Window Functions Test Run Report

DateMar 01, 2024 21:24
Duration7m 45s
Framework TestFlows 2.0.231215.1221232


Test artifacts can be found at






Units Skip OK Fail XFail

Known Fails

Test NameResultMessage
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and current row zero special caseXFail 149ms
known bug
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 257, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 253, in regression
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.feature", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 75, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.frame_clause", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 68, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.range_frame", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1745, in feature
    Scenario(run=scenario, flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1353, in between_expr_following_and_current_row_zero_special_case
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 140, in execute_query
    r = current().context.node.query(
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/", line 844, in query
    assert False, error(r.output)
AssertionError: Oops! Assertion failed

The following assertion was not satisfied
  assert False, error(r.output)

  Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):
Code: 36. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Window frame 'RANGE BETWEEN 0 FOLLOWING AND CURRENT ROW' is invalid. (BAD_ARGUMENTS)
(query: SELECT number,sum(number) OVER (ORDER BY number RANGE BETWEEN 0 FOLLOWING AND CURRENT ROW) AS sum FROM values('number Int8', (1),(1),(2),(3)) ORDER BY number FORMAT TabSeparatedWithNames

Assertion values
  assert False, error(r.output)
  ^ is False

  File '/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/', line 844 in 'query'

836\|                  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
838\|          if not ignore_exception:
839\|              if message is None or "Exception:" not in message:
840\|                  with Then("check if output has exception") if steps else NullStep():
841\|                      if "Exception:" in r.output:
842\|                          if raise_on_exception:
843\|                              raise QueryRuntimeException(r.output)
844\|>                         assert False, error(r.output)
846\|          return r
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and expr following without order by errorXFail 94ms
invalid error message
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 257, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 253, in regression
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.feature", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 75, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.frame_clause", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 68, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.range_frame", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1745, in feature
    Scenario(run=scenario, flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1217, in between_expr_following_and_expr_following_without_order_by_error
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/", line 836, in query
    assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
AssertionError: Oops! Assertion failed

The following assertion was not satisfied
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)

  Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):
Code: 36. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: The RANGE OFFSET window frame requires exactly one ORDER BY column, 0 given. (BAD_ARGUMENTS)
(query: SELECT number,sum(number) OVER (RANGE BETWEEN 1 FOLLOWING AND 1 FOLLOWING) FROM values('number Int8', (1),(1),(2),(3))

Assertion values
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
         ^ is 'Exception: Window frame'
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                    ^ is 
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                    ^ is = "Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):\nCode: 36. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: The RANGE OFFSET window frame requires exactly one ORDER BY column, 0 given. (BAD_ARGUMENTS)\n(query: SELECT number,sum(number) OVER (RANGE BETWEEN 1 FOLLOWING AND 1 FOLLOWING) FROM values('number Int8', (1),(1),(2),(3))\n)"
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                 ^ is = False
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
  ^ is False

  File '/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/', line 836 in 'query'

828\|                  assert r.exitcode == exitcode, error(r.output)
830\|          if message is not None:
831\|              with (
832\|                  Then(f"output should contain message", description=message)
833\|                  if steps
834\|                  else NullStep()
835\|              ):
836\|>                 assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
838\|          if not ignore_exception:
839\|              if message is None or "Exception:" not in message:
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and expr preceding with order by zero special caseXFail 96ms
known bug
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 257, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 253, in regression
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.feature", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 75, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.frame_clause", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 68, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.range_frame", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1745, in feature
    Scenario(run=scenario, flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1422, in between_expr_following_and_expr_preceding_with_order_by_zero_special_case
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 140, in execute_query
    r = current().context.node.query(
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/", line 844, in query
    assert False, error(r.output)
AssertionError: Oops! Assertion failed

The following assertion was not satisfied
  assert False, error(r.output)

  Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):
Code: 36. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Frame start offset 0 FOLLOWING does not precede the frame end offset 0 PRECEDING. (BAD_ARGUMENTS)
(query: SELECT number,sum(number) OVER (ORDER BY number RANGE BETWEEN 0 FOLLOWING AND 0 PRECEDING) AS sum FROM values('number Int8', (1),(1),(2),(3)) ORDER BY number FORMAT TabSeparatedWithNames

Assertion values
  assert False, error(r.output)
  ^ is False

  File '/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/', line 844 in 'query'

836\|                  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
838\|          if not ignore_exception:
839\|              if message is None or "Exception:" not in message:
840\|                  with Then("check if output has exception") if steps else NullStep():
841\|                      if "Exception:" in r.output:
842\|                          if raise_on_exception:
843\|                              raise QueryRuntimeException(r.output)
844\|>                         assert False, error(r.output)
846\|          return r
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and expr preceding without order by errorXFail 93ms
invalid error message
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 257, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 253, in regression
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.feature", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 75, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.frame_clause", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 68, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.range_frame", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1745, in feature
    Scenario(run=scenario, flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1234, in between_expr_following_and_expr_preceding_without_order_by_error
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/", line 836, in query
    assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
AssertionError: Oops! Assertion failed

The following assertion was not satisfied
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)

  Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):
Code: 36. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Frame start offset 0 FOLLOWING does not precede the frame end offset 0 PRECEDING. (BAD_ARGUMENTS)
(query: SELECT number,sum(number) OVER (RANGE BETWEEN 0 FOLLOWING AND 0 PRECEDING) FROM values('number Int8', (1),(1),(2),(3))

Assertion values
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
         ^ is 'Exception: Window frame'
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                    ^ is 
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                    ^ is = "Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):\nCode: 36. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Frame start offset 0 FOLLOWING does not precede the frame end offset 0 PRECEDING. (BAD_ARGUMENTS)\n(query: SELECT number,sum(number) OVER (RANGE BETWEEN 0 FOLLOWING AND 0 PRECEDING) FROM values('number Int8', (1),(1),(2),(3))\n)"
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                 ^ is = False
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
  ^ is False

  File '/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/', line 836 in 'query'

828\|                  assert r.exitcode == exitcode, error(r.output)
830\|          if message is not None:
831\|              with (
832\|                  Then(f"output should contain message", description=message)
833\|                  if steps
834\|                  else NullStep()
835\|              ):
836\|>                 assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
838\|          if not ignore_exception:
839\|              if message is None or "Exception:" not in message:
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/order by decimalXFail 84ms
Exception: The RANGE OFFSET frame for 'DB::ColumnDecimal >' ORDER BY column is not implemented
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 257, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 253, in regression
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.feature", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 75, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.frame_clause", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 68, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.range_frame", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1745, in feature
    Scenario(run=scenario, flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1658, in order_by_decimal
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 140, in execute_query
    r = current().context.node.query(
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/", line 844, in query
    assert False, error(r.output)
AssertionError: Oops! Assertion failed

The following assertion was not satisfied
  assert False, error(r.output)

  Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):
Code: 48. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: The RANGE OFFSET frame for 'DB::ColumnDecimal>' ORDER BY column is not implemented. (NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
(query: select id, f_numeric, first_value(id) over w AS first_value, last_value(id) over w AS last_value
        from numerics
        window w as (order by f_numeric range between
                     1 preceding and 1 following)
        ORDER BY id
         FORMAT TabSeparatedWithNames

Assertion values
  assert False, error(r.output)
  ^ is False

  File '/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/', line 844 in 'query'

836\|                  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
838\|          if not ignore_exception:
839\|              if message is None or "Exception:" not in message:
840\|                  with Then("check if output has exception") if steps else NullStep():
841\|                      if "Exception:" in r.output:
842\|                          if raise_on_exception:
843\|                              raise QueryRuntimeException(r.output)
844\|>                         assert False, error(r.output)
846\|          return r
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/with nullsXFail 93ms
DB::Exception: The RANGE OFFSET frame for 'DB::ColumnNullable' ORDER BY column is not implemented
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 257, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 253, in regression
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.feature", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 75, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.frame_clause", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 68, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.range_frame", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1745, in feature
    Scenario(run=scenario, flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1719, in with_nulls
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 140, in execute_query
    r = current().context.node.query(
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/", line 844, in query
    assert False, error(r.output)
AssertionError: Oops! Assertion failed

The following assertion was not satisfied
  assert False, error(r.output)

  Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):
Code: 48. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: The RANGE OFFSET frame for 'DB::ColumnNullable' ORDER BY column is not implemented. (NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
(query: select x, y,
               first_value(y) over w AS first_value,
               last_value(y) over w AS last_value
          (select number as x, x as y from numbers(1,5)
           union all select null, 42
           union all select null, 43)
        window w as
          (order by x asc nulls first range between 2 preceding and 2 following)
        ORDER BY x, y
         FORMAT TabSeparatedWithNames

Assertion values
  assert False, error(r.output)
  ^ is False

  File '/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/', line 844 in 'query'

836\|                  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
838\|          if not ignore_exception:
839\|              if message is None or "Exception:" not in message:
840\|                  with Then("check if output has exception") if steps else NullStep():
841\|                      if "Exception:" in r.output:
842\|                          if raise_on_exception:
843\|                              raise QueryRuntimeException(r.output)
844\|>                         assert False, error(r.output)
846\|          return r
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range overflow/negative overflow with Int16XFail 78ms
exception on conversion
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 257, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 253, in regression
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.feature", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 75, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.frame_clause", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 69, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.range_overflow", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 145, in feature
    Scenario(run=scenario, flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 42, in negative_overflow_with_Int16
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 140, in execute_query
    r = current().context.node.query(
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/", line 844, in query
    assert False, error(r.output)
AssertionError: Oops! Assertion failed

The following assertion was not satisfied
  assert False, error(r.output)

  Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):
Code: 69. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Cannot convert value '2147450885': it cannot be represented as Int16. (ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUND)
(query: select number as x, last_value(x) over (order by toInt16(x) desc range between current row and 2147450885 following) as last_value
        from (SELECT -number - 32763 AS number FROM numbers(1, 3)) order by x
         FORMAT TabSeparatedWithNames

Assertion values
  assert False, error(r.output)
  ^ is False

  File '/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/', line 844 in 'query'

836\|                  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
838\|          if not ignore_exception:
839\|              if message is None or "Exception:" not in message:
840\|                  with Then("check if output has exception") if steps else NullStep():
841\|                      if "Exception:" in r.output:
842\|                          if raise_on_exception:
843\|                              raise QueryRuntimeException(r.output)
844\|>                         assert False, error(r.output)
846\|          return r
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range overflow/positive overflow with Int16XFail 87ms
exception on conversion
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 257, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 253, in regression
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.feature", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 75, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.frame_clause", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 69, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.range_overflow", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 145, in feature
    Scenario(run=scenario, flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 20, in positive_overflow_with_Int16
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 140, in execute_query
    r = current().context.node.query(
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/", line 844, in query
    assert False, error(r.output)
AssertionError: Oops! Assertion failed

The following assertion was not satisfied
  assert False, error(r.output)

  Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):
Code: 69. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Cannot convert value '2147450884': it cannot be represented as Int16. (ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUND)
(query: select number as x, last_value(x) over (order by toInt16(x) range between current row and 2147450884 following) AS last_value
        from numbers(32764, 3) order by x
         FORMAT TabSeparatedWithNames

Assertion values
  assert False, error(r.output)
  ^ is False

  File '/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/', line 844 in 'query'

836\|                  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
838\|          if not ignore_exception:
839\|              if message is None or "Exception:" not in message:
840\|                  with Then("check if output has exception") if steps else NullStep():
841\|                      if "Exception:" in r.output:
842\|                          if raise_on_exception:
843\|                              raise QueryRuntimeException(r.output)
844\|>                         assert False, error(r.output)
846\|          return r
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range errors/error negative following offsetXFail 100ms
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 257, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 253, in regression
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.feature", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 75, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.frame_clause", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 71, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.range_errors", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 114, in feature
    Scenario(run=scenario, flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 105, in error_negative_following_offset
    r = current().context.node.query(sql, exitcode=exitcode, message=message)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/", line 836, in query
    assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
AssertionError: Oops! Assertion failed

The following assertion was not satisfied
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)

  Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):
Code: 36. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Window frame start offset must be nonnegative, -2 given. (BAD_ARGUMENTS)
(query: select max(enroll_date) over (order by salary range between 1 preceding and -2 following) AS max, salary, enroll_date from empsalary

Assertion values
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
         ^ is 'DB::Exception: Frame end offset must be greater than zero, -2 given'
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                    ^ is 
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                    ^ is = 'Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):\nCode: 36. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Window frame start offset must be nonnegative, -2 given. (BAD_ARGUMENTS)\n(query: select max(enroll_date) over (order by salary range between 1 preceding and -2 following) AS max, salary, enroll_date from empsalary\n)'
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                 ^ is = False
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
  ^ is False

  File '/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/', line 836 in 'query'

828\|                  assert r.exitcode == exitcode, error(r.output)
830\|          if message is not None:
831\|              with (
832\|                  Then(f"output should contain message", description=message)
833\|                  if steps
834\|                  else NullStep()
835\|              ):
836\|>                 assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
838\|          if not ignore_exception:
839\|              if message is None or "Exception:" not in message:
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range errors/error negative preceding offsetXFail 74ms
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 257, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 253, in regression
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.feature", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 75, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.frame_clause", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 71, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.range_errors", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 114, in feature
    Scenario(run=scenario, flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 89, in error_negative_preceding_offset
    r = current().context.node.query(sql, exitcode=exitcode, message=message)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/", line 836, in query
    assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
AssertionError: Oops! Assertion failed

The following assertion was not satisfied
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)

  Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):
Code: 36. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Window frame start offset must be nonnegative, -1 given. (BAD_ARGUMENTS)
(query: select max(enroll_date) over (order by salary range between -1 preceding and 2 following) AS max, salary, enroll_date from empsalary

Assertion values
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
         ^ is 'DB::Exception: Frame start offset must be greater than zero, -1 given'
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                    ^ is 
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                    ^ is = 'Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):\nCode: 36. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Window frame start offset must be nonnegative, -1 given. (BAD_ARGUMENTS)\n(query: select max(enroll_date) over (order by salary range between -1 preceding and 2 following) AS max, salary, enroll_date from empsalary\n)'
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                 ^ is = False
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
  ^ is False

  File '/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/', line 836 in 'query'

828\|                  assert r.exitcode == exitcode, error(r.output)
830\|          if message is not None:
831\|              with (
832\|                  Then(f"output should contain message", description=message)
833\|                  if steps
834\|                  else NullStep()
835\|              ):
836\|>                 assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
838\|          if not ignore_exception:
839\|              if message is None or "Exception:" not in message:
/window functions/tests/non distributed/misc/subquery expr precedingXFail 83ms
subquery is not supported as offset
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 257, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 253, in regression
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.feature", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 82, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.misc", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 466, in feature
    Scenario(run=scenario, flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 27, in subquery_expr_preceding
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 152, in execute_query
    assert r.output.strip() == expected, error()
AssertionError: Oops! Assertion failed

The following assertion was not satisfied
  assert r.output.strip() == expected, error()

Assertion values
  assert r.output.strip() == expected, error()
         ^ is 
  assert r.output.strip() == expected, error()
         ^ is = 'sum\tunique1\n0\t0\n1\t1\n3\t2\n5\t3\n7\t4\n9\t5\n11\t6\n13\t7\n15\t8\n17\t9'
  assert r.output.strip() == expected, error()
         ^ is 'sum\tunique1\n0\t0\n1\t1\n3\t2\n5\t3\n7\t4\n9\t5\n11\t6\n13\t7\n15\t8\n17\t9'
  assert r.output.strip() == expected, error()
         ^ is = 
  assert r.output.strip() == expected, error()
         ^ is = 'sum\tunique1\n0\t0\n1\t1\n3\t2\n5\t3\n7\t4\n9\t5\n11\t6\n13\t7\n15\t8\n17\t9'
  assert r.output.strip() == expected, error()
                             ^ is 'sum\tunique1\n0\t0\n1\t1\n3\t2\n5\t3Fmu\n7\t4\n9\t5\n11\t6\n13\t7\n15\t8\n17\t9'
  assert r.output.strip() == expected, error()
                          ^ is = False
    @@ -5 +5 @@
    -5  3
    +5  3Fmu
  assert r.output.strip() == expected, error()
  ^ is False

  File '/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/', line 152 in 'execute_query'

144\|              no_checks=no_checks,
145\|          )
146\|          if no_checks:
147\|              return r
149\|      if message is None:
150\|          if expected is not None:
151\|              with Then("I check output against expected"):
152\|>                 assert r.output.strip() == expected, error()
153\|          else:
154\|              with Then("I check output against snapshot"):
155\|                  with values() as that:
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and current row zero special caseXFail 76ms
known bug
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 257, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 253, in regression
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.feature", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 75, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.frame_clause", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 68, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.range_frame", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1745, in feature
    Scenario(run=scenario, flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1353, in between_expr_following_and_current_row_zero_special_case
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 140, in execute_query
    r = current().context.node.query(
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/", line 844, in query
    assert False, error(r.output)
AssertionError: Oops! Assertion failed

The following assertion was not satisfied
  assert False, error(r.output)

  Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):
Code: 36. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Window frame 'RANGE BETWEEN 0 FOLLOWING AND CURRENT ROW' is invalid. (BAD_ARGUMENTS)
(query: SELECT number,sum(number) OVER (ORDER BY number RANGE BETWEEN 0 FOLLOWING AND CURRENT ROW) AS sum FROM values('number Int8', (1),(1),(2),(3)) ORDER BY number FORMAT TabSeparatedWithNames

Assertion values
  assert False, error(r.output)
  ^ is False

  File '/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/', line 844 in 'query'

836\|                  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
838\|          if not ignore_exception:
839\|              if message is None or "Exception:" not in message:
840\|                  with Then("check if output has exception") if steps else NullStep():
841\|                      if "Exception:" in r.output:
842\|                          if raise_on_exception:
843\|                              raise QueryRuntimeException(r.output)
844\|>                         assert False, error(r.output)
846\|          return r
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and expr following without order by errorXFail 84ms
invalid error message
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 257, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 253, in regression
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.feature", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 75, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.frame_clause", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 68, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.range_frame", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1745, in feature
    Scenario(run=scenario, flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1217, in between_expr_following_and_expr_following_without_order_by_error
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/", line 836, in query
    assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
AssertionError: Oops! Assertion failed

The following assertion was not satisfied
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)

  Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):
Code: 36. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: The RANGE OFFSET window frame requires exactly one ORDER BY column, 0 given. (BAD_ARGUMENTS)
(query: SELECT number,sum(number) OVER (RANGE BETWEEN 1 FOLLOWING AND 1 FOLLOWING) FROM values('number Int8', (1),(1),(2),(3))

Assertion values
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
         ^ is 'Exception: Window frame'
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                    ^ is 
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                    ^ is = "Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):\nCode: 36. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: The RANGE OFFSET window frame requires exactly one ORDER BY column, 0 given. (BAD_ARGUMENTS)\n(query: SELECT number,sum(number) OVER (RANGE BETWEEN 1 FOLLOWING AND 1 FOLLOWING) FROM values('number Int8', (1),(1),(2),(3))\n)"
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                 ^ is = False
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
  ^ is False

  File '/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/', line 836 in 'query'

828\|                  assert r.exitcode == exitcode, error(r.output)
830\|          if message is not None:
831\|              with (
832\|                  Then(f"output should contain message", description=message)
833\|                  if steps
834\|                  else NullStep()
835\|              ):
836\|>                 assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
838\|          if not ignore_exception:
839\|              if message is None or "Exception:" not in message:
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and expr preceding with order by zero special caseXFail 79ms
known bug
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 257, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 253, in regression
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.feature", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 75, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.frame_clause", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 68, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.range_frame", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1745, in feature
    Scenario(run=scenario, flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1422, in between_expr_following_and_expr_preceding_with_order_by_zero_special_case
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 140, in execute_query
    r = current().context.node.query(
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/", line 844, in query
    assert False, error(r.output)
AssertionError: Oops! Assertion failed

The following assertion was not satisfied
  assert False, error(r.output)

  Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):
Code: 36. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Frame start offset 0 FOLLOWING does not precede the frame end offset 0 PRECEDING. (BAD_ARGUMENTS)
(query: SELECT number,sum(number) OVER (ORDER BY number RANGE BETWEEN 0 FOLLOWING AND 0 PRECEDING) AS sum FROM values('number Int8', (1),(1),(2),(3)) ORDER BY number FORMAT TabSeparatedWithNames

Assertion values
  assert False, error(r.output)
  ^ is False

  File '/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/', line 844 in 'query'

836\|                  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
838\|          if not ignore_exception:
839\|              if message is None or "Exception:" not in message:
840\|                  with Then("check if output has exception") if steps else NullStep():
841\|                      if "Exception:" in r.output:
842\|                          if raise_on_exception:
843\|                              raise QueryRuntimeException(r.output)
844\|>                         assert False, error(r.output)
846\|          return r
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and expr preceding without order by errorXFail 100ms
invalid error message
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 257, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 253, in regression
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.feature", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 75, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.frame_clause", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 68, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.range_frame", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1745, in feature
    Scenario(run=scenario, flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1234, in between_expr_following_and_expr_preceding_without_order_by_error
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/", line 836, in query
    assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
AssertionError: Oops! Assertion failed

The following assertion was not satisfied
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)

  Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):
Code: 36. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Frame start offset 0 FOLLOWING does not precede the frame end offset 0 PRECEDING. (BAD_ARGUMENTS)
(query: SELECT number,sum(number) OVER (RANGE BETWEEN 0 FOLLOWING AND 0 PRECEDING) FROM values('number Int8', (1),(1),(2),(3))

Assertion values
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
         ^ is 'Exception: Window frame'
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                    ^ is 
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                    ^ is = "Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):\nCode: 36. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Frame start offset 0 FOLLOWING does not precede the frame end offset 0 PRECEDING. (BAD_ARGUMENTS)\n(query: SELECT number,sum(number) OVER (RANGE BETWEEN 0 FOLLOWING AND 0 PRECEDING) FROM values('number Int8', (1),(1),(2),(3))\n)"
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                 ^ is = False
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
  ^ is False

  File '/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/', line 836 in 'query'

828\|                  assert r.exitcode == exitcode, error(r.output)
830\|          if message is not None:
831\|              with (
832\|                  Then(f"output should contain message", description=message)
833\|                  if steps
834\|                  else NullStep()
835\|              ):
836\|>                 assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
838\|          if not ignore_exception:
839\|              if message is None or "Exception:" not in message:
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/order by decimalXFail 96ms
Exception: The RANGE OFFSET frame for 'DB::ColumnDecimal >' ORDER BY column is not implemented
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 257, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 253, in regression
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.feature", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 75, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.frame_clause", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 68, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.range_frame", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1745, in feature
    Scenario(run=scenario, flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1658, in order_by_decimal
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 140, in execute_query
    r = current().context.node.query(
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/", line 844, in query
    assert False, error(r.output)
AssertionError: Oops! Assertion failed

The following assertion was not satisfied
  assert False, error(r.output)

  Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):
Code: 48. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: The RANGE OFFSET frame for 'DB::ColumnDecimal>' ORDER BY column is not implemented. (NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
(query: select id, f_numeric, first_value(id) over w AS first_value, last_value(id) over w AS last_value
        from numerics
        window w as (order by f_numeric range between
                     1 preceding and 1 following)
        ORDER BY id
         FORMAT TabSeparatedWithNames

Assertion values
  assert False, error(r.output)
  ^ is False

  File '/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/', line 844 in 'query'

836\|                  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
838\|          if not ignore_exception:
839\|              if message is None or "Exception:" not in message:
840\|                  with Then("check if output has exception") if steps else NullStep():
841\|                      if "Exception:" in r.output:
842\|                          if raise_on_exception:
843\|                              raise QueryRuntimeException(r.output)
844\|>                         assert False, error(r.output)
846\|          return r
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/with nullsXFail 124ms
DB::Exception: The RANGE OFFSET frame for 'DB::ColumnNullable' ORDER BY column is not implemented
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 257, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 253, in regression
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.feature", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 75, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.frame_clause", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 68, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.range_frame", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1745, in feature
    Scenario(run=scenario, flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 1719, in with_nulls
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 140, in execute_query
    r = current().context.node.query(
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/", line 844, in query
    assert False, error(r.output)
AssertionError: Oops! Assertion failed

The following assertion was not satisfied
  assert False, error(r.output)

  Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):
Code: 48. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: The RANGE OFFSET frame for 'DB::ColumnNullable' ORDER BY column is not implemented. (NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
(query: select x, y,
               first_value(y) over w AS first_value,
               last_value(y) over w AS last_value
          (select number as x, x as y from numbers(1,5)
           union all select null, 42
           union all select null, 43)
        window w as
          (order by x asc nulls first range between 2 preceding and 2 following)
        ORDER BY x, y
         FORMAT TabSeparatedWithNames

Assertion values
  assert False, error(r.output)
  ^ is False

  File '/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/', line 844 in 'query'

836\|                  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
838\|          if not ignore_exception:
839\|              if message is None or "Exception:" not in message:
840\|                  with Then("check if output has exception") if steps else NullStep():
841\|                      if "Exception:" in r.output:
842\|                          if raise_on_exception:
843\|                              raise QueryRuntimeException(r.output)
844\|>                         assert False, error(r.output)
846\|          return r
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range overflow/negative overflow with Int16XFail 89ms
exception on conversion
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 257, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 253, in regression
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.feature", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 75, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.frame_clause", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 69, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.range_overflow", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 145, in feature
    Scenario(run=scenario, flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 42, in negative_overflow_with_Int16
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 140, in execute_query
    r = current().context.node.query(
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/", line 844, in query
    assert False, error(r.output)
AssertionError: Oops! Assertion failed

The following assertion was not satisfied
  assert False, error(r.output)

  Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):
Code: 69. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Cannot convert value '2147450885': it cannot be represented as Int16. (ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUND)
(query: select number as x, last_value(x) over (order by toInt16(x) desc range between current row and 2147450885 following) as last_value
        from (SELECT -number - 32763 AS number FROM numbers(1, 3)) order by x
         FORMAT TabSeparatedWithNames

Assertion values
  assert False, error(r.output)
  ^ is False

  File '/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/', line 844 in 'query'

836\|                  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
838\|          if not ignore_exception:
839\|              if message is None or "Exception:" not in message:
840\|                  with Then("check if output has exception") if steps else NullStep():
841\|                      if "Exception:" in r.output:
842\|                          if raise_on_exception:
843\|                              raise QueryRuntimeException(r.output)
844\|>                         assert False, error(r.output)
846\|          return r
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range overflow/positive overflow with Int16XFail 104ms
exception on conversion
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 257, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 253, in regression
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.feature", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 75, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.frame_clause", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 69, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.range_overflow", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 145, in feature
    Scenario(run=scenario, flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 20, in positive_overflow_with_Int16
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 140, in execute_query
    r = current().context.node.query(
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/", line 844, in query
    assert False, error(r.output)
AssertionError: Oops! Assertion failed

The following assertion was not satisfied
  assert False, error(r.output)

  Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):
Code: 69. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Cannot convert value '2147450884': it cannot be represented as Int16. (ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUND)
(query: select number as x, last_value(x) over (order by toInt16(x) range between current row and 2147450884 following) AS last_value
        from numbers(32764, 3) order by x
         FORMAT TabSeparatedWithNames

Assertion values
  assert False, error(r.output)
  ^ is False

  File '/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/', line 844 in 'query'

836\|                  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
838\|          if not ignore_exception:
839\|              if message is None or "Exception:" not in message:
840\|                  with Then("check if output has exception") if steps else NullStep():
841\|                      if "Exception:" in r.output:
842\|                          if raise_on_exception:
843\|                              raise QueryRuntimeException(r.output)
844\|>                         assert False, error(r.output)
846\|          return r
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range errors/error negative following offsetXFail 88ms
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 257, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 253, in regression
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.feature", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 75, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.frame_clause", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 71, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.range_errors", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 114, in feature
    Scenario(run=scenario, flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 105, in error_negative_following_offset
    r = current().context.node.query(sql, exitcode=exitcode, message=message)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/", line 836, in query
    assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
AssertionError: Oops! Assertion failed

The following assertion was not satisfied
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)

  Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):
Code: 36. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Window frame start offset must be nonnegative, -2 given. (BAD_ARGUMENTS)
(query: select max(enroll_date) over (order by salary range between 1 preceding and -2 following) AS max, salary, enroll_date from empsalary

Assertion values
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
         ^ is 'DB::Exception: Frame end offset must be greater than zero, -2 given'
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                    ^ is 
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                    ^ is = 'Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):\nCode: 36. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Window frame start offset must be nonnegative, -2 given. (BAD_ARGUMENTS)\n(query: select max(enroll_date) over (order by salary range between 1 preceding and -2 following) AS max, salary, enroll_date from empsalary\n)'
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                 ^ is = False
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
  ^ is False

  File '/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/', line 836 in 'query'

828\|                  assert r.exitcode == exitcode, error(r.output)
830\|          if message is not None:
831\|              with (
832\|                  Then(f"output should contain message", description=message)
833\|                  if steps
834\|                  else NullStep()
835\|              ):
836\|>                 assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
838\|          if not ignore_exception:
839\|              if message is None or "Exception:" not in message:
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range errors/error negative preceding offsetXFail 95ms
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 257, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 253, in regression
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.feature", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 75, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.frame_clause", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 71, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.range_errors", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 114, in feature
    Scenario(run=scenario, flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 89, in error_negative_preceding_offset
    r = current().context.node.query(sql, exitcode=exitcode, message=message)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/", line 836, in query
    assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
AssertionError: Oops! Assertion failed

The following assertion was not satisfied
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)

  Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):
Code: 36. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Window frame start offset must be nonnegative, -1 given. (BAD_ARGUMENTS)
(query: select max(enroll_date) over (order by salary range between -1 preceding and 2 following) AS max, salary, enroll_date from empsalary

Assertion values
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
         ^ is 'DB::Exception: Frame start offset must be greater than zero, -1 given'
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                    ^ is 
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                    ^ is = 'Received exception from server (version 23.3.19):\nCode: 36. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Window frame start offset must be nonnegative, -1 given. (BAD_ARGUMENTS)\n(query: select max(enroll_date) over (order by salary range between -1 preceding and 2 following) AS max, salary, enroll_date from empsalary\n)'
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
                 ^ is = False
  assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
  ^ is False

  File '/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../helpers/', line 836 in 'query'

828\|                  assert r.exitcode == exitcode, error(r.output)
830\|          if message is not None:
831\|              with (
832\|                  Then(f"output should contain message", description=message)
833\|                  if steps
834\|                  else NullStep()
835\|              ):
836\|>                 assert message in r.output, error(r.output)
838\|          if not ignore_exception:
839\|              if message is None or "Exception:" not in message:
/window functions/tests/distributed/misc/subquery expr precedingXFail 85ms
subquery is not supported as offset
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 257, in 
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/", line 253, in regression
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.feature", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 82, in feature
    Feature(run=load("window_functions.tests.misc", "feature"), flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 466, in feature
    Scenario(run=scenario, flags=TE)
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 27, in subquery_expr_preceding
  File "/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/", line 152, in execute_query
    assert r.output.strip() == expected, error()
AssertionError: Oops! Assertion failed

The following assertion was not satisfied
  assert r.output.strip() == expected, error()

Assertion values
  assert r.output.strip() == expected, error()
         ^ is 
  assert r.output.strip() == expected, error()
         ^ is = 'sum\tunique1\n0\t0\n1\t1\n3\t2\n5\t3\n7\t4\n9\t5\n11\t6\n13\t7\n15\t8\n17\t9'
  assert r.output.strip() == expected, error()
         ^ is 'sum\tunique1\n0\t0\n1\t1\n3\t2\n5\t3\n7\t4\n9\t5\n11\t6\n13\t7\n15\t8\n17\t9'
  assert r.output.strip() == expected, error()
         ^ is = 
  assert r.output.strip() == expected, error()
         ^ is = 'sum\tunique1\n0\t0\n1\t1\n3\t2\n5\t3\n7\t4\n9\t5\n11\t6\n13\t7\n15\t8\n17\t9'
  assert r.output.strip() == expected, error()
                             ^ is 'sum\tunique1\n0\t0\n1\t1\n3\t2\n5\t3Fmu\n7\t4\n9\t5\n11\t6\n13\t7\n15\t8\n17\t9'
  assert r.output.strip() == expected, error()
                          ^ is = False
    @@ -5 +5 @@
    -5  3
    +5  3Fmu
  assert r.output.strip() == expected, error()
  ^ is False

  File '/home/ubuntu/_work/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/window_functions/../window_functions/tests/', line 152 in 'execute_query'

144\|              no_checks=no_checks,
145\|          )
146\|          if no_checks:
147\|              return r
149\|      if message is None:
150\|          if expected is not None:
151\|              with Then("I check output against expected"):
152\|>                 assert r.output.strip() == expected, error()
153\|          else:
154\|              with Then("I check output against snapshot"):
155\|                  with values() as that:


Test Name Result Duration
/window functions OK 7m 45s
/window functions/tests OK 5m 27s
/window functions/tests/non distributed OK 2m 39s
/window functions/tests/non distributed/window spec OK 673ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/window spec/empty OK 53ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/window spec/frame clause OK 77ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/window spec/order by with frame OK 73ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/window spec/orderby clause OK 79ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/window spec/partition clause OK 96ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/window spec/partition with frame OK 95ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/window spec/partition with order by OK 96ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/window spec/partition with order by and frame OK 98ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/partition clause OK 287ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/partition clause/invalid expr error OK 63ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/partition clause/missing expr error OK 87ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/partition clause/multiple expr OK 65ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/partition clause/single expr OK 68ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/order clause OK 994ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/order clause/by a non integer constant OK 97ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/order clause/by column OK 96ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/order clause/by expr OK 95ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/order clause/by expr with aggregates OK 118ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/order clause/invalid expr error OK 82ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/order clause/missing expr error OK 90ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/order clause/multiple expr asc asc OK 57ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/order clause/multiple expr asc desc OK 95ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/order clause/multiple expr desc desc OK 77ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/order clause/single expr asc OK 82ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/order clause/single expr desc OK 96ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause OK 11s 926ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/default frame OK 159ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/default frame/with order by OK 83ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/default frame/without order by OK 75ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame OK 3s 132ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between current row and current row OK 93ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between current row and expr following OK 74ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between current row and expr preceding error OK 87ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between current row and unbounded following OK 72ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between current row and unbounded preceding error OK 67ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr following and expr following OK 67ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr following and expr following error OK 80ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr following and expr following ref OK 78ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr following and unbounded following OK 63ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr following error OK 262ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr preceding and current row OK 75ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr preceding and expr following OK 96ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr preceding and expr following ref OK 100ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr preceding and expr preceding OK 88ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr preceding and expr preceding error OK 96ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr preceding and expr preceding ref OK 82ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr preceding and unbounded following OK 94ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr preceding and unbounded preceding error OK 77ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between unbounded following error OK 422ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between unbounded preceding and current row OK 99ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between unbounded preceding and expr following OK 96ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between unbounded preceding and expr preceding OK 76ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between unbounded preceding and unbounded following OK 76ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between unbounded preceding and unbounded preceding error OK 87ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/invalid frame extent OK 90ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/missing frame extent OK 87ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/start current row OK 94ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/start expr following error OK 92ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/start expr preceding OK 94ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/start unbounded following error OK 65ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/rows frame/start unbounded preceding OK 81ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame OK 6s 887ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between current row and current row OK 170ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between current row and expr following with order by OK 69ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between current row and expr following without order by error OK 72ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between current row and expr preceding error OK 145ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between current row and unbounded following OK 261ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between current row and unbounded following in named window OK 97ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between current row and unbounded following modifying named window OK 97ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between current row and unbounded preceding error OK 150ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and current row with order by error OK 66ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and current row without order by error OK 70ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and current row zero special case XFail 149ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and expr following with order by OK 99ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and expr following with order by error OK 91ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and expr following without order by error XFail 94ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and expr preceding error OK 161ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and expr preceding with order by zero special case XFail 96ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and expr preceding without order by error XFail 93ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and unbounded following with order by OK 96ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and unbounded following without order by error OK 86ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and unbounded preceding error OK 154ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and current row with order by OK 82ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and current row without order by error OK 96ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and expr following with order by OK 138ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and expr following with partition and order by OK 83ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and expr following with partition by same column twice OK 88ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and expr following with partition by two columns OK 98ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and expr following without order by error OK 92ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and expr preceding with order by OK 156ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and expr preceding with order by error OK 58ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and expr preceding without order by error OK 92ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and unbounded following with order by OK 77ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and unbounded following without order by error OK 78ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and unbounded preceding error OK 176ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded following and current row error OK 162ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded following and expr following error OK 153ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded following and expr preceding error OK 164ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded following and unbounded following error OK 157ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded following and unbounded preceding error OK 172ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded preceding and current row OK 173ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded preceding and current row with expressions in order by and aggregate OK 101ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded preceding and expr following with order by OK 96ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded preceding and expr following without order by error OK 90ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded preceding and expr preceding with order by OK 99ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded preceding and expr preceding without order by error OK 92ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded preceding and unbounded following OK 208ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded preceding and unbounded preceding error OK 152ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/invalid frame extent OK 66ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/missing frame extent OK 50ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/order by decimal XFail 84ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/order by float OK 106ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/start current row with order by OK 87ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/start current row without order by OK 100ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/start expr following with order by error OK 100ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/start expr following without order by error OK 97ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/start expr preceding order by non numerical column error OK 93ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/start expr preceding with order by OK 103ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/start expr preceding without order by error OK 90ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/start unbounded following error OK 148ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/start unbounded preceding with order by OK 99ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/start unbounded preceding without order by OK 75ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range frame/with nulls XFail 93ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range overflow OK 475ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range overflow/negative overflow for Int32 OK 90ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range overflow/negative overflow for Int64 OK 89ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range overflow/negative overflow with Int16 XFail 78ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range overflow/positive overflow for Int32 OK 56ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range overflow/positive overflow for Int64 OK 71ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range overflow/positive overflow with Int16 XFail 87ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range datetime OK 727ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range datetime/datetime order by asc range between n preceding and n following OK 71ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range datetime/datetime order by desc range between n preceding and n following OK 67ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range datetime/datetime with timezone order by asc range between n preceding and n following OK 128ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range datetime/datetime with timezone order by desc range between n preceding and n following OK 123ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range datetime/order by asc range between days preceding and days following OK 67ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range datetime/order by desc range between days following and days following OK 107ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range datetime/order by desc range between days preceding and days following OK 83ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range datetime/order by desc range between days preceding and days preceding OK 75ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range errors OK 516ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range errors/error missing order by OK 81ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range errors/error missing order by with partition by clause OK 92ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range errors/error more than one order by column OK 91ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range errors/error negative following offset XFail 100ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range errors/error negative preceding offset XFail 74ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/frame clause/range errors/error range over non numerical column OK 73ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/window clause OK 384ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/window clause/missing window spec OK 87ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/window clause/multiple identical windows OK 67ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/window clause/multiple windows OK 84ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/window clause/single window OK 75ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/window clause/unused window OK 67ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/over clause OK 555ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/over clause/adhoc window OK 99ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/over clause/empty OK 112ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/over clause/empty named window OK 94ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/over clause/invalid multiple windows OK 82ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/over clause/invalid window name OK 90ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/over clause/missing window spec OK 73ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/funcs OK 2s 408ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/funcs/dense rank OK 97ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/funcs/first value OK 182ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/funcs/first value with lead workaround OK 77ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/funcs/lag OK 288ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/funcs/lagInFrame OK 384ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/funcs/last value OK 338ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/funcs/last value with lag workaround OK 100ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/funcs/last value with no frame OK 95ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/funcs/lead OK 279ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/funcs/leadInFrame OK 369ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/funcs/rank OK 94ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/funcs/row number OK 94ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/aggregate funcs OK 8s 458ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/aggregate funcs/aggregate and window function in the same window OK 99ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/aggregate funcs/aggregate funcs over rows frame OK 7s 287ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/aggregate funcs/aggregate function recovers from nan OK 65ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/aggregate funcs/avgWeighted OK 271ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/aggregate funcs/avg with nulls OK 66ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/aggregate funcs/bit functions OK 75ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/aggregate funcs/nested aggregates OK 96ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/aggregate funcs/stddevpop OK 79ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/aggregate funcs/stddevsamp OK 93ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/aggregate funcs/sum OK 75ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/aggregate funcs/ungrouped aggregate over empty row set OK 72ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/aggregate funcs/var pop OK 74ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/aggregate funcs/var samp OK 97ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/time decayed funcs OK 2m 0s
/window functions/tests/non distributed/time decayed funcs/exponentialTimeDecayedAvg OK 16s 276ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/time decayed funcs/exponentialTimeDecayedCount OK 14s 866ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/time decayed funcs/exponentialTimeDecayedMax OK 1m 12s
/window functions/tests/non distributed/time decayed funcs/exponentialTimeDecayedSum OK 16s 953ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/errors OK 874ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/errors/error coma between partition by and order by clause OK 92ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/errors/error named window defined twice OK 78ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/errors/error order by another window function OK 93ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/errors/error select from window OK 95ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/errors/error using non window function OK 95ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/errors/error window function in alter delete where OK 66ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/errors/error window function in group by OK 82ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/errors/error window function in having OK 75ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/errors/error window function in join OK 93ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/errors/error window function in where OK 95ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/misc OK 1s 798ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/misc/count with empty over clause without start OK 97ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/misc/empty table OK 84ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/misc/exclude clause OK 67ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/misc/from subquery OK 96ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/misc/group by and multiple windows OK 96ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/misc/group by and one window OK 100ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/misc/groups frame OK 98ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/misc/in view OK 321ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/misc/query with order by and one window OK 59ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/misc/subquery expr preceding XFail 83ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/misc/subquery multiple window functions OK 96ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/misc/subquery multiple window functions with bigger table OK 103ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/misc/subquery with multiple windows filtering OK 96ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/misc/window functions in select expression OK 96ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/misc/window functions in subquery OK 100ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/misc/windows with same partitioning but different ordering OK 90ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/misc/with union all OK 102ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/datatypes OK 1s 7ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/datatypes/date OK 68ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/datatypes/datetime OK 82ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/datatypes/datetime64 OK 74ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/datatypes/decimal32 OK 67ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/datatypes/enum OK 75ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/datatypes/fixed string OK 76ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/datatypes/ipv4 OK 98ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/datatypes/ipv6 OK 98ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/datatypes/low cardinality OK 75ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/datatypes/map OK 96ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/datatypes/string OK 93ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/datatypes/uuid OK 96ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/non-negative derivative func OK 7s 552ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/non-negative derivative func/acceptance OK 308ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/non-negative derivative func/check intervals OK 801ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/non-negative derivative func/check negative result OK 94ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/non-negative derivative func/check one row per partition OK 95ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/non-negative derivative func/check over windows OK 2s 842ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/non-negative derivative func/division by tiny OK 216ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/non-negative derivative func/division by zero OK 94ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/non-negative derivative func/empty table OK 234ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/non-negative derivative func/null values OK 141ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/non-negative derivative func/valid metric types OK 1s 575ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/non-negative derivative func/valid timestamp types OK 380ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/non-negative derivative func/wrong number of arguments or types OK 674ms
/window functions/tests/non distributed/non-negative derivative func/zero interval OK 88ms
/window functions/tests/distributed OK 2m 48s
/window functions/tests/distributed/window spec OK 724ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/window spec/empty OK 106ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/window spec/frame clause OK 99ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/window spec/order by with frame OK 102ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/window spec/orderby clause OK 82ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/window spec/partition clause OK 102ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/window spec/partition with frame OK 88ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/window spec/partition with order by OK 69ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/window spec/partition with order by and frame OK 69ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/partition clause OK 337ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/partition clause/invalid expr error OK 66ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/partition clause/missing expr error OK 92ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/partition clause/multiple expr OK 98ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/partition clause/single expr OK 78ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/order clause OK 945ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/order clause/by a non integer constant OK 68ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/order clause/by column OK 85ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/order clause/by expr OK 100ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/order clause/by expr with aggregates OK 76ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/order clause/invalid expr error OK 54ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/order clause/missing expr error OK 90ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/order clause/multiple expr asc asc OK 98ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/order clause/multiple expr asc desc OK 97ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/order clause/multiple expr desc desc OK 79ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/order clause/single expr asc OK 94ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/order clause/single expr desc OK 95ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause OK 11s 944ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/default frame OK 204ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/default frame/with order by OK 98ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/default frame/without order by OK 105ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame OK 3s 118ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between current row and current row OK 99ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between current row and expr following OK 101ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between current row and expr preceding error OK 89ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between current row and unbounded following OK 103ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between current row and unbounded preceding error OK 92ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr following and expr following OK 100ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr following and expr following error OK 56ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr following and expr following ref OK 106ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr following and unbounded following OK 78ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr following error OK 246ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr preceding and current row OK 85ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr preceding and expr following OK 81ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr preceding and expr following ref OK 63ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr preceding and expr preceding OK 99ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr preceding and expr preceding error OK 94ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr preceding and expr preceding ref OK 82ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr preceding and unbounded following OK 96ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between expr preceding and unbounded preceding error OK 55ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between unbounded following error OK 352ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between unbounded preceding and current row OK 106ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between unbounded preceding and expr following OK 102ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between unbounded preceding and expr preceding OK 98ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between unbounded preceding and unbounded following OK 76ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/between unbounded preceding and unbounded preceding error OK 96ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/invalid frame extent OK 50ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/missing frame extent OK 86ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/start current row OK 87ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/start expr following error OK 57ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/start expr preceding OK 73ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/start unbounded following error OK 85ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/rows frame/start unbounded preceding OK 102ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame OK 6s 844ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between current row and current row OK 202ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between current row and expr following with order by OK 99ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between current row and expr following without order by error OK 80ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between current row and expr preceding error OK 136ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between current row and unbounded following OK 285ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between current row and unbounded following in named window OK 102ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between current row and unbounded following modifying named window OK 104ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between current row and unbounded preceding error OK 186ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and current row with order by error OK 90ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and current row without order by error OK 71ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and current row zero special case XFail 76ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and expr following with order by OK 88ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and expr following with order by error OK 85ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and expr following without order by error XFail 84ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and expr preceding error OK 163ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and expr preceding with order by zero special case XFail 79ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and expr preceding without order by error XFail 100ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and unbounded following with order by OK 100ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and unbounded following without order by error OK 63ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr following and unbounded preceding error OK 169ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and current row with order by OK 71ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and current row without order by error OK 66ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and expr following with order by OK 152ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and expr following with partition and order by OK 79ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and expr following with partition by same column twice OK 91ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and expr following with partition by two columns OK 93ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and expr following without order by error OK 93ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and expr preceding with order by OK 188ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and expr preceding with order by error OK 84ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and expr preceding without order by error OK 54ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and unbounded following with order by OK 109ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and unbounded following without order by error OK 63ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between expr preceding and unbounded preceding error OK 140ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded following and current row error OK 120ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded following and expr following error OK 123ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded following and expr preceding error OK 133ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded following and unbounded following error OK 152ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded following and unbounded preceding error OK 166ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded preceding and current row OK 202ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded preceding and current row with expressions in order by and aggregate OK 88ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded preceding and expr following with order by OK 101ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded preceding and expr following without order by error OK 74ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded preceding and expr preceding with order by OK 106ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded preceding and expr preceding without order by error OK 95ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded preceding and unbounded following OK 191ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/between unbounded preceding and unbounded preceding error OK 144ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/invalid frame extent OK 92ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/missing frame extent OK 90ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/order by decimal XFail 96ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/order by float OK 92ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/start current row with order by OK 66ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/start current row without order by OK 90ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/start expr following with order by error OK 93ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/start expr following without order by error OK 95ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/start expr preceding order by non numerical column error OK 94ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/start expr preceding with order by OK 99ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/start expr preceding without order by error OK 104ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/start unbounded following error OK 174ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/start unbounded preceding with order by OK 78ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/start unbounded preceding without order by OK 64ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range frame/with nulls XFail 124ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range overflow OK 568ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range overflow/negative overflow for Int32 OK 88ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range overflow/negative overflow for Int64 OK 86ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range overflow/negative overflow with Int16 XFail 89ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range overflow/positive overflow for Int32 OK 100ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range overflow/positive overflow for Int64 OK 94ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range overflow/positive overflow with Int16 XFail 104ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range datetime OK 668ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range datetime/datetime order by asc range between n preceding and n following OK 70ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range datetime/datetime order by desc range between n preceding and n following OK 74ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range datetime/datetime with timezone order by asc range between n preceding and n following OK 97ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range datetime/datetime with timezone order by desc range between n preceding and n following OK 111ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range datetime/order by asc range between days preceding and days following OK 99ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range datetime/order by desc range between days following and days following OK 66ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range datetime/order by desc range between days preceding and days following OK 61ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range datetime/order by desc range between days preceding and days preceding OK 85ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range errors OK 537ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range errors/error missing order by OK 95ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range errors/error missing order by with partition by clause OK 82ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range errors/error more than one order by column OK 98ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range errors/error negative following offset XFail 88ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range errors/error negative preceding offset XFail 95ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/frame clause/range errors/error range over non numerical column OK 73ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/window clause OK 488ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/window clause/missing window spec OK 91ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/window clause/multiple identical windows OK 105ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/window clause/multiple windows OK 102ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/window clause/single window OK 85ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/window clause/unused window OK 101ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/over clause OK 523ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/over clause/adhoc window OK 99ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/over clause/empty OK 90ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/over clause/empty named window OK 102ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/over clause/invalid multiple windows OK 76ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/over clause/invalid window name OK 82ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/over clause/missing window spec OK 69ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/funcs OK 2s 738ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/funcs/dense rank OK 100ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/funcs/first value OK 208ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/funcs/first value with lead workaround OK 105ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/funcs/lag OK 306ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/funcs/lagInFrame OK 424ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/funcs/last value OK 402ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/funcs/last value with lag workaround OK 105ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/funcs/last value with no frame OK 75ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/funcs/lead OK 417ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/funcs/leadInFrame OK 390ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/funcs/rank OK 99ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/funcs/row number OK 96ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/aggregate funcs OK 8s 650ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/aggregate funcs/aggregate and window function in the same window OK 94ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/aggregate funcs/aggregate funcs over rows frame OK 7s 434ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/aggregate funcs/aggregate function recovers from nan OK 81ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/aggregate funcs/avgWeighted OK 219ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/aggregate funcs/avg with nulls OK 142ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/aggregate funcs/bit functions OK 57ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/aggregate funcs/nested aggregates OK 102ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/aggregate funcs/stddevpop OK 93ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/aggregate funcs/stddevsamp OK 68ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/aggregate funcs/sum OK 71ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/aggregate funcs/ungrouped aggregate over empty row set OK 92ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/aggregate funcs/var pop OK 97ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/aggregate funcs/var samp OK 87ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/time decayed funcs OK 2m 0s
/window functions/tests/distributed/time decayed funcs/exponentialTimeDecayedAvg OK 16s 486ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/time decayed funcs/exponentialTimeDecayedCount OK 15s 72ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/time decayed funcs/exponentialTimeDecayedMax OK 1m 12s
/window functions/tests/distributed/time decayed funcs/exponentialTimeDecayedSum OK 16s 815ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/errors OK 905ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/errors/error coma between partition by and order by clause OK 73ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/errors/error named window defined twice OK 92ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/errors/error order by another window function OK 85ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/errors/error select from window OK 88ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/errors/error using non window function OK 73ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/errors/error window function in alter delete where OK 92ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/errors/error window function in group by OK 94ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/errors/error window function in having OK 94ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/errors/error window function in join OK 134ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/errors/error window function in where OK 72ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/misc OK 1s 727ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/misc/count with empty over clause without start OK 83ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/misc/empty table OK 98ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/misc/exclude clause OK 76ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/misc/from subquery OK 86ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/misc/group by and multiple windows OK 81ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/misc/group by and one window OK 81ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/misc/groups frame OK 73ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/misc/in view OK 336ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/misc/query with order by and one window OK 101ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/misc/subquery expr preceding XFail 85ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/misc/subquery multiple window functions OK 99ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/misc/subquery multiple window functions with bigger table Skip 1ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/misc/subquery with multiple windows filtering OK 87ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/misc/window functions in select expression OK 118ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/misc/window functions in subquery OK 108ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/misc/windows with same partitioning but different ordering OK 103ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/misc/with union all OK 96ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/datatypes OK 998ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/datatypes/date OK 85ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/datatypes/datetime OK 97ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/datatypes/datetime64 OK 73ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/datatypes/decimal32 OK 61ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/datatypes/enum OK 63ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/datatypes/fixed string OK 97ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/datatypes/ipv4 OK 99ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/datatypes/ipv6 OK 97ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/datatypes/low cardinality OK 79ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/datatypes/map OK 92ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/datatypes/string OK 80ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/datatypes/uuid OK 66ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/non-negative derivative func OK 7s 398ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/non-negative derivative func/acceptance OK 312ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/non-negative derivative func/check intervals OK 805ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/non-negative derivative func/check negative result OK 71ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/non-negative derivative func/check one row per partition OK 135ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/non-negative derivative func/check over windows OK 2s 762ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/non-negative derivative func/division by tiny OK 245ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/non-negative derivative func/division by zero OK 104ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/non-negative derivative func/empty table OK 279ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/non-negative derivative func/null values OK 176ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/non-negative derivative func/valid metric types OK 1s 470ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/non-negative derivative func/valid timestamp types OK 334ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/non-negative derivative func/wrong number of arguments or types OK 626ms
/window functions/tests/distributed/non-negative derivative func/zero interval OK 67ms

Generated by TestFlows Open-Source Test Framework v2.0.231215.1221232