 0.1 |
00604_show_create_database | OK | 0.08 |
00600_replace_running_query | OK | 1.12 |
00599_create_view_with_subquery | OK | 0.12 |
00575_illegal_column_exception_when_drop_depen_column | OK | 0.89 |
00571_non_exist_database_when_create_materializ_view | OK | 0.11 |
00564_versioned_collapsing_merge_tree | OK | 2.15 |
00552_or_nullable | OK | 0.12 |
00534_functions_bad_arguments10 | OK | 2.83 |
00510_materizlized_view_and_deduplication_zookeeper | OK | 0.44 |
00509_extended_storage_definition_syntax_zookeeper | OK | 1.42 |
00508_materialized_view_to | OK | 0.09 |
00505_shard_secure | OK | 0.87 |
00463_long_sessions_in_http_interface | OK | 7.11 |
00446_clear_column_in_partition_concurrent_zookeeper | OK | 4.63 |
00429_long_http_bufferization | OK | 10.73 |
00423_storage_log_single_thread | OK | 0.11 |
00417_kill_query | OK | 3.62 |
00332_quantile_timing_memory_leak | OK | 0.12 |
00311_array_primary_key | OK | 0.16 |
00305_http_and_readonly | OK | 0.48 |
00180_attach_materialized_view | OK | 0.08 |
00158_buffer_and_nonexistent_table | OK | 0.12 |
00133_long_shard_memory_tracker_and_exception_safety | OK | 7.29 |
00116_storage_set | OK | 0.12 |
00110_external_sort | OK | 2.52 |
00109_shard_totals_after_having | OK | 1.63 |
00101_materialized_views_and_insert_without_explicit_database | OK | 0.23 |
00083_create_merge_tree_zookeeper_long | OK | 1.06 |
00080_show_tables_and_system_tables | OK | 0.14 |
00002_log_and_exception_messages_formatting | OK | 3.55 |